Monday, December 16, 2019

Real Christmas Messengers

     There is no war on Christmas just because people choose to say Happy Holidays. If I know someone celebrates Christmas, I use that greeting, but I go more generic if I either know they do not or don't know. There is a Facebook post that pops up every so often about why people say "Happy Holidays"  and it something like "between November 1 and January 6 there are 29 holidays and I don't think mine is the most important." That said, I have  Jewish, Buddhist, and Muslim friends and friendly colleagues who regularly wish me a Merry Christmas. I've even heard that a few of them have incorporated elements of Christmas into their  winter celebrations because they like the meaning of Christmas, the joy of celebrating the birth of someone brought into the world to share love, peace, and grace, even if they have different belief systems about God and the Universe.

     Every now and then I read or hear of a story that warms me to my heart about why Christmas is felt so deeply by some. These are stories often about gifts, but not material. The true gifts of the spirit-love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control are exemplified in ways that mean something a little different to who is hearing, reading, or telling. Yesterday I read the post by my dear cyber friend, Mary, who blogs over at Frugally Challenged, about a time when she experienced and witnessed so many of these gifts on Christmas Eve in the blog post Meeting a Prophet.

     I'll admit, the state of the world right now, the so called leaders, the disputes between lefties and righties, Labor and Tory,  governments and protesters all gets me a mix of sad and angry. I struggle with how two people who walk the same earth can see things so differently. I struggle with reading  Facebook posts from people I used to be real world friends with, villify poor people and refugees as criminals, cheats, and terrorists, in a wide swath. It makes it hard for me to go to church when there is Twitter feeds claiming Trump was appointed by God himself. The Democrats aren't getting off the hook either in my opinion. As much as I was physically ill that Trump was elected President, they are not doing their duty to work hard in a bipartisan way to solve the nations and world needs, and were focused on day 1 to try and go down an impeachment path. Meanwhile, the Republican led Senate holding hostage 400 plus bills sent over by the Democratic led House, is just pure childishness.

     My mother-in-law gets us a subscription to Guideposts. I have not been reading it, but would struggle to tell her to not bother. There were just too many  one sided stories about grace seemingly going to the "right" kind of person, and wasn't doing anything for me in trying to figure out my own faith. Maybe I'll pick up an issue an reread in a new mindset. Maybe I need to look for where there might a prophet, who might not necessarily be the one the article author intended. Maybe, I just need to look harder for the messengers around me.


  1. Many thanks for the mention - the stranger moved me and continues to do so all these years later.

    1. I appreciate you sharing-I have been thinking about him and you.

  2. I was raised in the glorious tradition of secular humanism, for which I can never thank my parents enough. That said, in the true spirit of the holiday season, I was taught by my parents that "Season's Greetings" or "Happy Holidays" was the most appropriate greeting during this period before Christmas, particularly for Christians, as that is when they are celebrating Advent. Christmas doesn't start until December 25th. I get tickled when self proclaimed Christians get offended at this greeting.
    The phrase I put in all my Christmas card this year was "Peace on Earth." Seems especially fitting this year.
    Never thought I would see our country sink to such depths...
    Peace, Sam.

    1. Truly, we all should not ague that Peace on Earth is a mutually inclusive greeting and spirit.

  3. Well said, I think many who are so called "religious" have forgotten what goodwill towards man (woman, all religions, races and colours) means. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to you and your family!!

    1. I struggle with my own judgmental mentality, I know I am at fault as well. Denying basic human needs, seems beyond judging though-not to let myself off for my own faults.

  4. What scripture supports Trump being appointed by God.

    1. Oh my! The verses they pull out of the bible to twist to support his actions. They compare him to David and Solomon, Moses and Noah.

  5. I have to be very careful around Hubs family as they are so right wing it is insane. Very uneducated and religious to the point I would cal them extremest. Luckily Hubs is not this way but when he starts to show signs I threaten him.

    1. I'm often surprised when people I think are of one political view or the other say things that bowl me over. I used to think I was alone in DH's side, but I get glimpses now that it is mostly his brother, and his old fashioned mom who struggles with social norms. I tread lightly in my own large family now.

  6. It's not easy finding the good these days. These are most unsettled times.

    1. I think there is a lot of good-it just is overwhelmed by the loudness and harshness of the things that cause pain.


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