Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Slip Sliding Away

I wrote the potato post Monday afternoon for a scheduled post Tuesday morning. I'm trying to stay ahead of things and have some topics to write about when nothing comes to mind based on the stuff of life. Good thing too as Monday night was a bad one. Not much of a day off work as DD2 first had to meet classmates for a project, so I drove her out and back five miles out of town. She also had a spring play meeting as practices start in just a few weeks. She has the part of young Cosette in Les Mis.Then it was home to help her get her hair and make up done for formal choir pictures. There was talk about an ice storm all day, and the kids were told they would hear by 3:00 if pictures were cancelled.  Well, by 5:30 or so, no word of cancellation, so we left the house.  

Whoosh-first she went down landing on her butt on the sidewalk. I was so worried about her, I didn't pay attention to my own feet, and whoosh, down I went, landing sideways on the worse of my two knee's, my elbow, and left shoulder. We got each other up, she claims to have been perfectly fine. I was bumped up, but nothing seemed too horrible. Off we went, only to realize we left the order form and payment at home. I dropped her off to turn around and get the form. Of course, the school is on the opposite end of town, so this was a 30 minute slippery trip. She was out waiting for me. Apparently they sent a text and e-mail at 5:55 cancelling pictures due to the dangerous weather. Now, we have to do the whole prep again this afternoon.

She was supposed to have orchestra pictures yesterday morning, but schools were delayed two hours to allow for de-icing the roads, a rarity in our part of the country. Pictures were postponed. I was moving slow, and could hardly move my arm Tuesday morning.  I decided to work from home so I could keep my knee elevated, and my elbow and shoulder iced. Ironic. Heavily aided with ibuprofen, I am feeling loads better, and managed a fairly productive day. I've mentioned I get very busy during the legislative session, and questions were hopping today, so I was feeding intelligence to the powers that be, on top of what I had on my plate already. Not driving saved me a couple hours drive time. I still am sick of winter, but I'd rather have snow than ice. Keep safe out there. I'm looking forward to spring.


  1. So sorry you fell and hurt yourself. My husband fell last week on some black ice and hurt his hip but wasn't hurt worse than that. Ice is bad this year. Where is the snow? I will take snow over ice anyday. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. I hope it didn't flare up for him later. No one is immune from it and with the thaw the refreeze mornings have been horrible.

  2. Ohhh, poor you! It sounds like an episode of Laurel and Hardy, first one down and then the 2nd one down trying to help the first one! And then of course, all for nought as pictures were cancelled anyways. Sigh...glad you had the option of working from home! We've had a ton of rain and freezing rain too - what a strange winter.

    1. As I said to Rachel, thawing then freezing again. Even pup is struggling. Being able to I've the aches sure helped.


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