Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Thrifty Thursday-Value Finds


     My head is all over the place. This is the second post this week I wrote, then deleted by accident. Oh well. Thrifty is pretty loosely defined these days. I like how Hawaii Plan includes  doing things for others as part of her recap of frugal or thrifty wins. Doing good to help others is definitely a value. I guess that's where I'm focusing our budget; if not a need, it needs to be of value. Sometimes we get lucky and find a good deal on something that is just for joys. That's value too. Here's my thrifty list for the week.

  • I got back to doing a few MS Rewards quizzes to earn Target gift cards
  • I loaded receipts into Fetch
  • Bought caramel pecan turtles, two huge bags at Fleet Farm, clearanced at $2.47. These went into the freezer for the holiday. Both sides of the family love them.
  • I reduced the amount of Halloween candy to not have leftovers, saving a bit too. We do not need it in the house.
  • Received a $10 voucher for my November birthday from Kohl's. 
  • Used a 30% off code to get a birthday gift for DS, a Vikings jersey, bringing item to at least 1/3 less, including shipping, than equivalent.
  • Loaned MIL the car DD2 drives as her car was being repaired and the shop couldn't give a time estimate. They had no loaner cars, and renting would have been ridiculous. DH made sure it was filled and I cleaned out college kids remnants. 
  • We won trivia, so added a $30 card to our tally. We had a $10 already for a 3rd place last time we played. It was a lot of fun; I missed it.
     Nothing with huge impact, but nothing frivolous. We enjoyed a meal out Saturday, got a beverage out with my daughter, and I met friends for trivia, but we also spent quiet nights with just the television and made home cooked meals with humble ingredients. Not a bad week of spending. Did you have any thrifty wins?


  1. You had a nice money saving week, especially the Turtles. Those would be dangerous for me to have in my freezer.

  2. Oh yes I love turtles too! I got some not pleasant news today but I’m being positive. Sometimes things are just not in your control. Weather is beautiful here- this is my favorite time of the year. I bought a new Christmas tree this past summer and I’m itching to put it up. I always got a real one until youngest graduated from college but fake ones are a lot easier. Is your daughter loving Spain? Son and family are going again soon to Oxford- wife has a small apartment there. They’ll be back in California for Christmas though and my youngest and family are coming here from NYC. They already reserved an Airbnb for the week.

    1. She is loving her experience. She needs to remember she's in school and it's not a vacation. We have an artificial too. It's just easier. I hope your holidays are wonderful with and when you see your family.

  3. Yum turtles, but here they would not last, I would be sneaking into them.

    1. Too hard on teeth, so I'm hoping I'm not tempted. The Halloween candy though...

  4. Sounds like you had a good thrifty week, especially with the turtle find and your trivia win. I really didn't have any thrifty wins, except I didn't pay $25-$30 per Halloween costumes for my kids. Instead, I ended up spending I think $6-$8 each and bought pieces that that the kids could wear after as regular clothes (ie. black sweatpants, a Christmas shirt (Ben is being Santa for Halloween)).

    1. That's a smart way to do costumes. I call that a win.

  5. This week I made a heap of pies, I cooked the trimmings, cut them up and mixed it in with my three dogs wet food over the week. It probably wasn’t too thrifty but it felt less wasteful.
    I also got a good price on a Christmas gift for my younger son.

    1. Not wasting anything seems like everyone's mantra. That was smart- a little extra fat for the cooler weather.

  6. Nothing outstanding, had a free Starbucks drink, scanned my receipts, no spending outside of Monday’s dinner out but like always it was worth every penny. Found the perfect birthday card for my son at Dollar Tree, still just 50 cents. Hoping for a very quiet, low-key, low cost weekend. JoAnn

    1. Sometimes the DT cards are unique. I know though I've given the same card though. Mom squad dinners are a value.

  7. The trivia evening sounds like fun especially as you won cash.
    I'm not sure about thrifty wins but a stranger stopped and gave us a lift when I was out with a friend on Wednesday, saved our shoe leather! xxx

    1. Better than cash- specifically for beer! It's a good crew, and we just happened to have the right brains for questions.


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