Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Positively Tuesday-Happy Birthday

     This is a mix of a gratitude post and a shout out for my youngest, DD2, on her 19th birthday. I've been blessed with a kind and sweet kid, but mostly, I am thankful for how healthy she has always been. We've not had any accidents, other than the incident when she choked on a piece of Fruit by the Foot, and her kindergarten teacher carried her frantically to the nurses office, did we have any medical scares. This was unlike her siblings who sustained sports injuries, weird injures-still sorry to DD1 for under estimating one of her injuries, and a burn accident by DS when he was barely one. She's a good student, many classes come easy to her, but she stretched herself with classes that didn't come so naturally like AP Calculus, which could have derailed her GPA. In hind sight, it wasn't a great decision to take, as she will still need a math class, and not calculus! She is shy and more reserved in new situations, but once people get to know her, she easily makes friends-has a whole new crew at school. 

     It's weird having her gone-I remember that for the other two, their first birthdays away from home seemed so strange as well. Also, 19 seems truly no longer a child, where as when they turned 18 they were still in school at home. I love this baby picture of her-I think about five months old. I love how she has her sisters thumb, but at the same time, trying so hard to be independent. 

     Last Friday my former short term employee that delivered 1.6 pound twins at 24 weeks came in to return her computer, badge, and collect her personal items. Her kiddos are still in the NICU over 4 months later. Our early childhood special education expert told me that was not a good sign, as while the babies have put on good weight, both over 9 pounds now, the fact that they are still in the NICU does not bode well for long term health issues. One of the babies may be brought home by the end of the month, but the other most likely has at least a month more of specialized medical care, then, 24/7 special care. I do not know how a family manages this. This mom is very positive, and is looking forward to having her family all together.

     I am very thankful for all my children, thankful that they have grown into  terrific adults. I know when I signed up for the parenting gig over 31 years ago, I was going to retire out of the job eventually. My youngest bought me 10 more years in the job! I'm still mom though, and love my kids intensely even if I am not really parenting anymore. DD1 is going on a trip next week and I'm helping her with airport transport. It feels good to still be needed, and wanted as part of their lives. 


  1. Cute baby. They grow up fast, don't they? Happy birthday to her. Usually babies that have gained to 5 0r 6 lbs. go home. Maybe they will still be okay with early intervention.

    1. I think she was quite cute as well. I'm hoping for the best for her babies.

  2. I call it parenting adults. What we do become few and far between, but when they need help, we are there. I feel like it is the small things. Like I got in an argument with my room mate over something stupid and I just needed to talk.

    1. I'm a good sounding board for them. I talked to my youngest for over an hour last night about a whole range of things-mostly listened.

  3. You never won't be needed - I am 50 and still need my Mom :) Yes, I drive her around and help her but I enjoy hanging with her. I think parents who have to cope with those kind of medical situations just live day by day...and unfortunately lots of them get into huge debt just trying to survive.

    1. You seem to have a wonderful relationship with your mom.

  4. How neat. Happy 19th birthday to your youngest. :)

  5. Happy birthday to your daughter - and I hope things go well for your colleague. Poor little mites!

    1. I'll pass all the well wishes on. I am hoping for the best.

  6. Happy birthday, they grow up so fast.


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