Thursday, December 31, 2015

3:56 and Can't Fall Back to Sleep

I've done on-line banking, composed a few New Year's e-mail messages off to friends and family, am caught up on the blogs from those in time zones ahead of me, or are US night owls. I'd like to tackle a few loads of laundry-anything that might make me tired enough to fall back to sleep for another hour or two but the rest of the household are blissfully slumbering. I'm working from home today, but expect little to any phone calls as most of the programs that might need to reach me are likely closed today, or working part days. Even so, once I log in, I'll need to be accessible until 5:00, I could tackle some writing projects I have for work, but I don't want to turn on more lights and break up the solitude of the morning. This would be a good morning for a walk about sunrise since I do not have to drive into the office.  We'll see if I am still motivated to get out of my pajamas at 7:51.  

Wait!  Was that a few yawns?  I'm going to attempt it and get back into bed. Good night, or do I say good morning?  Whatever time of day it is, if I'm not back with a real post later, have an entirely enjoyable New Years eve, and Happy New Year to my Australian and New Zealand blog buddies!


  1. Happy New Year! I hope that you managed to get a bit more kip!! Jx PS - Thanks for your comments on my previous post. I live near a river that floods very regularly (The Severn) but my house is high enough to avoid any water damage - thank goodness!

    1. I did fall back to sleep, and it was nearly 7:00 before I woke up, so that was good. I know people keep notebooks by their bed for the waking thoughts, but that would surely wake up DH and that would not do. So happy you are safe-I love water, but it sure can work havoc for people.


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