Saturday, January 19, 2019

Weekend Reflections

DD2 had a four  day school week and now has a four day weekend. I have Monday off as well. I'll have some program on the radio honoring Martin Luther King, but I typically have not gone to events. I try not to just treat is a bonus weekend day, but I'm human and tired, and that most likely will use it to rejuvenate. I have the self cleaner on the oven right now, which is long overdue so it feels hot, smelly, and a bit stifling in the house. I'm trying to get caught up on the mess of a house since the last two weekends I have been away on my days off. For her friends birthday. my daughter and friends are going to pack meals for Feed My Starving Children, then either out for pizza, back here for pizza, or just for pie since she ended up exhausted and didn't go Thursday night for her finals reward. I'm a bit embarrassed to have a house full of people, even if teenagers, the leftover chaos from the holidays is so bad, but I'm making progress. Besides, my mother-in-law is over tomorrow so that really 

Why am on the computer then? Just a break to think through the timing of my list. I'm meeting my sisters for one of their birthdays in a couple hours as well. I hope the oven is cooled down by then so I can clean it out, then sweep and mop the kitchen floor. Oh gosh, what an exciting blog update. Still, I am happy to have a weekend with no requirements other than getting the place looking like a home and not the back room of a store after Christmas. Our older daughter gave us a movie theater gift card-we may use it tonight and see a movie, but I haven't looked at offerings. She is such a sweety-decided her parents needed a guilt free date night, knowing we are trying to save. 

Speaking of what should be a guilt free night out, I babysat for my niece last night. She had said she would be home after the brewery closed at 11:00, still  surprised by her December night out that went well past 1:00. After several games and musical dance numbers, the 8 year old finally crashed watching a movie about a dolphin that lost it's tail fin. Well, I fell asleep too, until my phone rang and it was DH wondering where I was. I couldn't believe the clock-1:45! She was home about 20 minutes later. She was having a rough night and really needed her friends. She left her car where it was downtown and they all got rides home, thankfully. I need to check with her to see if she wants me to bring her to her car before I meet my sisters. I need to keep plugging away now as that was enough of a respite. I think I can get my dusting and vacuuming done before meeting the clan. Brrr, it is cold out though and I wouldn't mind a good hibernation and to read my book. I hope your weekend is full of  whatever you want it to be made of.


  1. We are hibernating here! We are in the midst of the winter storm where they say we could get up to 10 inches of snow. So far though we've only got about an inch and now it has turned to rain/freezing rain. So who knows. They cancelled the kids' Upward games so we have no where to go. I have been puttering around...doing laundry, made some cupcakes for the kiddos for later, and am eating my lunch right now before switching out laundry. Just a day to putter around I guess...

    1. I almost feel jealous of the folks with snow storms-almost. Stay safe.

  2. You are very kind to baby sit for your niece. That is substantially later than agreed though.
    Hope today goes well and you get things done!

    1. We didn't really have a set tie-she just said she would be coming home after the brewery closed. YEs, it is quite late, but I think this is her only time out since early in December when I last babysat.

  3. I slept in (slept for 13 hours last night!) as my body is trying to catch up after two red eye flights where I didn't get much sleep. I'm feeling pretty jet lagged today, but we took care of a few chores & are packing the car to head to Lake Tahoe. We will stay the night tonight, ski tomorrow, & drive home tomorrow night. I'll use Monday as my bonus catch up day, as I have to head to LA for work on Tuesday.

    It's a busy month & then things settle down. Hurrah for that!

    1. I have slept that long at a time before-when my body has needed it, and I am sure yours was definitely in need of a good long sleep/

  4. I actually slept until 8:30 a.m! I am usually up at 5 a.m. during the week, no later than 7 a.m. on the weekend. I felt like I was playing catch up on my Saturday tasks after the lie in, though! The weather is about 50 degrees Fahrenheit, so I should go outside and see about cleaning up the flower beds, but I just don't have it in me. I am going to go sit with a crossword puzzle book and a cup of coffee. I have a quilt I should work on, but it somehow seems like a chore. When I feel that way about a project, I think it's best to let it sit in the closet until inspiration strikes again.

    1. When our body lets us sleep, it must truly need it. No doubt you are super productive 995 of the time. Coffee and a crossword sound like a deserved treat.

  5. That's very kind of you to take care of your niece's children. I'm sure she really really appreciates your help.

    1. I think she does. I'm not sure if she really has other offers or not. All my other siblings, but one (who travels a lot for her job)are busy babysitting for their own grand children, as are her aunts on the other side. My brother and sister-in-law, her parents, help out, but can't do the late nights and my brother is still recuperating and getting his strength back from his rounds of chemo and radiation. I do enjoy getting to know my great niece, though I worry about her son who I rarely see as he pretty much stays secluded in their basement.


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