Saturday, November 21, 2020

Saturday Morning and Another Dial Back

      Now that Minnesota has another four week Stay at Home executive order to try and curb the rampant case counts, our Thanksgiving will be even more different. Here's the short run down. No social gatherings inside with people from different households, but  if for educational purposes, can be allowed. DD2 is likely to need to go to  my older daughters for her school work for three weeks as our WiFi is often glitchy and we had challenges last spring when we both tried to work and do school. That's allowable, but then does that mean we can consider our older daughters in our household since the two have merged? We don't want to risk a fine (though i think those are directed to curb parties and bigger gatherings), but seems common sense if we are both isolating our houses, and one member has to be at both anyway, we are really the same household. We'll figure it out like so many others, and hopefully  ding dongs will play their part and this gets us to the next hurdle of this Covid battle. 

     The dilemma is DH's mom. When we met by zoom nearly a month ago now, there was a plan that she would join us for dinner and maybe spend time with the other families over the other weekend days. My son let us know that he thought that was the stupidest plan he had ever heard. We agreed we all would play it by ear. I had kind of hoped she would just say, since the new restrictions went into place, she is choosing to stay home. Nope-she put it back to us. Do we want her to still come for Thanksgiving? This will be up in the air for a few days. Here's the other Minnesota restrictions

  • All youth sports and activities in person  are on pause, indoors or outdoors.Members of same households can still do activities.
  • Adult sports on pause-except professional.
  • Bars and restaurants closed for indoor and even if they have the heaters and tents for outdoors, it's a no go. Take out is still allowed. 
  • Renewed push for any business that have resumed people coming into the workplace, to have those workers work from home.
  • All gyms (so sad for my daughter) and entertainment venues closed.
  • Schools are still on a district to district call, but more and more are moving to distance learning at least to the end of the calendar year. If interested, here is the chart for schools in Minnesota safe learning plans. I'd be curious what you are seeing in your part of the world. I would much rather we all do our part and at least keep the children under age 12 in school.

     On Saturdays since I post  a two day recap later in the day, I'm reminiscing about life in the past on this date. Last year November 21 was a Thrifty Thursday and several  mentions are not doable this year. I remember play Drag Queen Bingo with my daughter at the brewery. It was great fun! I hardly remember it, but I was still in Philadelphia for a work trip when I had posted. What stood out from that trip was our whole Minnesota team walking after our 10 hours of meetings to the museum with the Rocky statue and walking through where the Christmas market was being set up.Even the workers setting up the stall frames seemed festive and jolly. We even had a small Christmas market in St Paul last year. I doubt those will be a thing anywhere and I'm disappointed. I vow future years I will soak up all those nichey, kitschy pieces of European culture that has finally made its way across the ocean. Still, life is good and I will say that 1,000 times. 


  1. Those restrictions sounds pretty much like ours except for the one hour only, once per day, within 1 km from home exercise bit here (that's the bit that really bugs me). We're into our fourth week and it has been harder this time round so I guess you might expect that also. It's hard thinking what we were doing this time last year and then realizing we can't do it this year - I was in Italy! Damn I hope we can get through this pandemic soon!

    1. We will, but people need to accept inconvenience and help if possible small business and others in need. I was supposed to be on a trip to Las Vegas but will another year.

  2. New restrictions in WA include no non-household indoor gatherings, gyms and recreational establishments closed, restaurants only available for outdoor dining or takeout, retail establishments limited to 25% capacity, churches 25% or 200, whichever is smaller. Schools were open for k - 3 on alternate days (M,TorTh,F) with the hopes of getting 4-5 back by this month, but that's halted. These restrictions stay in place until 12/14.

  3. Life is good. Consider those who are not alive to experience life.

    Can you all go to mil's house and frolic outdoors and give her food while she has to stay in and you can all be safe. That way, it won't be so lonely for her. Do something silly or sing for her, and no hugging except with a mask on all. Or, do not hug at all. Really, she may be lonely, but there is no chance you can infect her.

    1. We’re not really a frolicking family. Quite frankly, it’s her infecting us I think about since she doesn’t want to stop living her life. She is lonely for what has been lost socially. Regardless we’ll bring a meal.

  4. We went into lockdown in BC (of a sort) most businesses are still open except group glasses/party buses/casinos. But no intermingling of households except if you are single then you can join a bubble (Mom and us are our bubble so we are ok, we always have had this set up) and finally mask wearing is mandatory which I am very very happy with. Sick of seeing many without masks walk in and out of the hospital, lab, and public health nurse, 3 places I have no choice except to go. Your Mother in Law will have to maybe make a choice, throw it back in her court? I don't know, maybe just tell her it's not allowed which is the truth

    1. The non bubble thing is tough to understand while allowing child care and school but science is showing house to house transmission.

  5. I'm in California and starting tonight from 10pm to 5am there is a curfew. No one is allowed on the streets, bars and restaurants will be closed. Only essential personnel can come and go. Our case count continues to go up and it will probably get worse as the holidays happen and people just continue to celebrate and get together. It's just crazy. As for my family, it will just be myself, my son and daughter and my mom. We all live in the same house and we're not allowing any of my siblings to celebrate with us. They can come during the day and sit outside with my mom as long as they stay on one side of the yard and mom on the other side and they all wear masks. Better safe than sorry.

    1. My son is sure he’ll need to quarantine once his job ends. I hope you all stay safe. I agree better safe, but hard when others think they’ll accept the risk.

  6. I sure wish we had some restrictions here in Florida, our governor is just going to sit and watch as more and more people get sick and more die. *sigh*

  7. What restrictions? I live in Florida now- our governor believes in the herd immunity- let everyone get the virus and then it will be over. Can you believe he has a new infant too? I hope you're having fun with your daughter- maybe she can cook Thanksgiving dinner or make the sides/dessert? My daughter was 'complaining' SIL wanted to cook Thanksgiving and she was happy with ordering it all out. She said he leaves the kitchen a mess, will putter in the kitchen all day while she entertains the kids, and then she gets to clean up. She is so not a foodie and would be happy with a frozen pizza heehee.

    1. I’m getting sides locally to save work and spread some money.

  8. In Ontario restrictions are now being done by region rather than province-wide. Toronto and an adjoining region are going to "lockdown" on Monday, with rules similar to yours (no indoor/patio dining, curbside pick-up at most stores, no sports, casinos etc.). I am about an hour outside the city and we have few cases so few restrictions - except mask wearing is mandatory.
    As an elementary teacher I am of two minds about school. The normalcy is good for kids, but if community transmission goes up, schools are not safe places to be. There is not enough distancing, mask wearing is optional for K-3, normal numbers on the buses. It's frustrating. Our Education Minister said this week that schools would not have an extended winter break (which had been considered) because schools are the safest place to be. Not true. I would rather the government had admitted they were staying open so parents could go to work. Rant over ;)

    1. Schools will only be safe if outside of school all the rules are being followed. I feel your frustration and am sorry. We are state by state with no national focus what soever.

  9. Having driven around town a bit, I understand why our numbers are rising so rapidly. Weddings with 200+ are happening and a nearby venue has had overflow cars parked each weekend night we pass it. By the number of cars I would guess there was no fewer than 250-300 people, all (that we saw) in lovely attire with no masks. I am tired of staying at home, running through the grocery store in record time while wearing a mask and maintaining distance between me and every other shopper, while every one of my friends ( my extended family included) are still having multi family Thanksgiving celebrations.

    1. Those people tend to be the loudest as well about restrictions-even when they don't follow them. I was quite frustrated with the tone my MIL used with me yesterday when we were discussing if TG would still be at our house. We still haven't finalized, but her attitude was pretty much back to, I'm not going to live in fear! Well, lad, what aobu tus? I haven't seen my kids get married yet, or held grand babies, and travelled. She had that attitude she had all summer. If she does come, we will be masked if not eating, and I'll spread the tableout. She would be one additional household (counting both daughters since they essentially will be working together for school and work at DD1's house). If she goes to the other family, she'll have been at ours first. I agree with my son-it is stupid and isn't giving any thought to health care workers with the "I won't live in fear" and I pretty much said that to her, but in Minnesota passive aggressive nice.

  10. Life is good, we all still have our health.

    1. I am a fortunate person but still want a future of weddings, grand babies, travel-I'm O with pausing so the future is bright.

  11. Here in Ohio, we have new restrictions in place as well. Statewide curfew is in effect from 10PM to 5AM, although there really is no changes given all the exceptions they are making for that. They are also mandating masks now everywhere, even when walking nature trails. Businesses can now be fined if they are inspected and see people with no masks in them. In our county the kids are still in school full time for now. Not sure how long that will last. I half expect them to come home on Tuesday for Thanksgiving break and be told they are going virtual for December. Not sure though. I think it really depends on the county though. In the county over most schools have gone virtual. Our church PSR classes have gone virtual through the middle of January at least as of this week. It is what it is. I am just trying to mentally prep for the kids to be home full time again. This past couple weeks I have been fighting depression but am trying to remind myself that life is good and we will get through this and there are blessings in each day even when it seems like everything is falling apart.

    1. It is so hard for parents and kids to juggle and not know what model to use. You did such a great job with your extra nature walks and all th eways you kept th ekifds busy. Hopefully there will be some good options and a mild winter so people aren't hosu eobunf.


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