Saturday, May 23, 2020

Saturday-Rain to Clear the Brain!

     First I want to thank the commenters on my rant yesterday. Of course you are all right. We, me, my family, can only do what we think is best for us. Will it mean we miss out on some things other people will go ahead and do? Of course, and others might gasp at what we are willing to attend or choose to expose ourselves to. You know you are all participants in my personally held therapy sessions, right?. The fact is, I realized I am using the crisis as a bit more fluid in my annoyance tank at DH's family, and that's not right. I'm not exactly rushing to spend any time in larger groups anywhere, and with the rain expected, there could be a lot of bodies indoors. Why put myself to worry? Even another week will bring better data. I kow I am feeling coped up in my surroundings-such a snow flake I am, and doing a bit of lashing out at situations, and people, that I have no control of. You are all such good therapists.

     Speaking of rain, when I have no plans to be cancelled, I truly do not mind a good rainy day or even a weekend. My FOMO, fear of missing out, that has been high with me the last 8 weeks, settles down on a rainy day. I've avoided watching too much television the last few weeks with the better weather. Last Sunday though it just poured and I got my fix, guilt free, of Flea Market Flip, and later the movie, The Second Wives Club. Do I know how to flip cast offs into sweet new furniture pieces? Absolutely not, but I like picking out what I like. One thing I've noticed,  about the show, is that people really like to turn things into bar carts and it seems to be at least one of the projects on most episodes, some done much better or at least more to my taste, than others. Who knew so many people are looking for bar carts? Now I would love a dresser or a side board turned into a bar for the family room. On rare occasions I've seen that on the flip show. I saw one about 18 months ago on the Facebook page of the local Upcycle store, and it was sold immediately. Turns out is was a friendly acquaintance that scored the awesome piece. Here's a couple images from Pinterest of what I'd be going for.

     So I'm not turning a dresser into a bar this weekend, but I am going to pick a closet, any closet, and give it a good purge. I'm debating the linen or my closet. I think it should be my clothes closet first, and I can empty yet again, clothes I will never wear but have continued to hold onto. Rumor has it the Epilepsy Foundation is going to start back up collecting clothes and housewares for donations.  My clean out needs to include the high up shelves. If I can make some space, then some of the things in the linen closet could be stored there. I need to invest in some more space storage bags. I finally did that last year for old bedding I wanted to keep. Even the cheapo  Dollar Tree bags did a great job sucking all that air and making the packets flat enough to slip under the bed. There is good storage space under beds if kept neat. The college kid decided next year, when they get back into dorms, she is not going to loft her bed, but rather just raise it up for all the storage, but then just have their beds with her chairs for friends to hang out. I think if she had a couple of these under bed rolling storage  bins, much of her clutter would be sorted. come to think of it, I could use a few as well for the house.

     I'm meeting my siblings at my parents grave to put flowers. I personally am not a fan of leaving flowers to die, but these will be in a planter so will last a bit. I don't know if any of them come and water later. My older siblings meet my cousins and so this with grandparents sites as well  It was decided a few years ago by the four oldest, well four minus my Florida brother, that we would split the flower cost in thirds, and then thirds again, with each 1/3 grouping  covering the cost every third year. This was the "babies" turn. It is a pretty low cost way to support the family members that need this annual ritual. I don't know if the funds go towards all three cemeteries, or just my parents and sister. Going to grave site has never been something that brings me good feelings. I usually don't even do this memorial day weekend, though have on rare occasions since they past away stopped by, but very briefly. We all cope with death and grieving differently, and grave sites just do not bring the release it does for others to me. I'd rather go to a place I spent time with them, or sit and look at pictures. I'm gong today for my sister, who needs this, and her siblings. after her spring. On DH's side, both his sister and dad were cremated and they have a little rose garden spot at the lake. I would prefer that. As much as I hate weeding and raking the cluster of assorted plants and weeds my MIL has and calls a garden, I take extra time to refresh that section each year.  

     With my weekend of purging and thinking of upcycled furniture sorted, I am ready to start my Saturday. It rained overnight, but looks like we might get a bout of sun before more rain later. Tell me about your plans? do you have any traditions you might still do? Any BBQ plans even if just your immediate household?


  1. It's supposed to be quite warm here this weekend (80-95 over the next few days), so we will be taking advantage of the pool, doing yard work, meeting with a yard person about options for getting our space cleaned up, cleaning the house, barbecuing (burgers, corn, etc) & hopefully some reading by the pool.

    I have a few eBay sales to pack up, and need to list other items. I've decluttered pretty much the entire house, save for the garage & attic, but those are primarily my husband's domain, and I'm not interested in trying to sort out his mess.

    1. I was planning a yard sale but that's not doable this year. I can't imagine our castoffs would bring anything though eBay. I'm in awe when people can clean and get some money back.

  2. It was so hot here yesterday that I was up in my attic bedroom airing it out and decided to go through the drawers. Darn it I have so much unused linen stored up there, you're making me think I need to get rid of it. And talking about graves, I don't go for them much either. I want to be cremated and have my ashes scattered in the mountains because I feel that my loved ones are all around me that way. I don't need a single spot for my loved ones to grieve me, but I guess we all have different views on that don't we.

    1. There were a lot of people in the cemetery (living ones) doing flowers. I just realized a friends dad is right near my parents. I'll be cremated as well. My girls will know what to do with me and that I don't want a spot either.

  3. I love flea market flip, only discovered it last year and now have 29 episodes waiting for me on the PVR (they must have made a zillion episodes because I haven't seen most of them). Also 30 episodes of House Hunters International, a little hard to watch right now as I keep wondering how those people are during the pandemic. Enjoy your weekend, I agree, when it is rainy it is a wee bit more relaxing

    1. careful, once you start bingeing on the show, hard to stop. I like House Hunters too,but haven't seen in a while.

  4. Cold and rainy today, so I am indoors. I have a quilt top I need to bind if the mood strikes, and I might feel like baking something fancy for dessert. As decluttering, I am always in a decluttering/purging mode. Even so soon after the move I feel that stuff is piling on.
    Grilled steaks were planned for tonight's dinner, roast chicken dinner tomorrow, but that may change with the weather report.
    Enjoy your long weekend!

    1. Stuff seems to grow even after a purge. Share what you bake. I rarely do fancy but like the sound of it.

  5. I am holding a cook-out. Just us 3, ExCB's friend and the nephew and brother in-law. And everyone, all the food/drink stays outside and we distance. Bathroom needs being the exception.
    There are 102 deaths in our town of 11K. There are 999 deaths in the town south of us(a hot spot)with a pop. of 24,703. Thus our county will never come off of the red zone list and I am done with it and our state officials playing fast and loose with this whole situation. Gov. gives opening exemption to the business he ran(though to most it's not essential)and the state's health Secretary Levine secretly moved her own mother out of a nursing home before they shut stuff down/closed up nursing homes. They are both so dishonest and I am done!
    Rant over....I'll prolly tackle the "changing out of the clothes" this weekend too and use it as an opportunity to purge some clothing.

    1. I'm equally fruatrated with the state of planning at all levels. Here it's more leaking of info then the official statements are different. I don't think a single politician, whatever affiliation, isn't first covering their own circumstances to some degree. It got very humid here but the AC is not coming on yet.

  6. I want a kitchen island made from a dresser. I need some place for my dehydrator. It can go on the kitchen counter, but then I need someplace to do other things. The dresser/island does not have to be out in the middle of the kitchen. Tommy has a dresser I like, left by his boarder. He gave it to me!

    I think we will be right here, watching Turner Classic marathon of war movies. It works for me. I will cook something to go with the rotisserie chicken and water my garden.

    1. There are some cute islands. My friends remodeled, post fire house, jas a georgeous dresser island.

  7. We attempted to go out the city, walk around and enjoy the weather but it was more crowded than we thought it would be, people getting too close and just overall awful. Made it two blocks before we left. I’m not going anywhere like that again for a long time. I wish we hadn’t even went. I’m content to stay home. We will have a cookout and a fire with just us and a close family friend and my daughters boyfriend if he doesn’t have other family plans or work. Hubby keeps going back and forth on an old bicycle that we have. I would love to spray paint the whole thing, find a cheap basket and plant flowers in it. I drive past a house that has one like that in the yard and I think it’s so charming. He’s debating the merits of fixing it and making it usable again. We’ll see about that. I have a much better chance of finishing my project before he would. JoAnn


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