Friday, September 15, 2017

Feeling Good Friday-Stuff will Happen Edition

Momentum was going in the right direction last week. It has stalled in the weight loss department this week though. Fortunately, not a weight gain. After feeling cruddy most of the weekend, I actually had lost a few pounds if I was to trust Monday mornings scale. It was mostly dehydration effects. I also had several less than healthy choices, and didn't do a strong calorie counting or exercise effort all week. So, considering I didn't gain, I'm OK, and looking to make this weekend and the week yet another refresh. I'm getting good at those.  Minnesota's welcome back to summer week was much appreciated. As I've said, I love fall, but I want the seasons to stay where they are supposed to be, and this autumn stuff happening the last two weekends of August was not making me smile. With another week of official summer, the weekend forecast is nothing but blue skies and warm temperatures. A perfect way to jump start my healthy reflections for the week, mind, body, and soul. 

  • Dinner with A and L on Wednesday evening was absolutely wonderful. L is a power house, and I mean that in every sense of the word. She is creative, tenacious, and can make the hard decisions to get things done. However, more so, she is  kind, genuine and passionate about improving the world for children and families. She also has the perfect mix of humility, tipping her hat to shared success, but also not coy-she fully embraces her skills and achievements. 
  • Having started my morning that night with a sweet roll and coffee, followed by a shared food truck lunch, followed by root beer floats for a departing colleague, I made wiser dinner choices and had hummus and crudities and a garden salad for supper. 
  • I'm like the zen room-a lot. I just use if for five or so minutes of calm, and the low light, the soft colors, and the quiet ground me to get back on track when my mind gets in overdrive. I'm trying to think how I can carve more zen space out at home.
  • This is for Wendy, I pulled up two different 12 minute yoga videos on fab, Fit, Fun TV. granted I only started one, but I am making a commitment to start these on Saturday and at least three times per week.  
  • No weight gain, and I'll be happy with that. 
Something really major got botched at work, hanging up 10's of thousands of dollars in payments this week. We have it mostly resolved, just some processes beyond my scope and capacity to test out. For DD2's open house night, the school had a computer problem and the schedules for kids did not print out in alphabetical order and the night started in chaos, but was resolved almost just in time to start the mock walk through of our children's day. We met all her teachers, though many we know from other realms of life already, and saw several friends. She has incredible teachers this year! In school, activity, and testing fee's, I've spent $782.56, plus $265 on new reading glasses for DD2. Ouch, but I a thankful all these services and opportunities are available to her. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling the weight of it all, but in each challenge, there is resolution and a potential upside. I'm heading to the lake to do some tasks, in solitude, and a solo kayak paddle around the lake. I have a girls sign making class tonight with my soup mama friends, but nothing else on the calendar. Today should be a good kick off to a new week. What healthy choices did you make for you personal well being? How do you shrug off and move forward when the burden of life stuff can be heavy?


  1. I schedule my alone time as if it were a meeting. In fact, it is my meeting--it's a meeting between me and my CEO--myself! And, it sounds selfish, but I say "no" to many, many things so life doesn't get to be too much in the first place. Also, I don't text, use social media, or use have my cell phone unless I am out, and then, I do not turn it on unless I need to make a call.

    1. That is an excellent meeting to hold. I do that with project time, schedule myself, but not with my personal time. Something that seems like it would be good for all of us to do. Being off grid yesterday, if for part of the day, was good.

  2. Like Meg above, I try hard not to overschedule. My work life is insane right now, so I know myself well enough that I need to be home in the evenings, and start my wind down routine by 7:30 pm. Then, I try to be in bed by 8:30 pm, and asleep by 9. It helps.

    During the work day, I also go for 10 minute walks, when possible. And, work from home whenever I can on Fridays. (Fridays is when the rest of my regional teams are offline, due to time zones). I get so much of my "thinking" work done on Fridays, but also find it to be a real reset for my body not to be around all of the work stress in person.

    1. The short breaks during the work day are essential, aren't they. No one is meant to be engaged for 10 hours straight with no breaks.

  3. This week has been so chaotic. It was going to be busy anyway but then when on top of that things go haywire it got frantic. I must admit though it has started to get cold here and we've had quite a bit of rain, and one of the things I really enjoy is getting togged up and getting outside - working in the garden or just walking. I know it's anti-social but being out in the cold and rain ensures people leave you alone and it's a great way to relax and "ponder" I find. Anna

    1. Nothing anti social about needing time for oneself.
      i used to get super disappointed when plans cancel, but now I kind of relish it happening on occasion.

  4. Yay for the yoga only just seen this so let me know how you go. I'm in Samos at the mo but doing yoga everyday as I have a new class lined up for when I get home and starting the BWY Foundation course in November which I'm very nervous about lol. You know what there is a kayak here for everyone to use on the water which is mostly just like a lake but I've never given it a go yet as I'm such a pussy in the water lol.

    1. We all love kayaking-give it a go and I'll try and stick with the yoga.


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