Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thrifty Thursday-Lucky Penny Edition?

Look, Sluggy! I found a penny. I'm not often one for picking up pennies on the ground, but this one was so nice and shiny and upright, it seemed to call to me. Maybe it will be a new me.

Penny aside, I had some good thrift going on this week. As we look for a new spending normal, I am reminded of the thrill of the bargain, but also that buying just because something is a good deal when it is not a need or a true joy want, is still just spending.

  • Last week our team came in first at Trivia! The $30 gift card was put towards our round of beers this week.
  • I rarely seem to find great meat deals, but last Saturday when I ran into the nearby grocery store, which I try to do at least 1/4 of my shopping, there were $4.00 pork loins, normally $6.99. I bought two. They also had sausage rolls for $1.26, up to three so I bought them, two of which will be used Sunday for the egg bake. 
  • Rarely is lunch provided at work. I had packed a lunch but then the meeting had lunch provide. I was able to save mine for today. time and money saved. 
  • I had forgotten about a meeting a couple weeks back that I had to pay to park. I might have remembered and looked for the receipt when I went to do my expense report for the week, but I was happy to find the receipt for $10 tucked in my phone case. 
  • In time savings, I was able to get on the highway ahead of rush hour, get to a fast solo ensemble performance for my daughter, and get home to finish my work day. Being able to leave the cities early saved as much commuting time as the event at school took. 
Time might not be money, but it is good economy when the clock aligns. I have a free night on the calendar. I'm not sure what DH is doing today on the project list, but I'll pick something to plug away at. I won't have my day off tomorrow either because I have to juggle a couple meetings, but I should at least be home a couple hours earlier than normal. I need a dry weekend. With the volume of rain and still melting snow, we got water in our basement. The rug got soaked so I need to haul it outside to clean and dry. We should have expected this and planned by having the rug up. and towels ready to soak it up any potential water. It happened one time last spring as well. Live and learn. How has your week been? Are you finding ways to economize time or money? Did anyone else find any lucky pennies?


  1. Yuck, we had seepage issues at one of our previous homes so know what you mean. My friend has a septic field and every time it rains for 3 days straight she gets nervous it may backup. The town recently added her to their water, she is hoping they add her to sewer soon as well. Free beers at your trivia night, well that's awesome!

    1. Before we added additional gutters four years ago, it would happen with just a single hard rain. Fortunately, it has only happened the one time last year and this year (so far) when the ground was already soaked and partially frozen. Also, not a septic leak, which would be horrible. I hope your friends problem gets resolved.

  2. Water problems are the worst. I found a penny at Home depot last Saturday!

    1. I'm still waiting for the luck to come out of mine.

  3. I found a penny on the ground in a conference room at work. Fingers crossed that it's lucky. ;-)

    We've done the standard stuff this week, made even more fun because my parents are in town with the kids. Flying them here & giving them spending money is still cheaper than camp, & a lot more fun for the kiddos. They love it! My dad has been cooking for us each night, so we are spoiled.

    1. Maybe your penny will be luckier than mine-nothing yet, but who knows what little things could have happened had I not found it. Little wins add up. I'm glad you had a good time away and your boys with your parents.

  4. I have found several lucky pennies. One, in fact, was a 1917 penny which I discovered lying in the Coinstar slot! That penny became a Christmas gift for our son who is an avid coin collector. While not considered rarity by numismatists, it is worth a bit more than $0.01! (Plus, it was one less gift I had to purchase.)


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