Monday, September 21, 2020

Monday Spruce Up-Caffeine is My Friend


     Another poor night of sleep and feeling disoriented when I finally needed to get up and start my day. I was most appreciative of my coffee pot and choice of several coffee's. I went for hazelnut for the little extra poke. I'm sort of dialing in my post today-and it really is not as bad a Monday as the meme suggests; I just found it funny. Yes, I am wearing pants, and no stabbing thoughts at all. 

     I am continuing to deal with an organization that if it was a person, would certainly be labeled a drama queen. Nothing ever quite fits for them as the other orgs we work with on our program. There is always something a bit special about their circumstances, a reason they just can't quite follow the guidance provided. My morning was spent getting caught up on some lingering issues from last week. Being so groggy, I just popped onto work, but after I type this, I plan to get the pup out for a walk as my afternoon is chock full of meetings. I had a good weekend, and I am counting down my days until vacation starts. Time for another cup. 


  1. Some years ago, I bought DH a Keurig, which he loves, for Christmas. I don't typically care for the brew from it, preferring my French press. That said, I have certain k-cup coffees tucked away for me, because I know they have the extra punch of caffeine I might just need some afternoons.

    1. I need to decalcify my Keurig still as I do like it, with the right coffee. I don't really use the pods much, more my own coffee in a refillable. I may give making som ecold pres cffee a go this weekend.

  2. That's funny! Glad you had a nice weekend but sorry you didn't sleep well again. Hope the rest of the week goes smoothly!

    1. I slept better last night-I forced myself to stay up until I knew I would at least sleep a good four hours. I got six in I think.

  3. It's dreadful when you can't sleep isn't it. I used to find I'd nod off around 5.30 and then have to get up 30 minutes later! Yuck! And then dealing with drama queens - damn, I think you'd only get a shortish custodial sentence if you metaphorically stabbed someone!

    1. If I didn't have to get up that second sleep is often th emost refreshing, isn't it? As for drama queens, it's like everyone I interact with there has some sort of specialness to try and work around. I settled for sticking my tongue out at the e-mail!

  4. Stabby thoughts can come on suddenly. Ask me how I know.

    1. I'll admit that I've been known to be a third finger kind of gal to let off steam at someone. Safer than knives.

  5. Coffee has its hooks in me. I have one big mug before I leave for the office, and one when I get used to work. My husband jokes that one is so I can be nice to him, and the other is so that I can be nice to others. :)

    Here's to a quick week!

    1. I keep myself to two a day-but they are really big cups! When in the office, I used to be like you-one at home, and then the second either on route, or at my desk. I hardly remember what my office looks like.

  6. Today started off as a definite Monday but improved as the day went on. I had frost on my windshield, my tire pressure was low from the cold, I had to drop off my son to wait outside and freeze since his boss was running late and everything was locked up. I couldn’t stay with him since I had to drop my daughter at school, running a little late since I waited a few minutes with my oldest and then I had to run straight to work. However a coworker is back from maternity leave and we missed her so much and then my daughter texted me to say she got hired at the Halloween store-her first job! I have been using a white noise app to help me sleep and it’s been a real game changer. I used to play it for my niece when I babysat her and found it so relaxing that I thought I would give it a try. Apparently Dishwasher Rinsing is my jam lol JoAnn

    1. The frost n windows and not being prepared. My kids , especially the youngest, rarely factored that in. I was a nice mom and would scrape on their behalf often. Good for your daughter.

  7. I found the stabby thoughts you did not have, but I did not act on them_ Yet!
    It is too late for me to drink coffee now or I will be awake all night. Maybe a martini will soothe my crabby mood. If not, well I have a drawer full of sharp objects!

    1. I was well behaved and had water after writing that as I had my two cups already. Now I need to get over to your blog and read who was saved form your stabby thoughts.


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