Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Positively Tuesday-No Battery Edition

     DD2 has been running again. DD1 has been doing an abdomen "shred" work out. Both are doing these to get a mental health break as much as for the physical work out. They both look physically fit and healthy. I'm doing modest amounts of new and longer exercise. I went to weigh myself last Monday, and the scale was funny-needs battery replaced, so couldn't see my actual weight. I couldn't find any batteries and forgot to add them to my store list. Oh well, I won't be weighing myself for a bit. I put on a pair of jeans yesterday-first time I wore them since a week ago Saturday. Darn if they weren't looser than they had been, and fresh washed, so no natural stretching yet.

     I'm not going to turn this stay at home, lack of external social engagement into a positive. I don't feel positive about it. However, I am being more thoughtful about meals and snacks. I'm getting long walks in, frequent stretch breaks, and little acts that have been good for me. However, I drink way too much coffee. I restocked tea on Sunday, so maybe I'll cut the coffee back. I'm drinking less water than I should some days. I'm still using screen time to fill many hours. DH and DD2 have fallen asleep in their clothes in front of the TV, which fortunately has the mindless binge checker. "Are you still watching?" kind of message, and will turn off if no activity. 

     I haven't evolved into a mindful being, but I also haven't turned into a total sloth. I haven't been binge eating. I feared both of these results, and so far, staying ahead, if not perfect. I actually read myself sleepy last night. I picked up and dusted off my 23-30 year old Tightward Gazette books, while outdated for many things as pre-internet, rereading tips to help me and my family recover financially once this is done felt like a bit of taking control. Getting more exercise, having self discipline to leave the package of cookies untouched, is taking back control. Listening to what my body needs and not living by the number on the scale  (though I'll probably replace batteries at some point) and still knowing I'm a tiny bit more fit than a few weeks ago is even a small piece of reclaiming normal.  Sometimes having no batteries is a good thing. 


  1. I love all of this! I'm making similar progress, and while it's not perfect (there are days), I'm generally getting at least one workout a day. Unfortunately, I'm having more alcohol & less non workout activity (just general walking around.) The weather is supposed to get better, and I really need to dial up my daily activity, outside of working out.

    1. I was having a very crap day mentally, on the job, just in general. At one point, I just picked up the hand weight and did five minutes-not a lot, but something to get away form the computer. I can't say it helped mood wise, but, if I do this rather than grab a cookie, it won't hurt.

  2. I get about c no more/no less activity. I eat the same and am trying to do better. Having a garden full of greens makes it easy. I am filling a shopping bag with items to be returned, so not doing that is the only thing that makes me antsy at all about store closures. If I had a tv that turned off by itself when I fell asleep, that would frighten me and cause me to awake and have a hard time falling asleep again.

    1. Your garden sounds like a little oasis of health. I'm happy for you.

  3. I have a whole set of old thrifty living books including the gazette - good idea, something positive to do in this timeframe as fiction doesn't seem to be cutting it right now. I still don't have much of an appetite which is highly unusual. Mom even baked us a pinneapple upside down cake but I've only eaten one piece and it is good. Usually I hoover up sweets. I think I will freeze part of it for when I get my appetite back.

    1. The TW Gazette books also are a memory walk. Her youngest two are about the same age as my older daughter, so I was roughly in the same stage of family life that she was. It really helps to think about little things I learned and helped get us through our low earning years.

  4. Well done on the (seeming) weight loss. A freshly washed pair of jeans is a harsh judge. And I think it takes time to get into some kind of new normal doesn't it. I feel like I'm hitting my new normal now but it's taken over 3 weeks. Kinda like it actually! Stay safe!

    1. Last night though, I ate my mood in chocolate-so today, back to comfy pants. I did brush and put a little under curl to my hair rather than just the mad look. I even put on blush and mascara. I don't think I will ever like this, and I miss going to work.

  5. I haven't weighed myself in years. I used to step on the scale backwards at the doctor's office. The scale really only tells us what I think we really already know, and, gives us a false sense of security if we are down a pound or two--ooooh, I CAN eat that bag of chips in front of the t.v. Naaaaah, I won't walk today, I lost a pound yesterday. If I feel that I am having a bad go of eating, or my clothes don't feel good, I make a point to write everything I eat down on a notebook, review it before bed, and make notes about where I could do better, or what I could leave out of my diet, (ie: Those cookies, or splitting that appetizer with a friend after work.) It got so I wouldn't snack simply because I didn't want to have to write it down and read it back to myself at the end of the day. I am pretty sure Amy asks you to do this to gain control of spending, if I remember correctly.
    As for water vs. coffee--I am a coffee drinker to the depths of my toes. I drink a pot of French pressed in the morning (yes, a whole pot) and then hit the Keurig frequently through the day. But, I find that if I tell myself to sip a glass of water instead of coffee for every other cup I crave, I get more than enough water, and maybe only drink an extra cup or two of coffee during the day. I'm the type who needs to have a glass of water with me at all times anyway. (I despise tea--go figure.)

    1. I can see how the scale could have an opposite impact rather than motivating. I'm going to try and cut myself off coffee by 10, and switch up to more water.

  6. Sounds like you are doing well taking care of yourself. I've been keeping myself busy, and not watching the news because it is scary and depressing. Keep hanging in there, Sam.

    1. Well might be an overstatement. Last might I used chocolate mini eggs as part of a pity party. Today,the thought of chocolate is awful, so that's a small win.

  7. The Tightwad Gazette is fantastic for getting you in the right mindset. I love my battered edition. Arilx

    1. I didn't know she had fans over in the UK. Some of her ideas were a bit extreme for me, and working 3/4 to full time outside of the home, not doable. But, so many things I learned and took advantage of to keep our cash flow lower than our earnings.


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