Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Yeah! I'm Going to a Bloggers Conference

I snoozed and tickets were sold out to the MN Bloggers Conference.  I decided to reach out via Facebook on the conference website just in case.  Voila!  Someone's plans changed and I was able to buy a ticket.  DH is making suggestions  on what to attend.  I am giddy!  If you will be at St Catherines on Saturday, look for me.  I'll be the one doing cartwheels between filling notebooks full of ideas. #mnblogconHelp me pick my sessions!


  1. I'm intrigued - a whole conference about blogging, whatever will be on the agenda?! Hope you have a good time! xxx

    1. Several speakers on marketing, photoraphy, adding video, and content developing are workshop options. The networking will be fun. I'll share more afterwards.

  2. I'm with Curtise - totally intrigued. Looking forward to hearing about it. (I've never even HEARD of a Bloggers Conference!)

    1. 6th annual none the less! I'll tell all about it.


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