Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Positively Tuesday


     I'm off in just a few minutes and scrolling through Facebook and Instagram from the last couple days of posts. Many of my friends do a  countdown to Thanksgiving with a meme or thought a day on thankfulness and gratitude. I like reading them and while it may seem cliché, it really is not. I for one get sucked into the woes of the word, my world in particular and lose sight that most people in the world would be entirely grateful to be living just portions of the kind of life I lead. Nothing is perfect and in fact, what does perfect even mean? I have a family, friends, viable employment, food  in my kitchen, clothes on my back, and a roof over my head. As I get ready to be out of town for three days, spending a lot of time in drab meeting rooms, airports, and Ubers in this last third of November, I am deciding that being grateful is not cliché, but  a lovely belief to own.


  1. I keep a gratitude journal of sorts and, at the end of the day, the things I have to be grateful for are vast. Every day there is much I never realize how grateful I am for, until I do my daily recap. Some are silly and funny and some are profound.

    1. Other than this blog, I don't put down in words but am trying to reflect at night. I've had a lot of negativity surrounding me lately and it is helpful to take stock of the good for my peace of mind.

  2. I think about the people in Puerto Rico and how they are managing when I don't have their problems. It makes any first world problem seem small.

    1. Linda-you have a kind soul. You have experienced so much yourself, and here you are thinking of others and feeling blessed. Peace and joy to you.

  3. I'm very grateful for the situation I'm in, where I'm able to save something and contribute meaningfully to retirement almost every month. I'm very blessed, and it'd be good if I remembered that more often!

    1. It's rather easy to think of what we don't have or that we waited too long etc. I hope I reflect more often and act accordingly on my good fortune.

  4. I am nothing but gratitude lately, although i can get very down at times. But we are all so blessed.

    1. I have a couple people dealing with some stress in their lives, and it creeps to mine, I try and stay positive for us both and remember solutions exist.


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