Saturday, July 18, 2020

When Take a Shower is on Your To Do List

     It's one of those kind of posts I'm afraid, but let's see if I can get it brighter by the end. I have  a mess of things to get done today, but I put Take a Shower on the list. I've read about bloggers putting Clean Teeth on their list, so I don't feel so bad, though there are days I run my tongue over my teeth and have to question myself if I took the toothbrush out or not. Just me?  I already did the first thing. My daughter mentioned she would like some more water started clippings form my big plant, of which I still don't remember the name of. So I gently separated four of the leaves and popped them in a mason jar. I may do another one for the college kid as well=a little green that she really wont have to worry about killing since she basically just needs to add more water as it evaporates. She had a small plant and thinks perhaps it was rescued by someone in the dorm that took a bunch home with them when thy vacated in March. Susie, as it was referred to, perhaps will show up come August. 

     Speaking of her return to college. We got a letter in the mail that talked about all the heath and safety precautions the college intends to follow for the fall semester. Ne thing they added for her supply list was a personal medical kit, as it was called in the letter. She is to have at least three washable  face masks, the school is providing one to all students, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, a thermometer for daily temperature checks, and Tylenol. She is set with masks as she has three homemade plus at least two as part of her restaurant job, though I ordered the 10 from Old Navy as well. I was worried about last minute finding things so ordered all right away. Don't gag when you learn what I paid for the 80 pack of disinfectant wipes, but here goes. $11.49! She is supposed to have twice that many on hand! I have friends and family on the look out for an extra container as I have yet to see in any store.  Here's how her kit looks now. I actually ordered four bottles of the hand sanitizer based on reviews and the ingredients. It was called MUSE, and was $3.49 for an eight ounce bottle. 

     I don't use wipes at home-I just spray and wipe with a rag or paper towel. I may need to figure out a better homemade version-the coffee filter idea was good, but they sort of disintegrated into a slop. I think the intent for the students to have the wipes is that the student will disinfect their desk area in every classroom and common  school spaces they are in. I'll send her with bleach, paper towels, and a spray bottle to use in their kitchenette at school and save the wipes for the classrooms. Here's an idea I had though. Would using baby wipes, and add the dose of bleach disinfectant to reach the germ filling levels work? Would those disintegrate as well? That was a big meander. Do you see why I have to write things like showering down?

  • Clip plant leaves for starter plant
  • Make a coffee
  • Blog
  • Shower
  • Empty dishwasher
  • Fold and put all laundry away-start yesterdays
  • Strip bed and wash our bedding
  • General clean and tidy  kitchen, living room, family room, and clean the bathrooms

*I want the above done before noon

  • Clean out car, dust panels, vacuum
  • Take a wander with my camera somewhere this afternoon, with a big bottle of water as it is supposed to be hot again
  • Make Black bean and corn salsa for sisters party
  • Hopefully make guacamole avocado are still not soft and I have in a bag with a banana) or  buy at the store when I buy chips

This allows me to  goof around in blog land until about 10, while the laundry is going. Nothing will take long-bathroom always takes longer than I think it should. But I've been doing more little tasks at night, and that has helped. I'm not sure what we'll do tomorrow. Maybe I'll coax DH into a wander with me. What's on you plate today? I'm guessing you've already been in the shower and brushed your teeth. 


  1. I've showered, washed and dried hair,cleaned my teeth :D, put make-up on, breakfasted at my favourite independent cafe, shopped, helped my husband fit 2 fence panels, knitted, been in touch with both daughters, and found some fabric in the attic for my daughter. I have some more jobs to do in the garden, and some around the house too, but nothing major, just pottering. At the moment I'm watching F1 qualifying and using my laptop. I might even get round to blogging!

    1. Here I am past 10:00 and still on the computer-but I have been doing things. I am showered and I have had coffee, emptied the dish washer, tidied the kitchen, and stripped and am washing my bed linens. I should probably eat something, but the Omeprizole is making me a bit off this morning so going to wait bit longer.

  2. To be honest, showering is usually on my to do list! Whenever I'm with my sister or mom (also big to do list ladies), they laugh at it. ;-)

    I'm meeting a friend for a socially distanced hike, and then not showering, as we'll not have water today due to planned work. Hopefully by tonight.

    The kids camp got cancelled, so I need to rethink our menu & figure out what we'll be having this week, in creative kitchen meals part two. Also bothered by a snarky blog comment on the same topic about all of my privilege. I love blogging, but sometimes...

    I also need to find a way to do some interim cleaning. It's not going to be pretty, but the house is driving me crazy.

    Hope you have a great Saturday!

    1. I'd love to read the comment-feel free to comment with it back, but I won't publish. We need to stick together! Of course most of us in the US live a life of privilege, that doesn't mean we are not also caring individuals and want to see all do well and also doesn't mean we aren't also using our privilege to tr and make the world better. I'm sorry it is bothering you-but you know who you are! i'm so happy at least someone else doesn't see taking a shower as an automatic given. Sometimes when I just jump into work, it'll be well past 5. and then I think, well, I'll be doing stuff that will just make me icky again. M standards are poor right now for myself.

    2. I actually published it, because it was from someone who has been commenting/known to me for years. Hence my surprise.

    3. I did now see it. It was an odd reply.

    4. Oh, there's a lot more on her blog, which I discovered when I clicked over.

    5. I was curious (nosy) so did a look backwards at other blog posts form said commenter. Maybe the rant was on a bad day, and maybe your post was a part of her bad mood. I see her point to an extent, but really feel like she missed the mark being preachy at what is the right way to be frugal and who are acceptable to be of frugal mind. She did perhaps admit that in a reply or two. It has me thinking of a blog post of my own.

    6. Yeah, not sure what's going on there. It was the post from June that bothered me, as I feel reasonably confident one of the examples was me, and one was another blogger we all likely read. It seems really strange to call people out. If you don't enjoy their blogs....well, don't read. There are blogs I skip over, because the tone or content doesn't resonate with me. No harm, no foul.

  3. Is it a variegated pothos, by chance? They are generally very easy to grow and can easily root cuttings? Ranee (MN)

    1. I think that is what they are called, though I think there is another name as well. My daughter is enjoying her cuttings and requested another and so easy to oblige. Nice to have a fellow Minnesotan be able to relate to some of my thoughts.

  4. I've used kitchen tissue (rolls), tearing them apart and stuffing inside a glass jar with good lid. Then I've filled the jar with hand sanitizer. Those are fine for me, I use one to clean shopping trolley, and then another one to clean my car ( steering wheel, gear stick, door handles etc) when shopping. I can reuse the jar endlessly, and paper towels are compostable. But it might not meet criteria for official purppses?

    1. I have a spray bottle and spray a paper towel and put in a baggie for my shopping excursion, in the event the store does not have the wipes. My guess is no one will be checking officially what they have, but I also want to make sure it is easy for her to follow the guidance.

  5. I have never put shower on my to-do list because I assume it is just a given for me.
    I use the coffee filter wipe thing but I only put about 5 at a time in my container. I also change out the bleach water daily.
    I am tired of Covid!

    1. I'll update my process once my blob is empty. Your idea makes more sense. One would think I wouldn't have to put shower on a to do list, but that is how life has become for me. We all are tired and I don't see how this fall will e better than spring. I have my sights on January being some sort of vaccine breakthrough-maybe life can slowly then return to a healthy pace in 2021. I just really want her to have as much of a good college experience as possible. She has a good head on her shoulders and her two jobs have certainly prepared her for health and safety.

  6. I have a to-do list that includes coffee in bed and blog reading. I enjoy 2 radio programs on Saturday and usually do things around the house while I listen to them. My daily to-do list often includes finishing yesterday's list so there are grass clippings to pick up to call lawn maintenance complete. I'm entertaining the idea of prepping exterior window frames for painting. That's enough for today.

    1. We have some outdoor painting but until this heat subsides, it will not be happening. Most likely we will plan for fall. Our local public radio station has several Saturday shows I like to listen to.

  7. My daughter makes fun of me for putting "take shower" and "brush teeth" on my daily to do list, but I like it, so I do it. LOL

    I am not shocked at what you paid for disinfecting wipes, they have gotten expensive since the shortage.

    Sounds like your daughter will be all set with masks, that is great.

    1. I showed her how to wash out and dry over night so always have a clean one ready. I hated spending that much but it's fone now.

  8. I have yet to SEE a pack of disinfecting wipes here! lol
    I'd just buy baby wipes and put disinfecting spray or bleach in the pack....same thing really.

    If my leg issue right now taking a shower can be iffy(getting into the tub/shower combo-it's taller than my leg wants it to be)so if I am up to showering every third day I'm good. Deodorant use has gone up tho if I need to go out the days between a shower. lolz

    1. Good to know the baby wipes will stand up to disinfectant. Yes, be careful as bathrooms are notorious for home accidents.

  9. Well you are well ahead of my I still need to brush my teeth.g

    1. I need to again. I bet you've been working since before dawn

  10. I did not get up until 12:30, just past noon. I could not sleep last night. I think i will blog about my list Sometimes, I wait for a bath until after i am going out to the garden. Sometimes, i put it on the list; sometimes I don't.

    1. If I'm uncomfortable I'll shower twice and other days, nope.

  11. I have to admit I don't put shower and brush teeth on my list but I do make a list most evenings of what I want to achieve the next day. The biggest thing for me is NOT getting on the computer first thing in the morning - then more gets done. Oddly enough my "one hour a day" doing "something" is still working for me and quite satisfying.

    1. Using a bit of time at night has helped a bit with weekends. I just hope I never smell.

  12. Yikes. Those were some pricey wipes. I'm seeing them in our stores, with a limit of one, but way cheaper. I never use them for at-home use. I prefer a spray cleaner and paper towel. You are wise to start getting these items now, as likely, they will only get more difficult to find.

    1. She at least has what is on the list. I'm a rule follower and I want everyone safe!

  13. Is there aMenards near you? They've had a variety of hand sanitizers and some wipes. Both hidden in the small grocery section in the store near me. Celie

    1. There is a Menards but a crazy busy place.

  14. I don't put shower on my list now, but I certainly have done in the past when life was hectic. One thing I have enjoyed about working from home is I can wait till later in the day when it warms up to have my shower. The kit for returning to uni is a good idea, when do classes start?

    1. Classes start August 26th. We'll move her in the 22 or 23rd. I've been known to shower later as well.


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