Each week I try and capture any success in thrift. I put these in three categories, time, resources, and money. Sometimes it is a reflection on where I maximized a resource or made good use of time or money. Others it's a freebie or bargain, or simply choosing to walk on by and keep my money in my check book. My daughter has had a few perks lately, nothing grand, but everything helps and the avoidance of waste in general is positive.

- DD1 helped DD2 do her taxes with TurboTax. She also helped her set up the remote deposit since she gets paid from the restaurant via check. The school does automatic deposit. It's so nice that her sister helped her set these things out-both are outside my comfort zone.
- The girls and I had out Hamilton viewing night on Tuesday. We brought popcorn over to my daughters so I could call it a night out, and a bowl of ice cream form the freezer for DD2. If you have access to Disney Plus, it was so good, and as predicted, DD2 did sing along to most of the songs as she knows the sound track by heart.
- DD2 brought home another bag filled with 1/2 pint milk jugs. Dated the 7th, but with a shelf life still good, our next door neighbor made use of them. She has six children under 10, plus a nanny with child, and a 17 year old at home. She was happy to take them.
- DD2 on Friday brought home individually packaged veggies, again snack items that would otherwise be wasted. These were used as part of a cottage pie on Tuesday. There were four little bags of carrots, three cauliflower and a broccoli.
- With doing her taxes free on-line with TurboTax, DD2 is getting $128 back. Every little bit to put towards her goals is a help.
- Used a 50% savings code to may a 11 by 12 photo collage for my sisters 60th. I has a few silly family photos made as well. I'll mount both on poster board and people can sign and write messages for her.
- When I picked up the photo project, Walgreens had paper towel packs and large packs of TP for 2 for $10. I'm not in a panic mode, but I figure I'll slowly build a little back up just in case and not let our family get caught short and this was a good price on both. The paper towels will last me at least a year as I use them sparingly and probably should cut out even more.
- I've been missing take out coffee. Well, to be honest, I miss the coffee house experience more so. We did coffee at the extended family members place a few times, but it is not convenient and now with some open seating, I'm less comfortable. I found these sachets of instant on clearance at our local grocery store, still kind of pricey, but they work really well to make a nice single cup, when used with a few splashes of milk and then frothed up with my Ikea milk frother.. That thing bought over three years ago for $2.99 still has the same batteries in it, has paid for itself over and over. I'l estimate with milk, my beverage, reminiscent of a flat white was maybe 24 cents. Enjoyed on my porch was a nice way to start the morning. I have kept instant coffee in my desk drawer for a pinch, but this brand was really good as a blended coffee. If you have a brand you use, let me know. The convenience is great.
I'm going into my office today, well sort of. My battery on my lap top is not able to be charged and I'm meeting the IT support at our mail room/dock area to replace. I'll share what steps were taken tomorrow, but I believe they'll do a temp check and of course, I'll need to both sanitize my hands and wear a face covering. I'm getting vocal on social media about face coverings. I just do not understand how some people have twisted the wearing to protect others into a personal liberty crusade. While there may be health issues that make it unbearable for a few, that is not the bulk of reasons for rejection. That's a whole different post and I'll move along.
Since I will drive past, I may stop at Aldi on my way home for some staples. DD2 picked up bread and bananas yesterday after work, but we go through both so quickly I'll likely get more today. What values did you find this week? .Did you take advantage of delaying completing taxes? Have you found an alternative treat to going out for coffee or favorite dinner places? Are you doing any new stocking up, just in case? Leave a comment and join the conversation.
I have been making smoothies at home instead of getting an iced coffee out. I have tried a few copycat recipes for restaurant fare that we enjoyed. I am stocking up again as I feel like this winter will be worse than this spring/summer had been. Slowly building the stockpile back up...I want to be better prepared than last time and if things remain as they are well I will spend less later. I just got another order of trash bags, laundry soap, and dishwasher tabs to add to my stock this week. I was also given flour, sugar and 2 multi packs of.ramen from my neighbor as she can't use them. I added them to my stock. Good luck with the work stuff and shopping today.
ReplyDeleteI'll pick up more persnal supplies and toiletires, and cleanign supplies. I'm adding cans here and there of staples. Lie you said, we can always use later and reduce funds in the future.
DeleteNo values, but we've been eating at home, so that's a win right now. At this point, any meal we get on the table is an accomplishment. I know we'll do takeout at some point, but the longer we avoid that, the better off we are.
ReplyDeleteOn the face covering, I've pretty much had to give up social media. I can't handle the politicized discussion about something that's standing in the way of us eventually being able to reopen schools, our economy, and save lives.
Yes, I un followed a few more never maskers as well-just can't rad anymore. I am impressed at the quality of your meals with the reosurces you have to do the cooking.
DeleteDr. Faucci or someone from CDC, I think, said that if everyone wore masks for six weeks, the coronavirus would be squashed. Yes, I have renewed my stockpiling because I have concluded things will get worse. I intend to have everything i need for Thanksgiving and Christmas before the summer is over. I refuse to be looking for cranberries/whatever with mobs in many stores. With the new freezer, I can buy anything frozen ahead of time. I feel more secure in the food department.
ReplyDeleteThat's a great idea. I'm not even thinking as far as Christmas, other than a gift here and there, but I suppose special items will get snatche dup andmight be limited.
DeleteHere in Connecticut, there's almost 100% compliance with masks everywhere I've been (mostly just grocery stores or Costco) - probably the reason our state is doing so well in terms of number of Covid cases.
ReplyDeleteBeing a larger gogrphic state, th no maskers just seem to think this is only a Minneapolis and St Paul issue. but they wan tit both ways-they want the summer tourist and recrtion business, but don't understand people form the metro could carry to their communities.
DeleteWe have a free year of Disney from somewhere, I can't recall now, but watched Hamilton also. I'm not a fan of musicals, but thought King George was well played. That's a good idea to slowly stock up and build your paper towel and tp supplies. We are doing the same here. My daughter took advantage of the extended tax deadline, but I had mine done early in the year. I don't understand why some people are so against the masks either, but I do wear one if and when I go out.
ReplyDeleteAfter seeing Wicked, I was a musical convert-but the story has to be compelling and the music quality.
DeleteAs from 1 August face coverings will be mandatory in all stores here in France. I went grocery shopping today and I would say probably 75% of the people wore masks. It doesn't bother me either way to be honest but I thought I'd show willing and wore mine too. And as for stock-piling, I'm in the process of picking stuff up for my son for as and when he gets his own place. I don't see that happening too soon but I have room to store it anyway so will set him up slowly over time.
ReplyDeleteThe big retailers are coming on board-good! those that dont wan tot shop there can use local mom and pop and small stores. then, if those estalbishments shut down becasue they infected the owners/few workers, they will be stuck.