Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Could I Please Have My Nights Back?

     I need to figure out some different strategies to try and stay awake and alert later into the evening. I find that once I sit down, I am snoozing-no matter how early. I have my doctors appointment on Friday, so hoping some light might be shed. Last night, at least I made it until 4:00 before I was woken and had to get up-no luck falling back to sleep though. Which means the pattern will be back tonight. I do have Trivia so I'm not home until after 9:00 so that will help. I fear though if something doesn't change, as the daylight gets less and less each day, by later fall I'll fall asleep before even getting pup on his walk.

     The house is in chaos right now. things I didn't efficiently take care of after the party way back in June is merged with DD2's clutter everywhere as she decides what to pack, what to leave. I am so glad I am taking four days off next week. We wont get anything done with being at the lake. While I'm working Monday, I have this Friday off but will be at said doctors appointment, then food shopping, and heading up before the kids arrive. The card table has once again been filled with unfolded laundry-that will need to be tackled before I go as well.

     I have a list of things that DD2 needs to get done, but she has been pretty down and out since Sunday. She worked, but was so miserable that afternoon and all day yesterday, she didn't have a lot of energy. Her cold has landed deep in her sinuses and the back of her throat. DH hasn't shaken his bout either. I haven't talked with my son again to see if he is better. Summer illness is the worst. Its like the rest of the world is on vacation and at a party and you've been left behind.

     This too will end. I have an empty gas tank so will stop for a fill up on route. I vow to no more gas station coffee in non-recyclable cups, so will fill my travel mug to go. While I did a big grocery shop, I'm pretty bored with my lunch items. I've over done the stuff in tortilla wraps. Maybe I'll just have some fruit and yogurt. My weight hasn't budged all summer-at least it didn't go up. Yet another thing to discuss on Friday. I hope you have a good Wednesday-and a great Wednesday night sleep.


  1. I hope the light works and you find relief. August-so early to be thinking about needing the SAD lights.

  2. No advice on sleeping, as I share your issues. I am also battling a summer cold, & it's terrible! For lunches, I've been doing any random protein leftovers on a salad base. Would that work in place of a tortilla wrap?

    I know I need to go back to minimal sugar/carbs. It worked very effectively & I felt so much better. I actually saw weight progress.

    1. More protein on greens is a good idea. I have spinach leave and assorted vegetables. I could rinse some chick peas or black beans. I need to cook extra chicken. When I think I do, DH eats every bit.

  3. I am also dealing with sleep issues. Seems I am exhausted around 7pm or so, but once I get the kids to bed between 8-9 I am wide awake and can't sleep until 3AM or so. Or if I do go to bed at a decent time I wake up every other other..... Not sure what is going on. I have even tried diffusing lavender and bergamot in my bedroom at night and it doesn't seem to be helping.

    1. your issues seem even more disruptive than mine. I wish you well getting to sleep -really sleep-after the kiddos.

  4. Hate to say this but this is the time of life that sleep and exhaustion raise their ugly heads. I say if you need to sleep or doze off, do so. You work very hard during the day.

    1. I seem to doze off whether I give myself permission or not!

  5. Oh ladies, there is a recurring theme here isn't there! I have the opposite problem. I NEVER go to bed before 12-1 a.m. (even when I was working) and STILL I can't sleep. I fell asleep around 3 a.m. this morning, up at 7.30 and I'm still raring to go. If anyone figures out a solution let me know. And good luck at the doctor's!

    1. I used to be able to function on very little sleep. It was nothing to stay up until midnight, and actually sleep, but be up by 5, ready to tackle everything. I want that back!

  6. I am with you Anna. I can't fall asleep until about 2, then I wake at 6;30 or 7. Occasionally I fall back asleep but rarely.


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