Friday, September 29, 2017

Feeling Good Friday-Inspite of Seasonal Allergies Edition

Between the dog and DH having a restless night and both snoring, there was enough noise to keep me awake for hours in the middle of the night, probably falling back to sleep 4:00 ish.  I woke up to my alarm, hit the button, and then slept to 6:16. DD2 forgot to set an alarm so woke her up. She was up in a flash, in the shower, ate cold cereal, and out the door just a few minutes ago. I blame the out of sorts on seasonal allergies. Minnesota has seen an unusually warm fall so far, and the ragweed and other allergens appreciate it. Not to let sneezing coughing, and watery eyes deter me, I tried to do my best towards personal health and wellness, despite wanting to crawl up in a cocoon with potato chips, chocolate, and Netflix.

  • An unheard of pizza and salad lunch at work brightened Thursday. I made a wise choice to focus on salad and just a slice of veggie pizza. I skipped the brownies, cookies, and desert bars.I had packed a lunch, so saved for today.
  •  I needed a Wednesday night home after my long Tuesday, so declined subbing volleyball. I felt a little guilty, but I was supposed to be the last resort call, and she found someone. Saying no once in a while is very empowering.
  • I made efforts to take pup on extra long, but at his exploratory pace, walks this week. Soon we will be dodging icy spots and I'll be more inclined to take him for a quick walk to do his business and a little play, and use the indoor walking options for my real exercise. Every day over 65 is a weather gift.
  • Right now work is hectic and I'm feeling the results of trying to take on new duties while still having most of my former. I made solid efforts this week towards realigning my team which should ease stress. My boss also passed on that someone shared a huge compliment about my presentation Tuesday, in a room filled with the highest level executives in our agency. Her response was, that she knew my work was great and no one could have me. Appreciation goes a long way. 
  • Avoiding sugar, decreasing my simple carbs, increasing my fruit and vegetable and other plant based meals, and tiny increases in exercise have resulted in a 1.4 pound weight loss for the week. Total Weight loss since April 28th, is 15.4 pounds. Shout outs to my blogger friends who have reported their weight loss efforts this week. I've linked them below.
I was overly arrogant back in May when I had a couple big weeks of weight loss. I thought the first 20 would melt like butter.  I am being much more sensible now, realistic. Still, I'd like to give myself  a new goal. It is 8 weeks until Thanksgiving Friday, November 24.  My birthday is that week as well, and the Christmas Holiday season officially starts. What better present than a slimmer waistline, improved strength, and more energy? I'm giving myself a 10 pound weight loss goal; averaging 1.25 pounds per week will get me there. If I can get there, and at least maintain it through December, I will start 2018 31 pounds lighter than I started 2016. I had had a previous 12 pound weight loss that spring, but didn't keep it up after some health issues resurfaced. No excuses now-I feel better overall than I have for years. 

Cyber weight loss buddies include but not limited to

Rachel Living Better One Day at a Time
Anna  Random Thoughts
Tracy Just Keep Swimming Mama fish

If I missed you and you want a shout out, leave your link in the comments. 


  1. Bloody marvellous Sam any amount off is fantastic.

    1. I am pleased and will try and keep unrealistic and self defeating goals away.

  2. Wishing you every success on your journey, and I agree any amount is fantastic. I am disappointed with myself because I know exactly what to do, but the doing it is what is hard for me!

    1. With my high weight, if I did what I should, the weight should melt off. But I must be making more good choices lately even if nominal.

  3. You are doing great! I'm back from my work trip, and scared to get back on the scale. Any disruption is challenging, but the jet lag particularly makes it hard to work out. Going to get fully back in the swing of things this week. Also, didn't eat any treats, and the dessert in our London office is incredible!

    1. I don't think my body would cope well with the jet lag. Great for you controlling where you can.

  4. Superb post.Ne'er knew this, regards for letting me know.


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