Monday, December 3, 2018

November Financial Wrap-Up and Not Living in a Fairy Tale

I guess it was just my plan for saving in 2018 that was a fairy tale, but the cash flow was a reality. We've done nothing on the house, but a minor repair that will temporarily resolve the door issue, kicking the can on the new door purchase. I'm resigned to the fact that I will most likely not have new floors and counters, but the deck and the door are the priorities for next year, along with college tuition. We will have vacations, we'll just be getting creative and using the cabin more so than we have the past two years. Only one more month to wrap up, but in keeping myself accountable, here you have the recap of goals and the status update. 

1.      Fully fund the Roth                                              $13,000

2.      Once in a lifetime family vacation                        $15,552 ($3,000 added +$552 overage)
3.      College Fund                                                       $12,000
4.      College and Show Choir Road Trips                   $  1,500
5.      All State Camp                                                    $     650
6.      Home Upgrades                                                  $  9,000                                                                                                                                  $51,702
Annual Savings Goal          $38,702 ($51,702 priority budget-$13,000 from savings)

Roth                                          $13,000
Taken from Savings                 -$13,000
Vacation expenses paid             $15,552

College/Show Choir trips paid   $ 1,495

All State Payments                    $   650

Cash Savings Increase             $  2,500 

Total Savings achieved             $20,197

Balance to save:  $18,505 (I'm still laughing.)

We have a nagging expense of nearly $575 that I do not expect to disappear for quite a while. It is just a fact of our financial life for a decision made a long time ago. I'd rather not share the detail, but it is an expense I've just come to accept. There are some costs we won't have after June and a few more no longer part of our cash flow come September. No doubt though, there will be extra expenses we didn't fully grasp or no one mentioned so may just even out anyway. We are skinnying down unnecessary items. Things will be tight but not austere. I'm in good company and will learn from others how we might decrease various parts of our budget to redirect where needed most in 2019. 


  1. We are doing the tight but not austere budget for the coming year also. Since 2 of our kids live flights away, we want to have enough cash to visit both of them a couple of time during the next year. That means really tightening our belt for our daily living. That is fine with me, since I am pretty good at finding free/cheap things to do, plus I have a boatload of food storage. The downside is this keto thing is really working and I am going to need a totally new spring/summer wardrobe. I am pretty sure I will do the capsule wardrobe thing for minimal purchases to get me through the season.

    1. What a great reason to invest a little bit in yourself. I do need to look into a revised eating plan that will support progress towards a healthy weight. Tight but not austere-that is the 2019 way. (and form then on I think if retirement happens for hubs in 2023)

  2. You can do this. And sometimes you just have to rethink your goals. I know I always over think what I can possibly do.

    1. We'll do something alright. It is a constant juggle. Next year and the three following will be focused on our youngest daughter. Maybe we'll add a couple other priorities in there depending on life events for our other family members. Regardless of how tight the budget will be, we have a good life and a good family. That is my priority.


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