Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Positively Tuesday-December Goals Recap

Good Tuesday Morning people. Despite the snow over the weekend, or because of the snow,  I feel perked up this morning. I have a 7:30 meeting, with breakfast, so yay to that, followed by a 9:30 division meeting where the four of us who manage/supervise are providing a yogurt parfait bar for our whole team. I was responsible for paper products and granola for toppings, so I brought in yesterday clear cups (so the parfaits would be pretty) napkins, spoons, and small plates for the Kringles (a tasty coffee cake that is kind of like a huge Danish pastry) my boss is bringing to go with the yogurt. Last week I made out a December goal list. I'm still thinking on 2019, but thought my Positively Tuesday  posts would be a good place to keep myself accountable at least for December 

  1. Try a new recipe and blog about it. Nothing yet, but downloaded the Copy Cat recipe booklet. 
  2. Read a book for fun, even if it is one I already have read. Tomorrow is the Book Club gathering to pick a book and timeline so hope this will jump start this goal. 
  3. Write towards completing my book at least 10 hours cumulatively. I put about an hour in on Sunday. I had hoped to do some while on the college day Friday, but the agenda had more parents content than I thought it would. 
  4. Limit TV/streaming/YouTube to not more than 6 hours during the week, and 6 total on weekends. There is just too much other stuff to do in December, and if I have a free night, going to bed early would be a good thing. This one will be hard because with sports and such on TV,  easily more than this can be spent watching. I'm modifying to exclude sports, since I never just sit and watch, but am doing laundry, dishes, baking,or something else along with the games being on. 
  5. Other than a holiday lunch for my team, my gift to them, no eating out or morning coffee stops (work days). So far so good. 
  6. Cook two meals at once at least once per week. I prepped chicken breasts for wraps when cooking supper on Sunday.
  7. Pack and actually eat, two servings of fruit and veg to my lunch each day. Thumbs up for the first December work day. 
  8. Add a midday outside walk, every day if possible, even if only around the building. My body craves some natural light when I leave and come home in the dark. Thumbs up for the first December work day. 
  9. Fit in a 10-15 minute yoga video in at least 2 times per week, This has gone by the wayside and by body feels it. Boo-not yet, but still time this week. 
  10. Not gain any weight. I'm frustrated with myself for putting back on the five pounds lost on vacation, and being so close to the weight again I was two years ago, my heaviest. 2019 has to be the year I get my weight in check. Holding steady at least in December, despite the treats and calorie laden food, will boost my confidence heading into January. So far, so good, but I really would like to drop a pound before Christmas, so secretly (not so secretly), aiming for that. 
I'd like to see the green stay green as the weeks pass and ditch the red. My yellow updates  mean progression. If you have set goals for yourself in December, share your progress or link to an update in your own blog. Let's keep each other motivated. 


  1. I've definitely slipped with my weight loss progress as well, and need to pull it back before the holidays (which is a slippery slope anyway). Here are my goals for December. https://thehawaiiplan.blogspot.com/2018/12/december-goals.html

    You've got this! We can do it. :-)

    1. Winter is really hard in my area, but summer wasn't great either. I'm really focusing on getting little moments of exercise, fresh air, and concentrating on fruit and vegetables.

  2. Most of what I need to do in Dec. will center around Christmas.....cleaning, decorating, cooking, a bit more shopping(gift cards from R-A),wrapping and Xmas cards and shipping a couple of things(thank goodness for at home postage printing and package pick-up so I don't have to step into the PO between now and Xmas! lol)
    I would love to loose 8 lbs. before 2019 starts but yeah, not holding my breath on that score so will shoot for 2 lbs(even w/Xmas food hazards). The reading in on track(keeps me sane)and I'd like to bake something new this Holiday and maybe FINALLY get some sewing done.

    1. Holding fat and losing minimal weight seems like a mantra for December. I have Christmas stuff to do, but most is fun stuff-not stressful things.

  3. My goal is less tangible. I am going to try to remember my reusable grocery bags each and every time I go to the supermarket. My favorite supermarket is phasing out plastic bags.
    I probably could stand to do more Christmas baking. I want to try a new cookie recipe. Other than that, I am set for Christmas. The house is decorated beautifully, the few gifts we give the kids wrapped, the fruitcakes (and I) are being liberally fed with rum, and the Advent Calendars are being stuffed daily. The only thing I "need" is to get a nice rib roast for Christmas dinner. That will have to wait until closer to Christmas. We like to get it from one of two local meat shops in the area. Usually DH and I make the drive out there around the 22nd or 23rd. I am also trying to fit in a long library trip to pick up books to read. By the way Sluggy, "Twain's End" was terrific!

    1. Ha-love your rum comment, keep on being liberal I say. I'mnot sure what we;ll have for Chrstmas day-my MIL is foing ham and buns. I think I'll do beef as well, plus a salad. For Christmas eve, I am ham and an appetizer. I'm having my son make steak and salmon for him, his dad and little sister, and I'm looking for a good egg plant recipe for a side/main for me and my older daughter. I eat steak, but just small amounts.


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