Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Positively Tuesday-Letting People Experience Their Own Life Adventures

     Thanks for the well wishes yesterday. I slept a ton. Ate very light, and then slept another good seven hours last night. I think I am through this 48 hour or so ish and am heading off to work in about 30 minutes. A long shower and deep clean of my hair never felt so good this morning. It's my favorite day of the week, sarcasm intended. So in my spirit of faking all things negative, here's my positively thoughts for this Tuesday, February 4th. 

     My daughter is finishing her last official day of her tour today, and will then have two more nights n Auckland before a marathon travel day home. I am so excited to see and hear more about her trip. However, like all things, she should and will keep some things to herself. Unique memories, inside jokes with her travel companions, a stunning view while having thoughts no two people can experience the same way. If, no when, I get to New Zealand, I'll be sure to remember some of what she shares, but I'll experience things very differently. 

     My mother-in-law, has done quite a bit of traveling, pure tourism stuff, very little not as part of a guided tour. When she was on a very long cruise,  I believe had two brief stops on the New Zealand North Island, but shared in great detail what my daughter should be sure to go see and do. Same with a brief stop in Spain on her Mediterranean cruise, and she almost sounded like an expert if we didn't know better, about Alicante, Spain. one of the college locations DD2 is considering for study abroad. She means well, but she dives into other peoples vacations like someone who has spent years in the place, and goes into details abut what the new traveler should see, eat, feel, and experience. This is her general nature as she has this same pattern with any of life's adventures that she has experienced from the mundane like hosting parties or being in a social club, to big things like home ownership and parenting. She's not a monster-in-law, its just her way of trying to make a connection, but it often comes across as "you're not doing it right, let me tell you how I did ,,,."

     I think it is very important that while we look for the connections between ourselves and another person, we need to be careful that we're not impeding on the other person being able to experience the event for themselves. I know I got caught up with each of my kids looking for and then choosing a college. I enjoyed seeing them experience what I went through so many years ago. It was and is tough sometimes keeping my memories and how I did things to myself, or not prying to much about what they do on weekends. 

     Not everyone will travel across the world, by choice or means or both, but life gives each of us adventures regularly. I think it is important to show interest, but not take over those adventures. Knowing it bothers me when someone jumps into my experiences or stories about them, I'm trying to do more question asking, less preemptive sharing. My expectant coworker doesn't care to know my  pregnancy's and delivery stories unless she asks. My staffer who is getting married doesn't need 20 people chiming in on what they did for theirs, again, unless asked, or as part of a joint conversation,. This is my positively Tuesday thought for the week; let people experience their own adventures and support them on, but don't take over, the ride. 


  1. I am glad you are better! I told my dil what I did to solve a problem, prefacing it with--if you want to know what I did, but you might not want to try it... I certainly did not want to start off wrong.

    1. Curious-did you wait for her to answer if she wanted to know or not? I got and still occasionally get very passive aggressive digs, like " when my kids were little I did this". I rarely if ever actually asked for her experience. Maybe it was snotty of me, but this was the woman that after I had already been raising kids for over 20 years she told me I was making instant oatmeal wrong because it wasn't how my sister-in-law, golden boys wife, made instant oatmeal. but this post was not to ran ton my MIL, just to put my perspective out there on not taking away other peoples own experience and replacing with your own.

    2. Yes, I did wait for her to tell me if she wanted to hear or not. I never asked her if she did what I did.

  2. I tend to ask a lot of questions as opposed to sharing my experieces. Like you, I don't care for other people to make my experience THEIR experience.

    By asking questions, I still find out interesting info that we can make conversation with and about. Once in awhile I will jump in and share but usually that person knows I just need to get something off my chest and they will listen with out offering an opinion.

    1. I like that response-ask a lot of questions, learn from them. If the person wants your feedback, then they'll ask. Yes-we all form time to time just need to get something off our chest, and there are times when unsolicited advice, when the behavior is impacting me, I will weigh in, but I see that as much standing up for my own needs.

  3. Funny 'golden boy.' In my family we have baby boy and baby girl LOL. I really try to be a good MIl for my 2 soninlaws- and keep my mouth shut. How many kids in your husband's family? My husband's mother died before we dated and he never knew his father so I never had a MIL. It is not an easy role though! Glad you are feeling better? Could it have been food poisoning?

    1. He has a sister just 12 months younger and a younger brother,12 years younger, who walks on water according to my MIL-and so does his wife. His sister is very opinionated as well, but likes to portray that she is all "live and let live". He had another sister who was seven years younger, but she passed away from complications from a car accident when she was 26. Not food poisoning, but I suffer form really bad heart burn and that then can turn into other unpleasant effects.

  4. Ooooh, that's a hard one for me--just ask my kids! I a going to shamelessly borrow your positively Tuesday theme.

    1. While under your roof and your finances, I think we have more wiggle room to guide and set some parameters. However, it is important to me that I make sure I am offering input when they are struggling and want that support, and not just trying to control.

  5. Family dynamics are hard.My mother always favored my Lil sister over my twin and I and maybe becasue we had each other. She definitely favored my brothers and that was hard. Fun thought I think I am my in laws favorite. They will do things for Hubs and I that they don't do for the other kids. I don't know why. I should think about that.

    1. This really wasn't meant to be a poor poor Sam, but I know I was neither my parents favorite, and I know DH is not his parents favorite-and I definitely did not meet their desired vision of a DIL! However, with my parents, I understand there was a more natural connection, and I never felt singled out or like a second best child. With DH, I would worry for him if he cared, but I do think my kids feel it very strongly.

  6. I think when I realized it was no longer any of my business what the kids did when they went out was when I realized they had grown up and deserved their privacy. Also, as a MIL to 2 girls I know well enough that I have to keep my nose out of their business. It's different when you have the sons. When I first got married and moved to the States I had a hard time initially with my MIL, who was used to running all 3 of her kids' lives, but once I explained to her that I had moved to Switzerland at 21, was used to my independence and I wasn't going to have anyone running my life for me we were ok (not an easy conversation of course and I'm pretty sure I was more diplomatic than that). To be fair to her, when my son was born she kept her opinions to herself unless asked and we got along really well - still do, even though I'm no longer married to her son!

    1. I get along with my MIL but grit my teeth a lot! I hope I'm a good MIL, like you.


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