Monday, January 25, 2021

Feeling Good Monday-Who Care's Hair Care

      No denying I am a low maintenance kind of gal, and even more so, embarrassingly so, since working from home. I have a couple meetings this week where I will be prominently featured on screen and decided I need to invest a bit of time in cleaning up my  appearance. Starting with coloring my hair. I did this on Sunday since the Garnier Nutrisse instructs starting with unwashed hair and I was more than due a shampoo. Here's what I use. I'm slowly going back to my more natural light brown, but hopefully without the mousiness.


     The Garnier comes with a deep conditioner for after coloring. Between the color and the conditioning, I feel like I lost five years of age!  Next weekend I'll use this hair mask. In full transparency, not a sponsored post, but the Whole Blends mask was a free sample I requested last summer and never got around to using.   .

A little self TLC goes a long way. This morning I did my hair, put on a little make-up, and will be wearing a blouse with  jacket, looking like a real working gal. No one will see that from the waiste down I'll still be in leggings and slippers.


  1. Now you've made me think I REALLY need to get off this sofa and have a shower!

    1. But then put pajamas back on like I did Sunday.

  2. I'm not high maintanance either but when covid hit I did get out of the habit of doing much with my hair, or doing my nails and then I realized I did these things for me not others so I started back at the beginning of the year. It's been a boost to my mood for sure. Happy Monday!

    1. I did my nails a few weeks ago, but not since. I really should for work appearance do more.

  3. It is funny what something like coloring the hair or putting on a little make up does to lift our perceptions of ourselves. I had thought of a resolution of sorts to wake every morning and put on makeup and do my hair a soon as I gt out of the shower. Instead, most days, I clip my hair back, throw on a little moisturizer and call it done.My only plus is that I do wear clothes daily and no pajamas. Sad.

    1. I'm more of a clip back hair kind of gal too. I even had comments yesterday if looming spruced up- so I guess I've looked weary.

  4. I typically don't color my hair, but colored it right before the lockdown. Now I have seven months of grow out. ;-) I think I'll just keep going. Mine is kind of an ashy dark blonde/light brown. As the gray comes in, the ashiness increases & I don't love it. But, I'm not quite at the place of hating it enough to regularly color it.

    1. Your color sounds similar to mine. I started after I turned 50 and the gray stopped looking like highlights. Then went too light for too long. This shade seems right.

  5. I use that same haircolor but in a different shade and there is nothing for moisturizing after the color. There is a vial of moisturizer that goes in the color. I, too, am usually much overdue for a shampoo!

    1. There's a white bottle of conditioner-are you missing it I wonder? The little plastic vial is oil of sort.

  6. Good for you Sam. I've just embraced my grays, no more hair color for me. I kind of like the way it's grown in, looks like I've had streaks done :)

    1. Mine just made Me look tired. At first the gray looked like highlights.

  7. "nothing like a new frock to brighten you day"

  8. I am totally gray and have been since my late 20's. I dye my hair and touch up the roots with a kit and a spray. I hate it, but refuse to go gray before my husband.

    1. My husbands been pretty gray since 40's, totally white haired now. I never knew his parents not gray so in his genes.

  9. I have a meeting later this morning and I'm finally not worried about my makeup. Of course I won't be prominently featured! Have a great day!

    1. I wasn't a big makeup wearer pre-Covid, pre-working from home. PArt of it is eye makeup can be irritating to my eyes and I don't like the feel of foundation, but feel I should make some effort.

  10. There's little to beat the renewed confidence you get when you redo your roots. Half an hour of your life for maximum impact! x

    1. I don't know why I waited so long. I guess I worry my hair will fall out if I color too frequently.


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