Saturday, November 9, 2019

More Thinking Ahead To Christmas

I'm not going to rush the season like I did last year when DD1 and I hit every old barn and house displaying wondrous décor and greenery every weekend in November. However, I go invited tot he MN  logger's Bash event again this year at Bachman's Floral, Gift and Gardens and a sneak peak ahead of the crowds to the  Holiday Ideas House. It did not disappoint and I walked to my car with more than just vision of sugar plums dancing in my head. Of course the rooms were loaded with items to buy, but the staff were so wonderful pointing out how a mix of old, new, and handmade items featured in a corner, or along just one wall would be elegantly simple. Yeah, that's me-I go for elegantly simple, heavy on the simple. I'll be going back with my girls to buy a few things before we decorate my house and try to put the visions in my head into my home. Enjoy some of the ideas below.

Bachman's didn't stop with the sneak peak of the house. Food and cocktails were a plenty, with cheese's and vegetables, including lovely slices of mozzarella to put on tasty slices of French bread. The deserts were a dream with petit fours, and tiny chocolate gateau, and cheese cake bites. Served with the  spread was a cocktail made with  3 parts apple cider to 3 parts sparking wine/champagne. It was like a mimosa but with apple. I'm not a apple cider fan for the most part but just like the  cider mules we enjoyed a few weeks back at the Chanhassen, this cocktail was perfect for a cold fall evening as we head into the holiday season. The on site Patrick's Bakery and Café provided the libations. I didn't think to get a picture of the food and rinks-too busy sampling. I did however make this questionably festive  wreath. Oh yes-crafting is lost on me. 

I'm not just sharing this as a thank you to the delightful hosts, but also  to encourage those of you in the Twin Cities to make a holiday stop at Bachman's. You won't be disappointed. Staffed by fourth and fifth generations of the Bachman family, they are  a local treasure in our community. In fact 40% of the  admission price, only $5.00 to tour the Holiday Ideas house, goes to charity. For those of you not in Minnesota, explore your local garden centers, particularly those family owned and operated. Yes, you might pay a touch more than at Walmart, but this is where I say economy is putting our buying power into our communities and that's money well spent. 


  1. Wow, what wonderful displays. I am excited to decorate for Christmas as I haven't done it for three years.

    1. I am too and hopefully with the short window between Thanksgiving and Christmas I'll be able to enjoy.

  2. Lovely, just lovely. Seeing this puts me in a holiday mood!

    1. I'm not pushing it this year, but yes so festive!

  3. Beautiful. Our annual vintage Christmas stuff hunt has begun. Even though I don't generally ever buy anything that is brand new I can appreciate the talent it takes to decorate like that!

    1. They described it as a Ponterest board come to life. I plan to get a thing or two new but repurpose/ display my own stuff.

  4. Oh that is beautiful! I particularly like the holiday china but I couldn't justify a complete set of Christmas china I feel. That being said, I have bought loads of "old granny" china (as I call it). All flowery and oldy worldy (to my mind at least) and feel that will look nice on the Christmas table. Hopefully I can put a bit more effort into it this year as it will be my first "retired" Christmas. I love that green shelf too - right up my street!

    1. I too wouldn't want more dishes as I have a full set og granny china from my mom for our wedding. I think it would look lovely used this way.

  5. How lovely! I like the mini lit trees inside the lanterns. I'm actually scaling waaay back this year and only doing a decorated lit garland across my fireplace mantle with a few Santa figures placed here and there. I'm giving away my tree and plan to sell a couple of lighted houses on Marketplace, if I ever get around to it.

    1. Those lanterns were my favorite because I have two and can try and recreate. I kive my lightes village, but it is work to set up.


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