Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Helping Others When Having a Bad Day

     Yesterday was a hard day, It shouldn't have been, as after a night of rain Monday, waking up to a  fresh spring morning, with the sun progressively coming out until by mid afternoon, the 68 degree sunny day could only be described as an April gift. I unfortunately had a dark mood day, coupled by a couple challenging situations that surfaced the last hour I was on work time. I'm not sure why so many people I interact with leave raising issues until the end of the work day, instead of when they are first identified. For them, I suppose they tried to resolve on their own, and in not being able to, kicked it up and over to me. They get it off their plate, and I get it left to linger on my brain the rest of the night and upending the start of my next mornings schedule. I need to make a mental note not to do this to my boss. 

     My ear buds decided to be finicky, so I missed a couple statements on two meetings, one of which led to a misunderstanding later. One of my team members, the one I've described before as being often challenging, is particularly struggling with the health crisis, and also does not track topics very well. She has sent a combination of passive aggressive and out right aggressive e-mails to me basically of saying she is being left out of  the internal team dynamics, and is resenting the rest of her team. A recent retiree started a web project, without finishing, and left my programs web pages botched. Basically, nothing yesterday was a crisis, but nearly everything was sort of crap. 

     The nice weather instead of lifting my spirits, contributed to being down. All I could think of was all the things I wasn't able to do and enjoy. After a crap work day, this would have been a terrific night to meet anyone for a happy hour, on an outside table. It would have been a good night for a downtown wander into the shops, maybe stopping for a coffee or ice cream. Even better, a walk with a group of friends, not six feet apart, just laughing. It was supposed to be my book club meet-up. I felt bad for DD2, who took advantage of the day to walk down to the river with a book, but then that is really not part of the "rules." I felt bad for DD1, who had bought a dark chocolate bar, and mistakenly  one with milk fat, so a no go for her. Sometimes you need your dark chocolate. 

     All of this is silly and whiny and childish. I am luckier than 99.9% of folks dealing with impact of the pandemic. Still, I am allowed to have a bad day now and then. I decided to log off shortly after 5:00 anyway. DD1 called me and after telling me about the chocolate, more as an anecdote, asked if I would look for one when I went shopping for my mother-in-law. I was happy to oblige! DD2 called and asked if I would pick her up at the river rather than walking back home (she had walked the four miles to the river), After a couple calls with my MIL, as some of the things she wanted form the add weren't quite what I thought she wanted, I got her shopping done, delivered, picked up DD2, and dropped off vegan chocolate to DD1. I felt better being out of the house and being actually useful.

     This morning when I logged on, a co-worker who is a huge Broadway music fan, sent me this video link, I had never heard of John Krazinski's Some Good News, but this was a pick me up. It feels good being of some help, and on my bad day, I needed to feel good. I'll tuck this away in a back pocket for my next pity party.


  1. a friend sent me the same link. :-)

    For me, yesterday was a way better day. I'm surprised by how much the weather helps, when we're trapped at home. It's always a mood lifter, but when going outside is your only respite (and, for the kids), it makes a tremendous difference.

    Here's hoping today is a good work day!

    1. Today was much better/ I put one of the problems back on the plate of someone, after giving them a few pointers and a direction. I took a mid day walk today, and that was better-I realized I never really got up and out yesterday.

  2. So sorry you had a bad day. We are allowed to self pity though-- completely normal. I hope today is a better day for you.

    Curious as to why your DD going to the river to read is against the rules? Does your community have certain rules against walking outside? Here are encouraged to take advantage of the "green spaces" as long as we maintain 6 feet distance. I took the kids to the park on Saturday morning and there were a lot of people fishing and sitting at the picnic tables reading all while maintaining the 6 feet distance.

    1. I maybe overstated. The allowable outdoors is for getting some physical exercise, walking running biking etc. She brought a back pack and books and sat for about an hour. I was worried that was against the rules, though she was alone and far apart from others doing a similar thing. I suppose it is a slippery slope, and then social distancing is moot. Today was much better-it helped just writing about my crankiness.

  3. I'm sorry things are being difficult at work and you were having a dark day. I've seen evidence of my daughter having dark days as well due to this situation right now. I am trying to boost her spirits. I'm glad getting out of the house and shopping for youe MIL helped.

    1. My daughter as well. She actually went into work today, alone in the office, with cleaning wipes and such so no risk of running into anyone. I think she needs to schedule herself out of her home a few times a week or she'll get too lonely.

  4. We all are entitled to one day of the grumps! Love SGN!

    1. It was all pretty sweet-the forts, the creative teaching. Let's hope the positive stuff keeps being more than the pity party's.

  5. The internet and email are wonderful, but they are also terrible taskmasters. It's one thing to say you've finished a project. It's another to hit send a 4.59 p.m. and say you did your part. Don't worry. It will get better.

    1. We just may need to talk about not passing things on after a certain point-let them wait until the next morning.

  6. That is really too bad about the chocolate bar, and the rest is just complaining about trivial I had a good day yesterday until Tommy yelled at me about 1:45 am. Then, it was 7 am before I got to sleep. So, I feel awful today.

    1. Yes-I felt horrible about the chocolate-when you are a girl and its that week. I'm sorry you got yelled at. I imagine this instant roommate thing can get to both of you at times.

  7. Hey my friend, you are welcome to whine (wine ) away here any time. I got your back. That is why I blog so I feel someone listens (they can judge privately) but we are all in this together and I am sorry you had a bad day.

    1. I just don't want to make a habit of it. Governor just said Stay at Home is now to May 4th, minimally. There are a lot of days to go here folks-too much time for whining.

  8. Wondering why going for a run by the river is prohibited? Our local authorities have made it quite clear that walks, runs, bike rides and the like are not only allowed but encouraged. They have closed the public trail heads, though, which struck me as interesting.

    1. Those are all allowed and encouraged. It was brining the book/back pack to plant herself for an hour that was perhaps pushing the rules. It becomes a slippery slope if lots of people start to do the same, and then the social distancing is no longer working.


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