Saturday, December 7, 2019

Being Sick Can Mess With the Budget

     Beyond the big, big costs of  poor health in the US, I've found this past week has and still could really mess with just regular cash flow. DH has and been pretty much down for the count since Monday, so I guess his lack of eating or eating out for lunch off sets the costs for other things, but I started doing math in my head on all the extra stuff his flu/cold/crud has had. 

Tuesday-Pepto, Campbell's Chicken noodle soup, and Canada Dry Ginger Ale $13
Tuesday night-Exlax $6
Thursday-Musinex, Men's Health Vitamins, Power Ade $31

     So far, just for a little comfort, we've added $50 to the cash flow for the week. Then, there's lost wages. DH does not get sick days. While for vacation they figure out an annual average to compensate, for sick, they just have missed opportunity. Missing three days of work could be lost opportunity of anywhere between $0 and $1,300 net based on his November earnings. It makes me really feel for lower wage earners that have no sick time, lose wages, and still have a chunk of extra money to lay out. 

     There was convenience cost this week as well. I stopped at Walgreens or the local grocery store, so probably spent a good 10% more. Groceries were bought there as well, so another blip. For household and groceries, I'm at $85 for the week and really haven't grocery shopped. Fortunately, I'm not that bothered eating the same thing for multiple days-and that I did. I bought a frozen lasagna and have eaten if for seven meals this week! I have bean soup to freeze or I'll have to throw it out-more food waste, but it was already made with leftovers. 

     My goal for December, even with special foods, was gong to be $400, so our balance leaves us with an estimate of $105 per week to December 29th.  It's doable, since until the 19th it's just the two of us and I can tuck aside some of the weekly budget to put towards Christmas week when two more family members will be home. We are gone this weekend and will eat twice most likely in dining services as DD2 still has guest meals before the end of the semester. Even though on a budget, I want to load us up with the good stuff. Cutting corners on healthy food isn't the best way to save money. Being ill can hurt a budget more. 


  1. Poor DH! I hope he is on the mend & feeling better. It really can throw your spending for a total loop when you are sick.

    1. He just feels lousy. He ended up staying back form the college concert. He would not have done well in the car and I'm sure all those attend are glad he stayed back.

  2. Budgets go out the window when sick. Hope the DH feels better soon!

  3. There's a much bigger hidden cost to being sick than you would imagine isn't there. I hope DH is starting to feel better at least!

    1. I've never seen him this sick for so many days. He is in DD1's capable hands.

  4. Boy, not having sick days (or being able to use vacation days) and missing work can sure be costly. I am thinkful for a good PTO policy where I work. Hope you all are feeling better soon.

    1. I have a good sick leave and vacation. he unfortunately has no sick days. Yes, he could use vacation, as that is what yesterday and today technically were, but that was supposed to be for our trip tot he concert at our daughters school

  5. I hope he gets better soon. Being ill is always costly for me because I have to go convenience since there is never anyone to help with anything.

    1. The extra $3-5 on a medication is painful when not part of the budget.

  6. Hope he feels better soon. Yes, the opportunity cost of being sick can be astronomical. The hospital I work at has a really solid PTO benefit structure, but not everyone is so lucky.


    1. He is one of the unlucky ones with no paid sick time.

  7. Replies
    1. He still is not quite himself a week later.

  8. Replies
    1. Yes-I know it is bad when he stay sin bed and readily stays home.


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