Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Developing 2019 Goals

 I know I've written incessantly about the changes in our household that happen in 2019. I can't help it as so much of my day to day life revolves around having being a mom and taking care of details for a person I still am truly responsible for. While the parenting ball doesn't drop completely just because our youngest will graduate and go off to college, the payments to said college is exhibit A, the day to day will be altered. Financial goals are plain and clear. We have college to pay for, some absolute home repairs that need to happen, and hopefully, find a few dollars in our target for a fall mini-getaway. We have winter and spring  trips already tied to our youngests schedule. I have to come up with an overall  budget stretch target to keep me motivates, but where the money will go has been decided.

I'm struggling with other goals, focused on health, well being, social connectedness, personal pursuits. I'm going to have much more free time on my hands and that is good. What won't be good is getting sucked into staying at the office later, watching more stuff on TV or YouTube or Netflix, or  just going out to eat because I don't want to be bothered to cook for just myself three nights a week. It's hard to focus on goals as many of my friends, those that I met through our youngest daughters activities, still have kids at home so they're still in that cycle. Friends who had their kids leave years ago have developed a routine and it might be hard to break into their cycle. 

At this point in December, I have nothing new to share for my goals. tonight is the launch meeting for the book club I proposed via our neighborhood/community Next Door app. I think there are five people tonight to meet, pick a book, and figure out our format. Reading and finding a new social group is a good start. I like where I have started December with my mini goals. They feel like a stretch, but positive. Going for a fresh air walk yesterday at 11:45, just between the two farthest doors of the building  was good. I sort of made a new  dish yesterday, though it really was just a universal casserole with chicken, garlic, m ilk, creamed chicken soup, cheddar, pasta and bred crumbs. It was a hit though with DH and DD2. Perhaps one of my 2019 goals is to set monthly goals. 

If you are a person to set annual goals, share a couple in the comments that you are most hopeful to achieve. If you write about them, link below so I can be sure to read and perhaps borrow from your ideas. Have a great Wednesday.


  1. Mine is still a work in progress, but largely the goals for 2019 are set.

    It is a huge life change you're undertaking. I can imagine it would be really difficult to process & understand what you want to pursue without all of your other commitments. Could 2019 be a year of exploration, where you try new things for yourself without judgment or expectations? Perhaps you try one new fitness class at a local gym, join one local meetup group for something you're interested in, be the person to host an appetizer/wine party for friends on a Saturday. . . basically, start setting the stage for things you want to do after your daughter is out of the house & you have more free time.

    With more free time, would you be interested in a side hustle to bring a bit of flexibility to your household budget? No obvious ideas to what that might be, but another thing to consider.

    1. You've given me really good things to think about and I like the idea of a year to explore-I may or may not like some things I try, and I might try some things I otherwise wouldn't if I commit to early. Definitely need to think about the side hustle. Money will be tight from now on until my DH officially hits 67, but wants to retire at 62. I look at those five years of him exploring side hustles, his personal space while I am still working. It sure would be good to have little pots of side money for weekends away without always having to go leaner in another line item of the budget.

  2. I do believe I will be hard core goals but more like focus in on quarterly goals. I stop in my living rich on the cheap.
    If you find the time stop in for a cup of coffee

  3. I'm not sure I ever made goals, with the exception of getting this house paid off as fast as I could after my divorce. I'm kind of in limbo because, as you know, I only have 2 more weeks to work. I really, really don't want to over-commit with all that extra time I'll have when I retire so I think I'm just going to "wing it" for the first few winter months and see how I feel. My only initial goal will be decluttering this house. I have also just today brought a complete new home office system just in case I decide to go with a side hustle, but I'm not committing to that either at the beginning. Getting some level of fitness has to be pretty high on the goals list though as I really hate the lazy blob I've become. We'll see though.

  4. Having that last one leave home is hard at least it was for me . But I got used to it quickly:) You can do this. You will be amazed at how much more time you have, and how much cleaner the house stays and less cooking and worry. Now the college bills well that will last for a few years.

  5. I still haven't sorted my goals for 2019. I know I have to get myself into perfect shape to fit the wedding dress, but other then that I still haven't figured out.
    I hope your book club meeting will be alright and don't worry, I am sure you will find some hobbies and things to do when your kid leaves for college.


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