Sunday, November 20, 2016

Revisited Lunch with a Friend

I'm looking ahead to a rough day following a rough night. I'm looking forward to a week from now when this mess, literally and figuratively, will be behind me. Laying in bed I started scrolling my posts from last year. Lunch with friends is still a highlight and the time of day that often works best when the rest of life can be put aside. A year ago today I had lunch with my friend N. She's a newer friend but one who's friendship I value about as high as possible. She's meeting me for coffee on November 28, the day I'm hoping to be back to work. However, I've a standing rain check if I need more time. Find and nurture friendships, hard to do as I get older but trying to keep as a priority. I value all you as well, my blogger world friends.


  1. Hugs to you. Take care of yourself :)

  2. Bless you Sam. You are so right about nurturing our friendships. One of my closest friends passed away suddenly a few years ago I miss her every day and another has moved over 300 miles away plus my oldest friend of over 30 years also lives too far away from me to meet up as often as we'd both like although we chat most days. Friendships are worth nurturing despite the miles apart we are.


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