Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Positively Tuesday-Free Air August Air Conditioning

     I'm not rushing summer and we will have a good six more weeks of potentially sweltering heat.  However this has been a hot summer and working from home has meant turning the air on ore often that I would have liked, and sleeping at night without it would be brutal. We got a strong repreve on Sunday when the temps didn't even get to 70 and it was overcast, but no rain. We loved our day a tht elake, with hardly anyone else there (different BIL, his son and son-in-law golfed, but then left shortly after). Pup played and played, and then would just lounge by us. He never napped like he does at home, so he was pretty cranky Sunday night! He is very long overdue for his hair cut so loving the cool day.

     Since Sunday, there has been more sun, but not heat, so the air is off and windows open. I slept so well both Sunday and last night. I hope I can have windows open today. I had to close the front ones yesterday as across the street they were getting  a new roof, but no signs today of workers so I think they finished. I wouldn't mind hearing kids in the park and on the play ground. It was sadly quiet on the  really hot days until evening when it started to cool down. We went for our walk while supper was simmering and pups little buddy was getting an early walk as well. I didn't have a camera or phone on me, but the playing together was adorable. 

     I am jam packed with meetings today but tonight will be a nice family night. DD1 is joining us for dinner and I' going to attempt her  pizza burger as meatballs for spaghetti. She and her cousin are working on a non-profit together, combining mental health support and the creative arts, and we are going to review her  strategic plan tonight. All in the comfort of mother natures perfect weather days.


  1. Such cute puppy photos! He looks so happy in the second pic.

    1. He is so overdue for his twice yearly haircut, because he needs to be sedated. He loves the coolish days. He's my baby.

  2. We are on day 1 of 3 for the beginning of a new HVAC install. I have never had air conditioning. We have had several sweat dripping days here and it would have been lovely. I do wonderful how much I will actually use it though. I much prefer the windows open and a feeling the breeze (when it's not sweltering)

    1. I prefer open windows as well, but for sleepig a tnight while having my temp raised as a women in her 50's, I'd get no sleep some nights wihtout the AC. Our heat is slowly coming back, but windwos opend today as well.

  3. We have not had any open-window days around here. It is so hot.

    1. I had a couple tastes of the south with a few ocnferences in NOLA and Dallas in June an dJuly, I would struggle there in the summer.

  4. Puppy is so cute - but yep, I bet he's so hot with all that fur!

    1. He is cute with and wihtout the fur. Loks older with fur, and like a baby once cut.

  5. Your dog is absolutely adorable! x

    1. He's my baby. He grealty helped my empty nesting.


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