Saturday, January 14, 2017


Today DD2 is 16. She is (has) performed in her first competition of show choir season. She's my youngest, my bonus baby. Two miscarriages and loss of her twin at 12 weeks pregnant, and I'm overjoyed to be her mom. The show, her smile, her show presence, it's magic. The WiFi is spotty at the school hosting the competition so I need to be brief, but couldn't pass up acknowledging this day. Happy Birthday, Boo.

Update. Her group placed first in their division. She's behind her assistant director in red tie.


  1. Oh that's gorgeous, hope you both had a lovely day.

  2. Awww! Happy birthday to your daughter! Hope it was a great day for you both! =)

  3. Happy birthday to your daughter. And congrats to her as well!

  4. Happy Birthday to DD2, and congratulations on the win!

  5. Pretty girl happy birthday and congrats proud mum x

  6. Thanks all. Birthdays are special as another is never guaranteed so I hope everyone enjoys their own. I hope my kids know they have my unconditional love (and know I have a lethal "look" to keep them in line.)

  7. Happy birthday, cutie!!! Congrats on the big win.

  8. Holy cow! My 17 yo Meri was supposed to be a twin too!
    Congrats to your baby!

    1. I later learned it is common, and often women do not even know there were multiples. As I knew, it was pretty tough as had gotten used to the idea of two babies already. Life is sure filled with curve balls.


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