Sunday, September 29, 2019

Setting My Sights on October Savings

     Yesterday was a no spend day-even for DH. His company brings lunch in on Saturdays, so no running out for  fast food. I woke with a headache and was feeling not so great so wasn't up and moving early enough to get  ready and drive the nearly hour to  a memorial service. I did perk up a bit by mid morning, and didn't want to waist a beautiful day. I knew the University of Minnesota Raptor Center was releasing a few birds  at a nearby nature center so decided to do that-with what seemed like 1,000 or more other people. Still, it was worth the chaos of parking. I brought a bottle of water along and an orange, though ended up eating the orange with my lunch at home. Still not 100%, after a long walk with pup, DH was home and we ended up with just a night at home watching the last quarter of the U's football game, and a Harry Potter movie. I made pub food from the freezer and fridge-frozen pizza, BBQ meatballs, and the leftover tots from Thursday. It was a nice relaxing night with leftovers for DH for the Vikings game today. The game and later for me at least, watching the marching band perform, will be our Sunday entertainment. I'm going to make a good brunch after church with pancakes, eggs, and sausage. 

     We need more No Spend weekends. Admittedly with stuff to bring up to DD2, stops here and there, I didn't track spending as well the last week as I had been. I recreated through the credit card transactions, receipt, check book and memory for Thrifty Thursday and determined there was still $40 left. I spent just shy of $37 Friday bringing the household and groceries (H&G) spending to $297, just under the $300 self imposed Target. If I shop on Sunday, though may just wait and hit Aldi on my route home Monday, spending will count towards October. I feel like our pantry, freezer, and fridge are quite well stocked, if not much variety. $300 will be the October target as well, bulking up our account for the  higher spending that starts with  the approaching holidays. DD2 will be home for eight days in October, so that changes things a bit-more of a challenge. I love a good spending challenge.

     It's eating out, take out, and fast food pick-ups that we need to rein in. September kicked our buts on food out of the house with our trip to see our daughter, my brother being in town, and several late working nights. I want to plan better for the late nights and lunches. It's our anniversary month so I'd like some splurge money there for a night out plus when the kid is home it will be nice to treat her to a meal or two-pretty much tapping out what should be a reasonable $100 eating out budget. We also budget $100 for entertainment, but have been higher in both categories for way too many months.

     DH had a good September and while the Visa is ridiculous high, we paid that off and still will have a deposit. We also had some spending of items in the priority  bucket so made some progress towards our annual goals. I'll wrap up September financials in a post this week. October should be a good month for jump starting, and I'm going there, Christmas, shopping. I'll get the ham baked this month that is taking up so much of my freezer space and start looking for good deals on specialty items. We don't know if DS will be able to make it home this year. He is hoping to hear about a project or two that will tie him up through the end of the year. Him visiting at Christmas or not is a huge swing in groceries, though nothing compared to what he consumed in his teen years. Still, I'd love for him to be able to be home for Christmas.

     I've got my sights on finishing the year with at least $3,000 a month tucked back in savings. It will be a stretch. It's doable though if I keep diligence on spending and DH 's earnings stay positive. He's earned  $400 in preloaded gift cards plus has some merchandise  points earned to apply towards gifts for Christmas. I know I need a better system for budgeting for the holiday than just a paper budget and maybe next year will be the year I try an envelope system.. We like to treat our kids at Christmas though none expect anything and know the trip last year was part of many Christmas to come. The older two rarely treat themselves, focused on paying of their grad school debt, equipment for their careers, and potential new homes in the future. Even the youngest  is careful about not spending her money earned over the summer, last summer, current dining services job, and graduation gifts as she has her eye on study away programs. All this to say, is I will keep being thrifty-even thriftier, but want to still enjoy the fall and prepare for the holidays. Wish me luck. 


  1. It sounds like you have it under control, and you will " make your own luck", as my mom used to say. Here is is just the push to pay off the house and I am tired of the push!

    1. good luck with your push. I'll keep trying to make my own luck, but still like to have some good karma fall my way.

  2. You seem to know your finances inside out (as should everyone frankly) so I think a little "stretching" occasionally doesn't hurt. And don't laugh but I use the envelope system too and find it works brilliantly!

    1. I'm not laughing at anyone's financial solutions-I'm taking notes.

  3. Someone has proposed a no-spend October.
    Good luck with yours.


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