Friday, March 16, 2018

Feeling Good Friday-That's What I'm Talking About Edition

Friday already? Oh my week off work went fast when I, well, worked. I feel like much was accomplished, though perhaps not as much as I put down on paper, but progress none the same. I didn't fritter away money on expensive movies and coffee out each morning, but did do a little Netflix binge watching and enjoyed my coffee in the morning with no timer reminding me to get out the door. DH and I had a delcious dinner out with a beer and a chance to just talk like a couple and not just parents, and home owners, and employees, and bill payers. DD2 used the week to recharge as well, though helped me, did some homework and progress on her project, and hung out with friends also not spring breaking in warmer climates. I got in more exercise, thank you two college campus tours and pup, and even picked up my weights again that had been gathering dust. Jiggly arms be gone! Here are my five feel goods of the last week.

  • I enjoyed calls with both my kids, even an extended one with DS. Both seem in a good place right now. 
  • After washing the inside front windows, so badly needed, the sun warmed up the whole house literally and figuratively. I've been craving sunlight and getting the extra minutes with each new day coinciding with sunny days, has been a mood booster. 
  • I read, am reading, for pure pleasure this week. I must keep this up even after I am back at work on Monday, even if just to squeeze in 20 minutes or so. 
  • I've been focusing on finding balance this past week. Eating healthy, but allowing little treats. Saving money, but planning for little indulgences. Being satisfied with my appearance, but investing time in beauty routines. DD2 and I are planning a mask night tonight and I plan to give myself a manicure with polish before going back to work Monday.
  • Finally, the scale is treating me right. I lost two pounds this week, making a grand total for March of two pounds. I may not make the six pounds with just two more weigh ins, but progress is progress and I'll take it.I'm not going to get ahead of myself like last year when the first ten pounds came off easily and then I stagnated, only to take a backward slide in the fall. 
I reread some of the comments I've left on other bloggers posts about weight loss, health and wellness, and think dang, I need to talk to myself like that as well. Life can be a load of stress, mine like many others. Still, I hope my weekly reflections on what I have done or experienced or results achieved keep me motivated to feel good about the life I'm living. 


  1. Glad you had a nice week off! We all need the recharge time once in awhile! Congrats on the weight loss too - and I know I am WAY harder on myself than others too. We definitely should be kinder to ourselves! =)

    1. Not an exciting week, and the work week ahead will be incredibly stressf filled playing catch=up, but I had the time and it was nice to be unscheduled.

  2. You were able to LOSE weight during a week off? Good job woman!!
    I need to recharge too... how can I do that?!>>.....

    1. I had a pretty big bank of vacation time-after I had told myself when I left my last job that I needed to actually take my vacation time. Well, Ill be eating up two weeks this summer. If you have the time, take it. It doesnt do any good to sit an accumulate, then, while you may plan to get thngs done, let your self have any amount of downtime. I was less productive than I wanted to be, but have decided it is ok.


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