Thursday, July 23, 2020

Thrifty Thursday-Wanderlust Edition

     This is going to be a very light week in terms of Thrift, mostly because I have blog posts coming on a few things. I've shared some snippetts as they fit my interpretation of being thrifty towards my time, resources, and money. 


  • I took myself on a drive on Saturday with both my camera and cell phone camera. DD2 was gone, DH was working, and I thought there were some places I could explore. It was so hot though-since how I battled below. I'll have some pictures to share in the coming few posts. It helped my wanderlust a bit, though I still am itching for a really good get away. 
  • I met up with friends for a walk Tuesday night and a few outdoor beers. It was so good to see them, and I felt like this bar , very few people, did a nice job spreading out the tables and we could even sit  distanced, but able to converse. My friend G just kept saying how it felt like a piece of normal. The night was perfect after all the heat. 
  • I already shared my sisters party, but it was a good time use to be sure. 
  • Used up the leftover guacamole on Sunday morning for a spicier avacodo toast. IT had  a hint of browning, but was delicious. We've been adding the black bean and corn salsa to wraps this week for lunch-it's just about gone.
  • This one hits all the buckets-time, resources, and money. My cousin had an old refurbished Schwinn bike, with a basket on the handle bars and fender shelf and offered it to me! DH and I took a 40 minute drive last night to pick it up, getting me out of the house. I am so pleased to be able to take myself for comfortable bike rides, run errands to the nearby store, and it cost me nothing. I will take her out for lunch when life resumes to such events. She is one of my oldest cousins (all are a lot older than me) and she has not gotten out much at all. Se was thrilled someone would want the bike. I will be writing a post. I'm taking recommendations for a name. 


  • For my wander, I packed a Uncrustable from the freezer, cereal bar, and a large water bottle rather than stopping somewhere for a snack. I must say though I had some longing and nostalgia when I passed a wonderful bar and grill/burger place with  tons of burger selections. The line was long as people waited for  tables inside the 1/2 capacity restaurant. No one was sitting outside as it was sweltering.
  • I received my statement for my medical account. I am happy to share I have enough to cover my out of pocket expenses form the throat procedure. 
  • DD2s college payment statement  was posted. She didn't remember, or else the college did automatically, lowered her to the smaller meal plan, which still provides nearly 2 a day (13.something a week.) She left some on her card first semester, even with trying to do the late night option just to try and use it up. If we find in her first two weeks she needs more, we can increase without penalty before September 9. It is a $125 per semester savings, and she gets $25 more in flexible dollars. While the 52 meal difference is significant for $125, she wasn't using them anyway. I can't imagine it won't be enough, particularly if she ends up working in DS as she would get a free meal on a four hour shift. 
     My battery on my lap top decided to charge again, so might be the cord, though, the IT guy got the plugged in not charging message with his cord as well. I don't care-as long as I have 100% battery some times, I can enjoy the free fresh air on my porch or deck. If I have to work, that is a pretty nice place to office. Please share your thrifty wins. 


  1. Isn't it nice to go out to a bar again, even if we still have to distance. I think people need that sense of normality as it's been a long time. And good on you for taking your cousin's bike - I hope to see loads of pictures of your cycling escapades in upcoming posts!

    1. Not inside a bar, and had the makeshift patio been full, we may not have stopped. Sadly, the bike will need some tire repair-the air just kept leaking, but I am on it!

  2. I've been away for a week
    I had to look up avocado toast - not familiar with this.

    1. Oh you missed all the jokes about avocado toast being the reason young people have no money. Really, I've been eating it before I was told it was a hip thing to do. It's just smashed avocado on toast, with slat and pepper. If you like guac, it is a nice addition to a breakfast.

  3. I'm glad you were able to get out with some friends this week. It's great that the bar did a good job of spreading out the tables. A little bit of normal is good for the soul.

    1. It was nice having a tiny bit of my old days back. I would say had they been closer, and I think some places are pushing it, I would have passed

  4. Lots of wins this week! I posted my frugal wins for the week. Nothing too special. Some eBay sales, used a few coupons + a store gift card, making meals at home (not Saturday, with no water) & generally staying home is frugal.

    1. It is frugal to stay home. Ar eyou about a tthe half way point on your kitchen remodel?

  5. Call your new bike Penny. She didn't cost you a single Penny :-)

    We went to dinner last night. The only customers on the patio at 95 degrees. We wore our masks and pulled them up each time our server approached our table. Mutual respect.

    Cheers and TGIF!

    1. I love tha tidea. Penny needs some intervention on her tires, so can't ride her yet. The hot steamy weather is back soI don't think I'll get DH out tonight, but woudl like naohter beer out! I guess it will be on my own deck.


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