Friday, January 25, 2019

Think Warm Weather Destination Thoughts

We had our wonderful trip in August and I still am savoring it. It doesn't make me less longful for blue skies, a sandy beach, and warm water. I'll get that again in the summer, a mere five months away. Don't I look relaxed in this picture from about four years ago? Now we need to make the most of the little get aways we have since it will be a long time before we travel again in the cold weather months. Today the high temperature in my part of Minnesota was 1 degree Fahrenheit. that's -17 Celsius for those of you across the pond. I checked the weather though for our trip south, all the way to Omaha, Nebraska and was pleasantly surprised to see that the high tomorrow is 33 and Saturday a tropical 37! To top it off, both days had sun shine icon's on their calendar. I can tolerate the cold a bit better when it is sunny. Plus, after several days of brutally cold weather (with more coming through next week0, anything above freezing feels like a respite.

Besides spending all afternoon and evening at the competition on Saturday, we hope to have a little fun. Last year we discovered a walking distance from the hotel bar and grill with good food and cheap beer. Besides my friend, mother of one of DD1's friends who is riding with us, we'll most likely meet up with other parents for dinner and drinks before heading back to the hotel and helping the girls with their hair set. Saturday, I am taking advantage of not having to be to the school at the crack of dawn and will sleep in, then have a leisurely breakfast. There will probably be pizza and plenty of conversation back at the hotel and the curfew for the kids, as long as they are quiet in each others rooms, will be extended. We can sleep in on Sunday as well before heading homme five  and half hours north. Oh the glamorous life. 

I know, not much of a holiday trip, though filled with memories of our kiddo and friends. I have to admit to a lot of envy from Facebook friends posting trip pictures and sporting a rosy glow not caused by wind burn. I'll bring a notebook along and start thinking about our summer and think some more on where we might want our next future destination to be. We received a cruise line brochure yesterday-up to 6 free offers saving us $4,000. Sounds perfect right? For now, I'm content, need to be content, appreciating the sun when it come out and a few puddles from melting snow. 


  1. I need a long nap & a bunch of time to sleep in, after two trips in a row. I'm home for a week & then London. I don't think the weather will be good, but I will be so grateful after those trips are done & I can actually get back to my "real life" once again.

    1. Your sabbatical will be well deserved. The travel sounds exciting to those of us, me, who do not get the chance so often any more, but your schedule sounds exhausting.

  2. Meri and I leave in February for L.A. and I want to bring back a little sun with me. Hopefully not wind burn, but I'll take what I can get!
    Good luck!

    1. Bring that sun and warm back and share some to the north of you.

  3. I don't mind the cold at all - it's the grey that gets you down isn't it. So far this year we have been so so lucky in that we have had near constant sunshine. Not so great for the ski resorts I guess but for the rest of us it's great!

    1. The gray and the cold do my spirits in, but I am better with sun.

  4. Replies
    1. Omaha was good to us this weekend. We left our coats in the car and didn't have to lug them around.

  5. You look great and any where that is not below zero is a good place to be. I remember one time going from Boise Idaho which was 62 degrees to Riverton Wyoming which was -22 in less then 12 hours, now that was a shock.

    1. That is what I hope we won't face, but it seems like the cold will b hitting us today and the whole week.


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