Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Packing Lunch

     I often write meal planning ideas, often not followed up on, but ideas just the same. I rarely do any planning for lunch. I just sort of throw things in my lunch bag with a cooler pack, often leftovers. I'm trying to think through this better while changing my eating style to the 16-8 intermittent fasting. At least the last two days I've tried to make sure I'm mixing it up with fruit and veg, some protein, and some carbs, and also in smaller, but multiple options so I can eat as I have time available-generally not a real lunch break. Cottage cheese with a couple peeled clementine's have been a go to all three days this week. Today I'm also throwing in a small bit of leftover tuna hottish and a whole grain tortilla and a bit of cheese. As this is my first week on IF I'm just getting the hang of the timing, but so far, so good.

     This weekend I'll do some more reading and planning on how to maximize the calories to ensure I have good energy, while hopefully seeing the weight loss. I'll probably make sure I have hard boiled eggs on hand as an easy grab and go extra. I've not been buying yogurt, but I think getting back to adding some Greek yogurt would be a nice addition. I used up the last of my peanut butter, so two jars is on my list-one for the office as well as home. I'm not a big apple fan alone, but I love sliced apples with peanut butter. Because I tend to not get home until after 6:00, then walk the dog, it is a bit later when I have dinner.  I haven't missed any snacking at night, but we'll see once we get to the weekend. I also wonder why I did so much evening snacking when I got hoe so late! Tonight's trivia, and I have my one beer limit before 7:30, which shouldn't be hard as I often only have one and switch to LaCroix anyway. What do you all eat for quick lunches or to supplement day time snacking without derailing healthy eating?

     Thanks for sharing your stories and experiences with fasting-intermittent or otherwise. I like learning what works for others, and seeing if the methods might work for me. 


  1. I have been thinking about IF too. So, it will be nice to get your feedback on it before I decide to jump on the wagon.

  2. Hoping this comment finally goes thru (trying on my iPhone v. My computer which won’t let me comment on blogs for some reason). I have been doing IF since March 18, 2019. Without changing anything other than only eating for 8 hours (I did 5:2 for three months before switching to 18:6), I have lost 32 lbs. If I lose two more pounds I will have a “normal” BMI. I do walk 4 miles every day, but I’ve been doing that for years so I don’t think the exercise makes that much difference. Be sure to measure yourself - sometimes the inches come off before the pounds. I’ve gone from size 16 to size 10. My doctor was thrilled and had nothing but praise for IF. Good luck!

  3. I don't know anything about IF but have a friend who was well over 300 pounds. A couple of years ago he changed his eating just by limiting his calories per day and no soda. He said he still eats whatever foods he wants to eat, he just doesn't eat over 1600 (I think that was his number) calories per day. It has been a steady slow process but he has lost over 80 pounds.

    1. 1600 calories per day isn't an awful lot of food. I think most of us probably easily go over that. I'm finding that it's the "hidden" calories that trip me up. Small amounts of oil, or honey and so on. But well done your friend. That's amazing!

  4. I think IF is just a new-fangled approach/name to not eating all the time. Protein is the key to my staying full and not overeating. When I took a lunch, I used a square black type with the hard plastic inside that came out for washing. I carried lots of bits of things--boiled egg, apple slices, slices of cheese, pecans, a chicken sandwich, grape tomatoes...just lots of stuff. Other than a sandwich cut in fourths, I had just a little of everything. I had an hour drive to work, so some of this was eaten on the way home. And, I lost weight or did not gain.

    1. Perhaps, but a new way of thinking for me.

  5. I lost 17 lbs doing intermittent fasting last year. I just got used to being hungry. Now I gained most of it back and I am back at it again. Can anyone say donut?


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