Thursday, January 17, 2019

Thrifty Thursday-Little things

I didn't have any big wins, but little efforts hopefully add up to more money to put towards savings in the long run. We're still recovering from the holidays and spending more even when I budget, than we should spend in a single month. Here's my Thrifty Thursday recap.
  • I used a 7 cents coupon on gas.
  • For DD2's birthday dinner, I made a frugal curry-recipe tomorrow.
  • We packed snacks for show choir to keep concession food purchases low.  
  • DD2 has finals this week. Instead of her hitting the vending machines, she packed some of of the discounted nuts we bought after Christmas.
  • I used the free vacuum at one of the gas station on my way into work today on my car.
Mostly, I stayed out of stores. I used the discounted Target gift cards for a couple clothing items for DD2's birthday gift, but didn't buy anything else. Let me type that again. I bought nothing else at Target! That is a big leap of thriftiness for me because for those of us that love Target know, you don't go to Target for what you need, you go there and Target tells you what you need. Never was a Facebook meme so accurate. How were your wins for the week/ Share and or link in the comments. 


  1. Little wins add up to a big win. Well done Sam!

    1. I do mind calculations of when my daughters tuition bill is due in August and suddenly I don't need anything and a coupon works a wonder.


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