Friday, July 17, 2020

Friday and Trying to Use A Calendar Planner Again

     Happy Friday! I'm hoping today is only a 2/3rds work day. It was supposed to be my flex day off, but these have been hard to take. First, we've had a weekly full staff meeting that feels sort of essential to hear first hand. It also tends to be a carry over day for other meetings that got bumped earlier in the week. Right now, I blocked my afternoon off. I also have something to put in my calendar planner this week with my sisters party tomorrow. We are doing a Mexican theme party-to remember the last trip my sister took and enjoyed so much. There will be Corona beer-no pun, and margaritas. This is with just my sisters and brother/close family, but will be a socially distanced event and when inside, masks will be worn, but plan is outside and to stay spread out. 

     I've been using the planner to try and think about a blog rotation and blog ideas. I really would like to do a bit more  research based or a day in the life posts with more pictures. If you read Vix over at Vintage Vixen who has been making the utmost advantage of her and partner Jon's stay at home. Her gardens are lovely, as is her wardrobe. I love the volume of pictures she takes and it just is a day brightener. I would like folks to read my blog and get a bit of a smile. Pictures do that. I thought if I add to my calendar places to go out and snap pictures, I'd have a heavy camera roll to call upon, along with the thoughts related to whatever the picture contains.

     Last night we had an absolutely delicious dinner of Trader Joe butternut squash ravioli and roasted vegetables. I used  five little packets of the school veggies my daughter brought home, a handful of sliced fresh mushrooms, a handful of cherry tomatoes, half an onion, in chunks, and 1/2 a red pepper, chunked. I drizzled a little olive oil, assorted seasonings-garlic and onion powder, pepper, tossed and in the oven it went. The ravioli was just cooked for three minutes in light salted water, and tossed in a light drizzle of olive oil, garlic, and Italian seasoning. Wow-it fed the three of us, but admittedly, had DH not eaten 1/2 of a very large pizza at noon, it would not have filled him up. 

     I thought it might be time to share how well the hostas are doing that I planted at the end of May, freebies from my brother and sister-in laws house. They are even getting the  pretty lavender flowers. I wonder if hostas are like a bread starter-they all originate from the same plant?

     My other plants aren't doing as well, but one hasn't completely died so still hope.  My neighbor across the street has several overflowing flower pots that look so nice. My yellowing flower basket DD2 picked up for me back in May is completely dead, though the two geraniums are still flourishing in the pot, albeit a bit brown and crunchy in a few spots. For me, I think flower pots and perennials are the best bet. Whole on gardening, no. I like trees and simplicity-mostly because I'm lazy when it comes to outdoor work. 

     I do like to dooffice work outside, but sadly, the battery replacement was a bust. IT replaced my battery but it still won't charge. I'm on the spec list now for a new computer. I could use an extension cord and work from the porch still, which I will have to do as these nice summer days shouldn't be wasted stuck inside. Even at the office we would hold small meetings at picnic tables, or do walking meetings. So with this, I got a couple pictures for you and a new use for my calendar planner. We'll see if I can salvage the the rest of the year with it. 


  1. The butternut squash ravioli and roasted vegetables looks delicious and sounds so good. I've been wanting ravioli lately. Your planner is pretty. I use mine regularly when I am working/subbing. Otherwise I don't use it while I am just here at home. But I love it for keeping me organized. :)

    1. The planner was from my winter Fab, Fit Fun box. I want to say ravioli was a $3.99 purchase from TJ, worth it.

  2. The Hostas will by HUGE next year and crowd each other. You will love them. When they first start to come up next year, take a trowel or shovel and slice off some from the outside, and you can start more in a different place. I only do perennials for ornamentals. i do buy one flower that demands i water it, and that is enough for me.

    Too bad about the battery. Yes, i would string an extension cord outdoors.

    1. I didn't mean they will be crowded, but will not be socially distanced next year. Mine filled out so that they were sumptuous looking.

    2. That's what I'm hoping for, full and green.

  3. I am terrible with the planner thing. Instead I use a two or three month journal (blank) and the beginning pages are things like a grid calendar, Freezer inventory, list of projects, budget notes and blog list ideas and then after that is a two day for each day page. I know a blogger who does a long term schedule but I have never been able to do that. I'm luck to have a few specific "days". I do live to look at all the pretty calendars. Though.

    1. The size of this was big enough to make sense, but small enough for most of my purses. I was using it. My daughter will buy new one for her school year.

  4. Your hostas are looking fantastic, I have hosta envy! xxx

    1. The hostas are all we can grow besides grass and trees apparently. Your garden is stunning.

  5. Those Hostas look great, I want to dig up all of mine but I don't dare. Might take a couple....

    1. You could thin them out and replant some.


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