Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thursday-Preparing for Easter Edition

     I guess everything I do is a savings now, whether it be of time, resources, or money! Gas is our biggest single area that has come to a 95% cut. Our driving is only to the store and back, of which one I can walk to. They no longer allow your own bags and the flimsy bags would be hard to carry home though, so haven't yet. I realize, lots of folks do this all the time and farther distance. Maybe if I can stretch out my larger shop to not more than once every two weeks, I can still get a few fresh things weekly, small enough to carry home. I drive to the river or falls for a change of walking route. DD2 gets in her car occasionally just for a change of scenery. I may do that and make an exciting trip to the library parking lot to work or really live large and do th eMcDonald's lot again. If I add those, maybe my savings is only 90%. There's no eating out, no meeting people for coffee, no Trivia, no movie theaters, so of course, 100% savings in the entertainment and eating out category. I didn't go into those below as this is just everyone's life now, so for the past week, and leading into Easter weekend, here's my time, resources, and money savings.  


  • We had a family web-ex call on Saturday with several of my siblings/spouses and a few of the nieces and nephews. Both my older kids joined-it was so nice to see my son's face. We have one scheduled for 2:00 Easter Sunday. 
  • We chose not to drive the 90 minutes round trip to see golf balls hit, but watched the gender reveal through the link. Well, we didn't actually see because the video failed. Oh well, my niece sent it out and Facebook posted the blue dust coming form the balls. I ended up having to be on a work call and series of e-mails anyway. 
  • I used time to shop for my mother-in-law as a much needed escape from my house. She now has the ham and trimmings for a little Easter lunch. We'll be sure to stop and see her, and if nice, sit outside and visit with her, from a distance. 


  • I've been using up odds and ends from the freezer and refrigerator for lunches. I haven't had to throw food away this past week.
  •  Finally, planted those seeds in the  egg cartons I've been saving. I used one of DD1's pots she left here last fall when she needed our hose to clean them out, to repot a plant that was desperately crowded. I'll get another one later, but it worked for now. 
  • My cheapo/freebie ear buds crapped out. DD1 had a set, better quality, that she wasn't needing. This will hopefully work until I can get back in the office where I have a set, and one I can shop for new ones for home. 
  • Made myself the handkerchief and pony tail holder face mask for the stores. I slipped a coffee filter inside to add a layer. 


  • DD2 learned she will be getting housing and meal plan credit. Did I already report on this? We don't know the amount, but hey, it will help next fall. 
  • The dentist that will be doing the mouth guard called to schedule a part one, consult over video. I decided to just wait and get it done the same way-with the mold measure. I wasn't sure if there would be a second co-pay and wasn't going to take a chance. With the extended Stay at Home order, that was just too much time as well between the consult and the actual mold being made.They'll just reschedule when normal practice hours return. I know my wait will be longer though. 
  • We got our taxes done and we are not paying in as much as originally anticipated. DH has bonus/perks direct from the manufacturer that they 1099, do we always anticipate that will off set, and then are required to do an additional payment at tax time. We plan for this, but because there was a bit of deduction we could take for DD2's schooling, it worked in our favor. So, some of the set aside get's to just stay in our account. 
My waste not is the mantra remains ever present. I like that I am keeping my family fed with some variety, and for relatively the same budget. I still have not found bleach or other disinfectant stuff, so using what I have and hoping it lasts. I don't know the shelf life of hand sanitizer, but we've got a bunch of the little bottles from Bath and Body works from when it was the rage of middle school kids. I just use those whne we are out of our oen house and hand wash frequenlty with soap and water, enither of which are in short supply. How about you? Where are you able to economize? Is it still an objective, or are you letting your thrift and frugality sit on  the shelf, in much the way I have?


  1. I let my frugality wain last month and spent $300 more than normal on groceries stocking up - but have no intention on doing that this month. Time to get back at it. Yes, we've hardly used any gas - hubby filled up March 17th and it's barely below full. Zero eating out and zero entertainment. I am not doing any online shopping at all except to order groceries and then go pick them up when my time slot is ready. I think the only thing we've spent money on in the last 3 weeks was $40 worth of garden dirt to help where we took out rhododendruns when we had the patio installed. I am going to try and refrain from going crazy with flowers this year and concentrate on a few flowers and more food. So far already have garlic and chives growing, seedlings for tomatoes, cucumbers, peas and cilantro, and have more seeds for romaine lettuce and spinach when it warms up enough to plant those. I am trying to do something productive every day be it company work, yardwork, laundry, taxes etc. I feel better when I am productive

    1. I'm tempted to order a raised bed garden box, mostly because I know am worried we'll get a garden tilled and put in. I'm hoping when my neighbor does theirs, they wouldn't mind coming across the street and doing mine. If I do order the bed, DD1 said she would be able to build-again, not counting on DH to complete. I haven't seen flower seeds, but I want to do some in a patch or pots. It would be another cheery activity.

  2. I haven't found hand sanitizer at all... That being said, I found two bottles in the back of a cupboard so we're using that. My hubs fills up a little container we have in the car at work when it runs low.
    My sister has aloe vera plants, a bunch, and she made hand sanitizer from them and some alcohol last week. Really clever!! But then again, she was a chemist and knows whats in what. I don't dare cut my aloe vera plants down as I'm pretty sure they'd die, if they're not truly dead now anyway...
    Stay safe!

    1. I have one large bottle of rubbing alcohol, so will keep looking for that as well as clorox, and hand sanitizer when I am in stores. So far, I'm suing the rubbing alcohol on door knobs, car doors etc. anything that might be touched between the outside and in.

  3. if the store won't let you use your own bags, can you just take them with you anyway and then put their bags of food they give you inside your bags to carry home? When we shop at Walmart grocery pick up, I bring my insulated bags and just drop their bags inside my bags as they are handing them to me.

    1. True, and that's a good idea, particularly if I just need a few things. I have a flexible cooler that I just bring into Aldi with me as one of my shopping bags anyway. It is not a great carry bag though.

  4. Great on not owing as much in taxes. Yes this stay at home is saving many people money. Our gas here is finally below $2.00 a gallon so I think Hubs and I will take more drives.

    1. I think a Sunday drive would be a good way to spend part of Easter. I'm making a crescent roll/ strawberry pastry kind of thing. Maybe a thermos of hot chocolate (DH and DD2 don't drink coffee) and a few of those might be a good distraction.

  5. The current situation is certainly making many of us think about our lives and the way we do things isn't it. Arilx

    1. It would be nice if the positive things stay like, giving people a bit more space, cleaning up after oneself in a public setting a bit better, workers staying home when they are sick-without guilt or crap put on them by bosses.

  6. I am pretty much living as I did before. I have ample cleansers and handsoap, as well as pantry staples purchased at rock bottom prior to all this happening. I did, however, decide that I needed to work out in the yard, and wound up heading to a nursery (essential business in an agricultural community) to get help with a tricky part of our yard. I probably could have foraged for some groundcover, but wound up buying something there.
    Good Friday tomorrow, and I am set for the great silence and fast, but missing the thought of a champagne culminating vigil service at church. I have the supplies for baskets (long ago purchased at clearance) and our ham is out of the freezer and thawing, though.

    1. No baskets here, but I think DD2 and I might make some Easter crafts/eggs etc. to stick in the window for walkers to enjoy. She never ate any of the candy from last year, so why bother, plus, full fledged adult now. You are lucky if life did not change for you. I think you have a rare experience- so treasure it as you can.

  7. TheHub and I went to a restaurant to grab some to go food and were both talking about how we have spent nothing since this began. (Other than food)
    I take my personal bags and put my groceries in them after I get to the car. I had rather make one trip lugging 50 pounds of food into the house than to make several trips. Plus now that we are having to clean everything prior to bringing it in the house, it takes forever to just put the blooming groceries away.

    1. I admit I probably have not been as diligent about cleaning everything as well as it should be. Now with being adequately stocked and not doing any grocery challenges, I din I am just replacing what we have used. Maybe this will be my new grocery shopping normal. I do miss my social activities, but am not really missing eating out just to eat out though, but a few favorite meals have been craved.


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