Monday, March 30, 2020

A Recipe for a Friend

Man could we all use help from our friends some times. If anyone knows how to post a picture to a comment, please share. Over at The Hawaii Plan, she’s doing some terrific menu planning and using up those items. She lamented on two packets of onion soup mix. I knew in an old church cookbook I had a recipe. I can’t figure out another way to get this to her, so you’ll get to see.  It was the first meal I ever made for guests in our first little house, both sets of parents. If you have no wild rice, I’m sure just long grain will do. Making a flavored white sauce could work in place of the cream if chicken soup. What can I say? It’s a Lutheran church cookbook in Minnesota.


  1. I tried to embiggen the picture, but it is now possible. If I try hard, I am sure I can read it. I have no trouble finding a way to use dry onion soup mix. It makes anything better.

    1. I made the picture a bit bigger-maybe that will help.

    2. It did, but I still have to really strain to make it out.

  2. Excellent! Thanks for sharing. My grandmother was one of the founding members of a Lutheran church in the small town I grew up in, and we had tons of these recipe books growing up. Fond memories!

    This looks really yummy.

    1. I'm not sure why I didn't make it that often, but I think it was a success.

  3. In the old days LOL I used the soup mix for the infamous onion dip with sour cream and also, I'd sprinkle on a roast, wrap in foil and roast in the oven. I have always liked onions though. I don't use any dehydrated mixes any more- I think they have a lot of salt to flavor them but I could be wrong. I have been roasting a lot of vegetables on a sheet pan and they are really tasty- I tried golden beets (from the produce delivery) yesterday and they were really sweet. I bet if you google recipes with dried onion soup mix you'd get a lot of hits.

    1. Oh yes-loaded with salt. The onion dip was my first suggestion but HP said she had no chips or sour cream and wasn't going to run out for them, but yum!

    2. I've made the foil wrap roast, put it in meatloaf, and roasted potatoes with it. DH once bought a case (?) of it at Costco, I think because he wanted onion dip. I now make my own onion soup mix--no sugar, no msg, so less sodium. My store brand minced onions only have onions. Still, nothing quite like the taste of Lipton's Onion Soup Mix, even if it does my make face turn red!

  4. I mix olive oil with onion soup mix. Peel and parboil a bunch of potatoes, mix in with the soup and bake. Lovely. My kids used to love it!


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