Monday, September 30, 2019

Meals on Monday

     We didn't go grocery shopping yesterday deciding there was plenty at home and we needed to eat down some food to make room before any new groceries. After having  just lazy  food on Saturday, I made a decent brunch yesterday after church and later turkey burgers and salad for supper. I made pasta fagiole on Friday. I've some set aside for DD1, but I'll eat the remainder for lunches this week along with any leftovers. I've got a five day work week-after two back to back four day weeks, I'll have more in gas costs again so bringing lunch each day is warranted. I'll either stop at Aldi tonight on route home or tomorrow, depending on how timely I get out of the office and traffic. Regardless, either way, I'm planning to cook up the remainder of one of the bags of chicken tonight, and have part with rice and carrots, and the other for a chicken and cheese hotdish. That's two meals sorted. Here's what I am thinking for the week.

  • Chicken, rice and steamed carrots
  • Chicken and cheese hotdish with green beans
  • Hamburgers with Sweet potato wedges
  • Pork loin chops, or ribs with mashed potatoes, apple sauce, and fruit
  • Spaghetti and marinara with cheesy garlic bread
  • Tacos with Spanish rice, cheese, and beans

     If I stick to this, I need relatively few groceries and I'll keep chipping away at some of the older items on hand that need using up. DH likes to make dinner on Thursday's-some times-and believes pork is his specialty so I'll save that for his Thursday day off. Tacos will most likely be Wednesday as I have the premade meat and can whip everything together before trivia, perhaps just making mine a taco salad to bring along. One of the nice things about the brewery since they do not serve food, you can order from restaurants our bring in your own, which I've done a couple times when running late. Last week I brought pretzels and hummus and cupcakes because one of the group had a birthday. 
     With using leftovers for lunches, if I can convince DH to come home, we could whittle down both our grocery bill and his  restaurant and take out costs. I can't fault him alone as last week I splurged on Leeann Chins and brought McDonald's for the babysitting night. I need to restock my desk drawer to curb the lunch take out on days I run late or forgot to pack a lunch.

      I will have costs for Tuesday as the troublesome book club I going to make one more attempt at relaunching at a local bar and grill. I'll probably get just a soup or appetizer, making it lunch the next day as well. If this isn't successful, I think I'll be done. Side rant-after working the schedule to accommodate two younger moms, now one can't get there until an hour late and the other now has conflicts with her kids. Apparently there will be at least one new person, but Tuesdays are ongoing conflict for my daughter (who was clear right from the get go it didn't work for her very well) and she was going to decide month to month if it works, and my sister at least through October. I just refused to schedule on Wednesdays over Trivia any more after twice the others flaked out and I disrupted my own plans, Now we have a standing first Tuesday, 6:30. I don't mind posting the book, the questions, the location etc. but I'm not going to track people down anymore and change schedules when more than likely they'll cancel on the changed date as well. Rant done. 

     What's on your menu this week? I'd love some new ideas as you can see chicken rut is alive and well in my house. 


  1. Today is Costco Day, so dinner will be rotisserie chicken with French bread. Chicken enchiladas will appear later in the week. Tuesdays and Thursdays this quarter are crazy, so dinners are catch-as-catch-can. Things like tuna casserole and Swedish meatballs figure prominently into nights like those. I think we will have slow cooker chili on Wednesday. Friday I am trying my hand at cooking a mahi mahi filet. We are rife with apples, so I've made a pie and turnovers. Eldest put in a request for apple cabbage soup, so that will show up at some point this week as well, probably Saturday.

    1. I haven't had a good rotisserie chicken for a while-might have to add that at some point in October-then soup with the leftovers. When youngest is home, we have plans for an orchard so the baking will be abundant that week.

  2. I am sorry. I tried a book club once but it was all members of my church, and I am sorry I am just not that stuffy. I wanted then to read a prayer for Owen meany and they were all horrified. Just all too prudish. I mean really boys will be boys.

    1. I laugh-now there are new members coming through the rafters. We'll see if any actually participate or if they are like two of the girls and just like the idea of a book club.

  3. I love reading but I can't do book clubs either. I want to read what I want to read and have no desire to analyse them afterwards! I also got fed up of rescheduling all the time - whether it be for lunches, meetings, outings etc. I learned that lesson when I lived in the States. My ex worked nights and only got one day off a week so THAT was the only day we could do something together. Got fed up of rescheduling so that "aunt Doris would like to come but she's busy on Tuesdays, and L would like to but would prefer Wednesdays"! Now I just do my own thing - particularly regarding my holidays. I book and go, but then I'm happy to do things on my own anyway if need be!

    1. I was firm this time that the date we pick is the date it will be. I have to figure out how to add and admin on the FB as once of the girls has been great at getting book bundles and such.


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