Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Day 3 of managing my blessings-volley ball muscles

It is late here in Minnesota and I need to be up and out early tomorrow to catch a flight to Washington DC.  I'm very excited to have daughter number one coming along.  Tomorrow is a girls day, before I spend Friday and Saturday morning in meetings. Tonight though was the first session of the women's volleyball league in town.  This means tomorrow will be the day after the first night of volleyball, and my muscles promise to tell me just how lazy I have been since the season ended in February. Yeah, sore muscles on a two and a half hour economy airline flight might make me want to  reach for the industrial size Advil bottle tonight and through the remainder of the week.  I don't intend to give it up though.  Wednesday is girls night.  It isn't even so much about the volleyball but the getting together after the games, some nights for a quick drink, others, if we play an early game, for drinks and food, and a lot of talking. 

There is an informal no men, no kids rule-this is girl time.  Now granted, in the 6 divisions, A-F my team lingers in the E range.  The ABC teams probably are much more in it for the volleyball.  These are the younger teams; the former college athlete teams. I just got back into playing league stuff when my 3rd child started kindergarten.  Rumor has it that my team, with a different configuration of players, was a regular C team and flirted with B a few sessions.  There are sparks of that youth that come out from time to time in a perfectly set ball, a hit perfectly landed in a corner, or the power serve.  I play with three of my sisters, all of us girls being fair athletes in our younger days, but two still have a bit of step on the court-one of whom is  a grandmother of two.  The point I'm making is that we all need to do what is fun on a regular basis, and not fret about a too busy  schedule, or that more than likely you'll have a few bumps and sore muscles for the few days after.  It might slow me down tomorrow but not  keep me on the sidelines.  I don't know if I'll be playing as a grandmother, but for now, I'll keep Wednesdays reserved on my calendar-at least until February when I'll probably get lazy again. Maybe I'll take up darts then.

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