Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Positively Tuesday-A Poem and Getting Through Monday

     My Monday streak of difficult work days continued yesterday, though I accomplished a lot. The moody day though spilled over to our evening as everyone in the house was cranky. I replied on a few comments that  the college kid was frustrated at no job so far, worried about her future plans, and in general disarray after the chaotic move home. DH wasn't too pleased she still had stuff in the main area, and anything I asked her to do was dragged out. At DH's work they added back an hour at the end of the day-now he works until 6:00, which he insists he told me, but didn't say when it might start. It just sort of rubbed me the wrong way that he came home an hour later than I expected, looked at the stove, then went down stairs and turned on the TV. It's probably just in my head, but I really think he believes I have hours of free time during the day. 

     I was annoyed at how my mother-in-law sent me her weekly list. No greeting, just the list, with prices, and could I get smaller bananas that aren't so green? OK, lady, I'll stand and review the banana section and compare color and sizes, while wearing my mask, and other shoppers trying to make their fruit selection. No "thank you" at the end. I know if you expect things from other people, as the saying goes, you should only expect disappointment. 

     The night improved slightly as a few more things got done, my daughter got a text about a few days of babysitting that will at least keep her in a bit of spending money until something comes up hopefully. Then, with the more relaxed gatherings kicking in, she went to a friends.This friends home has been following the Stay at Home executive orders fully, so I think there is little risk, but of course some, that she gets exposed.

     As I look over the other old blog and see some writing prompts, I saw I dabbled in a few poems. This one, titled Peace, jumped out. This is supposed to be a positive post, but this made me sad reading it. Then, I think it brought me hope, and things to look forward to. The year 2020 sure will be one for the history books. On this Tuesday, I know some of this still continues and more will normalize in time.


Families celebrating new additions,

Friends laughing in a pub,

Neighbors helping each other,

Children playing in the park,

Teachers sharing their love of learning,

Athletes shaking their opponents hands,

Artists creating their vision

Churches feeding the poor,

Leaders using power for humanity,

there can be peace.

     I apologize for no lilac picture yet-maybe in tomorrows post. I didn't bring my phone with on my walk yesterday, and shame, I didn't leave the house on Sunday other than to just let the dog out. My older daughter took pup for his walk, in the rain. The work week is 20% done, and perhaps the world is another day closer to better treatments and safer places. Have a good week. 


  1. His coming and looking at the stove would bother me, too. That was a poignant poem.

    1. I was more bothered that it was like he was expecting to just have supper waiting, and didn't even say anything.

  2. That sounds like a super stressful day. I find that anything my husband says to criticize dinner/salad, after I've been working all day (as has he) & I take the time to make the food ...well, it doesn't go well. Make your own dang dinner, if you have specific requests.

    I can imagine what a hard time it is for you, as well as your daughter. Worrying about the future for her, and living with a mess is very anxiety causing for me. Hope it gets better ASAP!

    1. It was not saying anything that was annoying! I had water on to boil for spaghetti, a can of tomatoes and meatballs out. So not a "thanks for starting dinner". i was still working actually as well, but started the water after I took the dog for a walk as he was crying to go at around 5:00. Tuesday has been better.

  3. Your MIL's email would have annoyed me too - no please and thank you, just the list so I don't think you're being unreasonable. And you're entitled to be fed up with your cell mates too sometimes - it's not easy on anyone. But thinking positively, hopefully things should start easing up soon and you can all get the space you need.

    1. Well, to her defense, it was a text not e-mail, but I certainly would still have thought either a "hello" at the beginning, or a thanks at the end would have been appropriate. The banana comment was clueless. HaHa-cell mates, but they better shape up!

  4. It is easy to get cranky after all of this. You are the one everyone goes to for everything. I wold have been irritated at my husband for coming home and expecting dinner. I still get irritated with him. Have a glass of wine and hide in the bathroom.

    1. Tonight, I just might do that. She has to clean her mess up, and I have a quick tody to do. I invited my sister over, and between my daughter and I we have my nieces daughter for the day.

  5. Oh, my MIL will leave a note on the counter too and THINK she mentioned it to us before about things she needs us to pick up for her.
    I like the poem!
    and my lilacs haven't bloomed yet. They're a different japanese variety that bloom later than the usuals.

    1. I don't think the neighbors did yet either-getting closer. I just forgot the phone, so no picture, but will try today. Thanks for the feedback on the poem. MIL's, they can be trying. I'll never be like that HAHA!


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