Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Positively Tuesday-April Simple Pleasures

      I want to say yuck, it's another Tuesday! Most of the work week to still get through, back to freezing cold temperatures but I like that the morning weather  lady said "a taste of sun" on Sunday. If all this rain and cold weather in April means May and June will be bliss, I'll take it!  Instead of moaning about Tuesday's, I've been using this as my day of the week to capture the simple pleasures in life over the last week. Here they are for April 13th.

  1. Both my daughters got their first dose of the Covid vaccine! That is beyond a simple pleasure and I am so grateful to be a step closer with my family towards  lower risk.
  2. As part of tagging along with my daughter, I splurged at CVS, with a $3,00 off coupon, on a new long lash mascara. I wear so little make up these days with mask wearing public, but having a nice pop for my eyes.
  3. Having lunch, not out, but at home with my daughter was a nice way to cap the vaccine trip. Try the Trader Joe's vegan mac and cheese-delicious butternut squash base. Skip the wrap sandwiches-overpriced, and mediocre at best. We also looked and watched a video on upcycling an old 70's style end table, almost the same as one she has. It will be a nice project and then a nice piece for her hosue once she finds it. 
  4. It was chilly, but I walked with the dog yesterday, big umbrella in hand, to the post office box over by the grocery store. It wasn't a pouring rain, but enough to get quite damp without the umbrella, but pup was so happy. 
  5. The mailbox walk was to pop the rsvp's in the mail for my nephews wedding. I also on-line rsvp'd for the other nephews wedding via their online  system. Both are outdoor weddings and  subject to watching what's happening with case increases and recommendations, and both are still five plus weeks away. 
  6. There's now a second additional shoot of growth in my daughters Aloe Vera Plant. Yes, I have not transplanted them yet. It has been a neglected plant, and maybe that is good as she can take with her to her apartment in the fall. 
  7. On our walks, we are starting to see the same people and dogs on our route. It feels neighborly and the dogs looks so cute wagging their tails at each other. There is a pretty young boxer who's family backs up to the park. She really wags her tail when she see's pup on walks, or if she happens to be outside when we pass their yard. 
  8. The lilac buds are really coming now. I've put in a picture from last year that is about the stage they are at. 

  9. I received a nice public compliment on Thursday from my former boss, who is now one of the big bosses, in a meeting with the top boss. Not that I need compliments to know I am doing a good job, but  who doesn't like to be appreciated.
  10. While very violent, I really like the Marvel The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. It's probably good that only an episode a week comes out as it keeps me from binge watching, as I'm trying to get outside more, and use some evening time for spring declutter and cleaning. Spread out episodes of shows is better for me. 
     I think I can easily find 10 simple pleasures a week, even if some are a bit of a stretch. I was disappointed to hear about the Johnson and Johnson vaccine pause-particularly knowing  several of my sisters and other family members had that version. I'm not even going to talk about other Minnesota news in this post. Because of these things though, finding joy, happiness, and yes, the simple pleasures in life are really important. I hope your Tuesday brings you smiles. 


  1. My simple pleasure this week is that I was able to revive and rescue the two plants at our Ankara home which had been neglected for at least two months. Noone could come here so, they were left all alone but they survived. I bought some additional soil and some soil amendments and they look happy.

    1. that's a wonderful simple pleasure-times two! Rescue the plant and now having the plants.

  2. It was a rocky work day yesterday, so I need to find the time to focus on the things that are positive. One of mine is how wonderful the relationship is between my kids & my parents. It's so great to see them enjoying time together. Sam & my mom going for walks, Nick & my dad biking together. They really enjoy each other, and it melts me to see.

    1. I do enjoy your sharing your life when your parents and boys interact. I wish my kids had that relationship with my MIL. She does with my BIL's children, and they did with my parents, when they were still healthy.

  3. I am going to smile today, a huge smile in fact because the only chore left at Mom's house (other than actually selling it) is defrosting the mini fridge in the basement room kitchenette. I am beyond thrilled!

    1. Whoop whoop! Few and soon no chores once it sells will be a great relief for you all.

  4. Great simple pleasures this week Sam!

    1. They were simple, but pleasures none the less.

  5. Today I met my fully vaccinated and 10 weeks pregnant sister-in-law and two nieces at Sam’s Club for a nice little trip around the store. I didn’t need anything but bought a red pepper hummus and a case of bubly caffeinated water since I was there lol. I haven’t seen them since Christmas and it was so nice. The sun is shining and I’m getting some chores done, bills paid, a return done, quick workout. Steak on the grill with tiktok pasta for dinner and then a quick trip to Walmart for a skirt that my daughter wanted for this summer. We’ll call it a late Easter gift or an early birthday present. I also need to call my dad and check in with him before his second shot tomorrow! It is a very lovely Tuesday here. JoAnn

    1. I try not to wander in stores-in and out, but I look forward to time with family. That was fun with my daughter when she was home and buying g her the boots (free with Kohls cash) and an 80% discount purse. Take the treats when we can, right.

  6. What a nice list. Having you children safe from anything is a blessing. Hubs just brought me a diet coke from Mcd's simple pleasure for sure. I love your blog, it has a calming affect on me. I want to be you when I grow up or down. :)

    1. I'm trying not to grow up. I did that in previous decades, Now I want to grow down as well.


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