Friday, December 13, 2019

Friday Thoughts

     The college concert in Minneapolis was wonderful. They did not bring the large mural they used on campus, but still had the banners. It was fun looking at Instagram pictures of the prep with the kids. We got to see DD2 very quickly after the show, but then they had to prepare for show two at 8:30. We left  town at 4:00 swung by to get my older daughter from her work, and still because of traffic, only made it 30 minutes ahead.  There were a lot of late arrivals that had to be seated after the first song/processional. I will never live in the west metro suburbs-the traffic is two fold what it is on my side of the cities.  DH ended up staying home. His back was very sore, he was coughing a lot, and still just weak. I hope he gets over this soon. We are on day 11. He did say he was very hungry this morning. I think I'll make him some eggs and toast quick before I got to work.

     DD1 has a horrible sore throat/cough and scratchy voice thing. She has taken steps to feel better but its hard with a job. She has friends in town this weekend too. She was going to get herself to bed early last night. She wisely cancelled two  nights of plans this week so she could rest up. I wish her dad would learn from his kids that you have to take care before the illness gets out of hand!

     It's my son's 31st birthday today! I texted him and will send an e-mail in a bit. He is working, and has a couple days scheduled next week, most likely will get more before LA slows down production efforts for the holidays. He'll be here in just 9 days. After his road trip, he still was working quite a bit, so I think he will be happy for some down time. 

     My plans this weekend is to finalize the last of the scaled back decorating, clean my house thoroughly, get cards made, ordered, picked up and ready to mail, and inventory my gift list. If I can, I'll start wrapping and making a few treats. However, I am not certain I want to do much baking with DH sick.  There's still next weekend for that. I'd like to go to the high school concert, but it will depend on my productivity level. Those are my thoughts for this Friday, December 13. What's on your mind?


  1. What's on my mind? Hmm...DS came home from his final yesterday claiming he was sick. Of course, this kid gets a sniffle, and the whole house suffers. He went straight to bed upon return, I didn't see him from before I left for my luncheon until about 8 p.m. when he came down from his room, grumpy as a bear. At that point I just quietly got up from the den and went to our room. DH woke up at 3 a.m., and DS came back down from his room to tell DH he felt better. I have learned with this one that the best thing to do when he is sick to is to give him plenty of space. Grrrrr.

    1. My youngest can be a little bit like that, though she really pushes herself. Mine aren't crabby when sick, just a bit whiny, but I suppose I am the same way-though I like to be left alone!

  2. I'm glad your hubs is at least feeling a little better but it has been a long time hasn't it! And as for traffic, tell me about it. You have to live in a place to know the "reality" of the commute don't you!

    1. And then, yesterday, he felt awful again. He just took a shower, which I'm hoping the steam helps and he feels more relaxed. I can't imagine what this will do for our December and January finances with no commissions coming in. Belt tightening 101 here we come-but I would rather he just get better and miss another two weeks and stay healthy.

  3. It will be such a relief when your hubby is back to can be wearing for the partner after a long illness. Sounds like your plans are on track - and its only the 13th! I got my Christmas cards mailed out Monday (last day for us to mail to USA in time for Christmas), all gifts are purchased except maybe a small gift for my stepson that is coming but his big gift is already wrapped under the tree. All that is left is a marathon baking session on Sunday and I need to load/set up the tablet we got Mom for Christmas (Amazon Fire, so inexpensive yet good tablet, love mine) so she just has to turn it on and start playing/watching. Other than that I have a load of Christmas movies to watch and a Christmas party on Saturday afternoon/evening to attend for the animal rescue I volunteer at. Feeling good on the preparations!

    1. I know-it is wearing on me, seeing him so worn out. He at least is starting to eat. He's a lanky man to begin with, but has put on middle age weight over the years. He seems to be shrinking before my eyes! He had a high metabolism, so I'm sure he is losing weight by not eating much. I just think I am staying put, but if I feel more inspired, I'll try and get to eh 4;30 school concert as it really is a wonderful event.

  4. Eleven days is a long time when caring for someone who should have gone to the doctor earlier. I am deciding how to get off sofa and go to have tests done before I eat, and it is noon.

    1. I can't fault him too bad, as he thought a cold, then flu, but it developed very quickly into whatever this is. He feels the pressure so no senses me taking it out on him in frustration-I'll just do that behind the scenes. I hope you feel better Linda.

  5. Wow he rally got hit with the flu bug poor guy. I have lost my voice but feel pretty good.

    1. It's beyond the flu, and he hasn't been given any real diagnosis. I'm a bit worried about the fluid on his lungs and the fact that he just doesn't seem to be improving.

  6. Today, the UK election results have been on my mind. It's quite a scary time for us working class and disabled people. I really hope your partner feels better soon and you manage to get your errands done! Not long to go until Christmas now.
    Alice Xx

    1. I try and keep u n bits with what happens around the world. I'm not very well versed on UK politics, but I know Boris Johnson seems to be very Trump like in mannerisms, and lack of empathy for those that struggle financially. Hopefully all these politicians can really get back to thinking about everyone and make sure minimally safety nets truly are there-a human right.

  7. Friday Thoughts sounds like a fun series. Basically my final exams for next week are on my mind, I really need to pass so that has been making me a bit anxious and blogmas! I hope your partner gets well soon! I was sick for a good two weeks but I'm so thankful i'm better now(:

    Nikki O.

    1. Good luck with your exams. My youngest is in final week as well, then she gets to be home for 20 days. I love the Blog links from Twitter-so happy you popped over.

  8. I hope your daughter is feeling better and your son had a great birthday! Today I've been helping my grandparents out with issues they had with their phones and ordering them stuff online so I've been thinking about how much we depend on technology these days x



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