Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thrifty Thursday-Ending an Expensive Month

The last day of January and I, financially speaking, am very glad. In other ways though, it was a very good month and besides this week from Antarctica, the weather has been decent enough. I will be curious how our heat and electric fared overall compared to other years. The furnace was on overdrive all day yesterday and through the night. Despite the expensive month, I'm finding ways to be frugal and  explore opportunities to be thrifty. I had a few wins, or less pains, as it might be.

  1. I managed to keep the spending for the weekend show choir trip to just $85 more than we spent the previous trip, and I thought it would be at least $100 more. For the most part, the increased spending was gas (240 more miles), a more expensive hotel, and food costs at the venue were higher. We also included the meal for our friend on our bill Friday night. She chaperoned the first overnight trip and will this weekend. It seemed a small thank you! 
  2. Groceries for the week were for milk, bread, and bananas, keeping our entire H&G budget to under $325. We were under average for entertainment as well, but considering our two weekends away, that makes sense. I am aiming to knock hundreds off our entertainment budget and eating out budget for the year, mini challenges to myself. 
  3. Teleworked two days this week, saving  five gallons of gas, plus wear and tear on the car. 
  4. Baked a load of pumpkin-oat muffins, freezing two for DD2's breakfast for the road Saturday morning. Used a 1/2 can of pumpkin found in the freezer to do so. 
  5. I only ordered the group/combo picture for DD2's vocal jazz and no additional individual pictures. The picture was fine, but I can take snap shots of her if we want, plus we have her grad photos. Last year I spent over $50 and kept to $28 this year. 
Yes, I could have skipped the Vocal Jazz pictures all together, but I wanted her to have the group photo. We could have stayed at an even less expensive motel, but then would have been away from the group and would have had the stress of back and forth driving to the hotel for hair. DH's second check of the month was pretty scary, but the month balanced out overall from other January's so I am still hopeful we will make up ground for our annual savings plan. I'll keep trying to squeeze pennies, not waste food, and when we do spend, make sure we are getting enjoyment and value. 

If you do Thrifty Thursdays or Frugal Fridays, please comment and link. Share any strategies you have had for keeping weekend away from getting away financially. 


  1. January has been expensive, and I don't see it slowing until March. You see, DS has four nights/week campus classes at the community college for the dual enrollment program. He likes DH to drive him, not because DS can't drive himself, but because they like to go out to eat afterwards. I joked that the tuition waiver money is literally being eaten up. The quarter ends in March, though, so there is that. Besides, meals out is a very small price to pay to keep this one excited about higher education. Tonight, I take DD to an info. session at the h.s. about this same program. (Because, obviously, I don't know anything about it.) Again, if going to the h.s. and sitting in the auditorium to hear what I already know inspires her to enroll, then so be it.

    1. Dinner out in exchange for a motivated kid-nice trade off. Even if you know all the information, I think kids like to feel individualized-like you are going with just for her.

  2. We've had nothing out of the ordinary, frugaltity wise. Just our standard: line dried our clothes, leftovers for dinner, charging the electric car for free at work, etc. I did manage to use a $2 reward for groceries, to trim the cost. Overall though, it was an expensive month for us.

    1. I keep trying to find big wins, but it is the little ones added up I guess that will yield my savings.

  3. We were gone for a good bit of the month but still am ending up close to my monthly food budget as ate down Christmas stocks until we left and then stocked up when we got back. That plus mucho money spent on OTCs as hubby has gotten (and now passed on) the flu to me. I usually have some in the house but this time had to spend money out of pocket. On the upside liquor expenses while we were home were lower than normal as me making wine at $4 a bottle versus buying cider and wine at the liquor store is making an impact. It likely will make a much bigger impact by the end of the year. Every penny saved counts, less of your lifeblood to earn more $. I did eat salmon last night with dill sauce and rice - free salmon from our fishing trip last summer (that comes out of entertainment budget as you can't count on how much you will catch) even though I am not keen on fish. I am still trying to eat down the freezer to defrost it lol

    1. I'm not much for salmon either-froze the last little bit for pup fro Christmas. If you had fished for haddock-yum! The cold has made my throat sore. I'm hoping that is all it is. Take care.

  4. Well I usually share meals with Hub's or sissie. Also pack my own snacks. I took an apple and a banana on the plane with me from DC to Seattle. They held me off until I got home to eat.

    1. Airport food is so expensive. It is literally throwing money away to not pack your own treat.


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