Welcome to my blog. On Saturdays I recap the week by asking then answering a series of W questions. I always enjoy reading yours in the comments too. Last week we dropped to frigid temperatures, well below freezing. Today, we won't even need long sleeves.
What's Top of Mind:
So much on my mind, but I'm trying to compartmentalize and not merge issues. Work has just become more and more challenging. I don't know how to keep up anymore, and I don't know how members of my team can keep up. Overall home life is good, but I feel like we've got too many projects and not enough time or motivation to get things done. My kids are always top of mind. My younger daughter had a homesickness moment on Tuesday, plus had a horrible cold. My son has been short on communication, but finally responded after his sister let him know I was getting worried. My middle child is juggling and managing a lot at work, her non-profit, personal relationships, being a new home owner, and the dog, plus her own health needs. Extended family have a variety of health issues. Then, there's the green eyed monster, seeing all the happy happy extended families of my family, friends, and aquaintences and I get blue. Rolled all together, it's a lot to send me into the gray. But, I'm trying to see each as individual components of life, none of which make or break my overall life quality. I try to then appreciate all I have.
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Homemade toys, bought toys, bones aren't enough to keep him busy some days! |
Talk about routine, I've turned into my parents. With that rythm, I turn the 5:30 and 6:30 news on, followed by Wheel of Fortune. It seems to work for a time center to transition from the work day to the dogs needs. I usually still am wrapping a few things up for work though after the walk and feeding dog or dogs.
What I’m reading:
The book we picked for the November book club meet up is The All Girls Filling Station Last Reunion. I think it will be a light book before heading into the holiday busy season. I had meant to bring it on the work trip but forgot. Therefore, it's not yet started.
What I’m listening to:
Yesterday I had no meetings so it was a 100% day to try and catch up. I streamed BBC World Service in the morning, but used the afternoon for a series of required online trainings. Other sounds I heard come with weirdness. We think our next door neighbors 24 year old son is sleeping in his beat up truck parked outside their house. Last weekend when it was so cold, the loud muffler car started up every two hours, ran for 10-15 minutes, then stopped. When I walked the dog yesterday, I'm sure I saw someone laying on the bench seat. We aren't sure what to do about this, or if we should do anything. DH talked to another neighbor with concerns. Obviously it's a noise issue being woke up throughout the night, but I'm worried about what's going on. It's just an icky issue, and do we approach to try and offer resources? The house is plenty big, even with their abundant number of children, even for just crashing on the floor, so this makes no sense to us.
It was bitter cold last weekend and it's going to get cold again next week. He has a young woman and dog with him sometimes, and I see them walking in the neighborhood and park, but don't think I've ever noticed them coming from or going in the house. Besides weird, its a safety issue. Someone's going to get creeped out, the neighborhood is a very family centered one, filled with kids, and act on perceived danger. If his own family, though it may be his ass of a step dad, won't let him stay in the house, what issues might there be?
What I’m planning:
Now that we have the day and overnight accomodations sorted, I'm looking for activities and places to visit for our sisters weekend. I found a winery that is hosting a cheese and chocolate weekend, plus two small towns that might be fun to explore. Mostly, we'll play cards and have yummy food and drinks at night. That's the weekend grandpup is getting neutered, so DH won't have two dogs to handle.
Who needs a good slap:
I'm too tired to slap anyone. Friday was frustrating with two different unsolicited door knocks interrupting my work day and getting the dogs riled up. I get people have jobs, but I'm thinking of posting a no solicitation of any kind sign. One though was I think a home visitor looking for the house next door. Several children have special needs. I'm speculating at why she was going there. Maybe not a slap but a finger shake.
Who Deserves Knuck's (Fist Bump):
I give myself a bit of kudos for being heads down and plugging through my major to do list at work yesterday. Yeah me.
What’s making me smile:
You all make me smile. The soup post was fun for me. I like reading others blogs.
That's what I got this week. The next four weeks leading to Thanksgiving are pretty packed with work projects and weekend commitments. This weekend, I have no agenda ( though want to be productive) and take advantage of the unseasonably warm weather. My daughter is going to help me with more declutter and purging too, and I so appreciate her. That's a wrap, but would love to hear from you.
I'm always amazed at how much you manage to fit into your week, no wonder you are too tired to slap anyone!
ReplyDeleteThe issue with your neighbours son sounds concerning. It's always difficult to know other families boundaries and if offers of help will be taken without offending. I have definitely offended others many times with clumsy good intentions. Megan.
I do have a lot going on, but also it's just me a lot of the time. I'm still not sure about the situation. We're not the only neighbors concerned.
DeleteThere is a very real risk of carbon monoxide poisoning in running the heat off and on especially in an old pickup. Not a good situation.
DeleteIt seems to be fixed and moved
DeleteBut, it's still concerning as to his living situation.
I would just ask the neighbors about their son but start the conversation about worry of his safety. I know I had a kid sleeping in their car across from our house because they didn't want to give up the drugs, Hubby would have lost his job if there had been drugs in the house... funny that they actually turned around and did the same to their kids. Said lesson learned well when we finally asked
ReplyDeleteQuite frankly, that makes me more concerned. We don't need active on the street drug use in a Cul de sac filled with kids. If it was rural property I wouldn't care.
DeleteHow about a sign you hang on the door during working hours: Do NOT ring the doorbell or knock. Baby sleeping.
ReplyDeleteAs for the noisy truck, that's tough since you know it's a kid of the neighbor's. IDK what I would do. Where I live, calling it in would do nothing. Our law "a vehicle must not be left in a public parking space for more than 24 hours". And if they move it 20 feet, that is sufficient. Ridiculous to be sure.
Granted, Friday was unusual, but I might just put no soliciting/ do not knock or use doorbell. I guess neighbor asked police for extra patrol to make sure nothing funny was going on. I haven't seen a single police car.
DeleteI always have so much fun planning day or weekend trips. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.
ReplyDeleteBalancing work life with real life is so important. I'm hoping you feel more balance soon.
Enjoy your Saturday Sam!
It'll be a nice getaway. There will be eight of us. I don't think I'll be balanced for a long time, but it's my goal.
DeleteI wouldn’t say a word about the neighbor’s son. We have no idea what goes on behind other peoples doors and as long as no underaged children are involved, I would just wait it out. My two cents. Family as always, is top of mind. DD is home for the weekend and we celebrated my sons 21st birthday early last night. He also gets my knucks for the week because after careful consideration, he purchased his first vehicle, used but incredibly low miles and well taken care of, securing his own loan and putting a hefty down payment. What I’m watching-the return of the Hallmark Christmas movies. Those things are like old friends at this point. I redownloaded the hallmark app so I can fill in my checklist lol. I’ve been pretty much nowhere, lunch with a friend Monday, dinner with the fam last night. Looking forward to dinner with my mom squad Monday night and my son’s actual birthday on Tuesday. Work is insanity, this has been the beginning of holiday prep week, with curtains up next Saturday. The new store manager has proved herself useless, has been making ineffective and inconsiderate schedules and is falling behind already on the things she should be doing. Two high schoolers have started complaining about their pay and what we have them do, I mean it is called work for a reason. We expect you to ring register and put away freight. Like any other store would. You want to leave, go ahead. But you’ll be in for a rude awakening anywhere else you go. While I love them as people, they literally can’t put clothes in the correct size hanger. They can’t be trusted with simple tasks. That won’t fly at Target. By all means though, give it a try. Needless to say, they are my slaps of the week. JoAnn
ReplyDeleteI too wouldn't presume to know, but I also don't like feeling creeped out in my own home. Hallmark movies will be on our TV in the coming weekends.
DeleteI'd stick a sign on the door saying "Do not knock, Covid" , that should keep them away!
ReplyDeleteYou are a busy bee with all this planning, dog sitting and cooking let alone working full time, too.
Today has been a day of laundry, eBay listing and blog catching up. I shall put everything away in the Kinky Shed in a minute and have an hour of pampering (hair washing, nail painting) before homemade pizza, rum and the Woodstock 1999 documentary series on Netflix. xxx
A sign of some sort might help. Granted, Friday was unusual. The documentary sounds really great.
DeleteMy two cents about the noisy neighbor truck----You might speak to the neighbor letting them know that this is causing disturbance throughout the neighborhood at night as people are being awakened. Then if that proves to be not effective, call the police. Noisy truck that awakens neighbors throughout the night equals disturbing the peace which is a legal violation. And, no, don't feel bad about doing so; I wouldn't.
ReplyDeleteI personally talked to the young man last Sunday. He said it was getting fixed and would be gone. Still there a week later, though he no longer is starting it up in the middle of the night. But, it's going to get cold again.
DeleteWhat I am doing this weekend-get caught up on my Hallmark movies
ReplyDeleteI caught the end of one with kittens. It'll be weeks of them!
DeleteOh I know. I caught will all the fall movies, and then I am working the 'Christmas in July' movies. I'll be fully caught up before the weekend.
DeleteNew grandbaby born this week! So tiny but so perfect! My plane ticket to fly over the holidays across country nonstop was $1200. I will just eat beans and rice, or whatever I have to do, because I am going to go see both grandchildren!!!! Because of work issues, it is a very short visit but I am just over the moon excited!!!!! I hate cold weather and I absolutely hate flying but grandchildren will make you do things without batting an eye…. Lol. Cindy in the South
ReplyDeleteI don’t know what to tell you about the neighbor’s child. I live in two fairly lively culturally diverse neighborhoods, and a lot
Deleteof grad college students in college town, with other neighbors in and out all night long, so cars parked on the side of the street is normal. I doubt anyone would notice either at work house or in weekend college town. You may be right though that the stepdad makes him sleep outside in car. Might be trying to force him to get an apartment. But it is difficult for kids to afford apartments today. Cindy in the South
Yes, I get it but this is not a college town, but a Cul de sac filled with young children, people working from home, plus needing sleep to go into work. It's just an off putting situation. I know I sound petty. Congratulations on your new addition. Flights are insane.
DeleteYou do not sound petty at all. You sound concerned about the kid. It is not the norm in your neighborhood and something is off about it. Plus, it gets really cold where you live. I bet you are right about the stepdad. Cindy in the South
DeletePut a sign--Day Sleeper Do Not Disturb. That way you don't spread a covid scare if neighbors happen to knock. I would not put a Baby Sleeping sign because there are people who might want a baby, if not now, later. The Day Sleeper sign tells me someone is going to be offended and angry...lol.
ReplyDeleteI would mention being awakened all night long by the truck sounds. Are there two people sleeping in the truck? You never know what is going on over there. Maybe the kid in the truck won't give up drugs.
I don't know what's going on in the truck. It might or might not be drugs. I just don't think parking a beat up truck and sleeping in it in a Cul de sac is ok. If it's drugs, I'm more concerned.