Friday, September 4, 2020

Friday What's and Where's-It's September

     Now that I decided spending log were not my cup of tea to write about, even if very important for me to do personally, I am back to a  Friday This and That kind of post, or rather a what and where. What am I doing, where am I going, who might I be paying attention to. That sort of thing. As I said a few weeks back, there is still more to life than COVID, and more to my life than just work, though hard to see. As much as I normally love summer, even if this one was a too hot, too muggy, filled with cancellation of events sort of pill, I do love fall and the rituals that start each September. I added a couple W's, a who I'm paying attention to and what I'm planning. I plan things as a mind release, a control of chaos mechanism. 

What's top of mind: My kids that are farther away for me are on my mind a lot. DS hasn't checked in as often as I would like, but when he does, assures us he is doing fine. I've had a couple conversation with DD2, who is cautiously optimistic that the fall semester will stay on campus, even if some of her classes are combining  on-line. I may speak to soon on this though as today the case count is up and they are at a low to moderate risk. First new mitigation is to delay sport practices anther week and choirs will meet in smaller groups, still spread out. Did I mention she  advanced to the second prestigious choir? The highest choir is hard for 2nd year students, particularly girls to get into, and hard for  non-music majors. So getting in the choir that is mainly juniors and seniors was  very exciting for her. Hopefully by spring the high choir will get to do some of their national tour, cut short last year, and the choir she is in will get to do their three-four state tour, also cut short last spring. 

Where I've been: I went over to my older daughters to pick her up for tennis. After playing I took a look at her pictures from her road trip. Travel makes her so happy and she really  lived in the moment on this one, stayed off social media the entire 10 days she was gone. Her pictures of lakes and mountains were just stunning. More for her to  bundle with her writing. 

Where I'm going: Tomorrow I'm going to the local farmers market. I'd like to go to the big one in St Paul as much as an outing as to buy vegetables. However, I'm not so sure of the space and crowd and quite frankly, I can't imagine that there would be anything different than in town, just perhaps more  farmer stalls.I'd have to pay for parking as well. I am going to treat myself to a bouquet of flowers. I have had flower envy since buying the bunch for my MIL two weeks ago. 

It's also  a three day weekend, not that it matters too much, but it does keep me from logging in on Monday officially. Of course DH is working, but we will go  to the lake on Sunday, and perhaps I will also stay to Monday. my sister is having a Sunday night small outdoor get together. IF we do come home on Sunday, I might stop over if the weather is nice and we can be outside. 

What I'm watching: BritBox had the 2006 BBC show, Life on Mars. I remembered it vaguely, and a US version that was a copy. It is an interesting concept. A young detective gets hit by a car in 2006, and wakes up in 1973. Throughout the shows you can't tell if he is in a coma or mentally unstable and really is in 1973. Cases from the past merge with cases in the future. Last week I also watched a three part show called The Code of a Killer, which was based on the true story of the researcher Alex Jeffries and a  UK detective who first used DNA to track down an find a double murderer. Yes-I'm still watching too much  on the  screen. 

What I'm reading: When finally getting some boxes DD2 brought back from school, we found the copy of the book The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. It was her all campus read going into fall 2019. I have just started a few pages. 

What I'm listening to: While cleaning and doing laundry last Saturday I listened in the back ground to some podcasts from a while ago done by a blogger no longer blogging, The Lean Times.  I wish she blogged and did a few more as I liked her approach to being a fairly low wage, gig economy worker, trying to live as an expat in London. She had the quality over quantity mindset I am attempting to mirror. 

I also listened to a couple Deeply Curious podcasts. This couple no longer blogs, or haven't in a long time but they still do period podcasts via YouTube.I am interested in their views because of their age, being the same as my older children as a way to help me  relate to the perspective of the  world that the labelled millennial's, live in. I was very interested in their life update and a description of comparing  lifestyles of different places and the term, and I might be spelling it wrong, or it is a made up word, heatidness. 

What I'm eating: A lot of leftovers! I have been trying to set aside a portion of the evening meal for lunch the next or a day or two later. This hopefully keeps me not snacking mindlessly, and eating smaller portions for supper. DH picked up Arby's for lunch-again. We need to nip the in the bud, but darn if they don't make a nice gyro. I was going to make some pumpkin muffins this morning but we are completely out of cinnamon. how did that happen? I thought I had a couple shakers of it. I'll buy then I'll find them. Ill do the strawberry banana bread again instead. 

Who I'm paying attention to: Obviously we can't get away from the US presidential  election but I'm also following other races. Don't overlook what decisions are made locally and by who. I'll give you a prime example. About 20 years ago, a new housing development was in the early stages across the highway from me, The houses were a mix of townhouses, condominiums, and single family homes, with a new park and playground and walking and biking trails being added. The homes were moderately priced, and in general a mix of starter and 2nd homes, perfect for younger families. But the added zoning laws against any home based bushiness that would have external patrons. This basically eliminated home based child care. Who was on the city council at the time? All men, most over age 50, with limited knowledge about what young families might need and be looking for. Word spread that is was not going to be a family friendly neighborhood, and the developers were having a tough time selling homes.  I think eventually change were made to the zoning. 

What I'm planning:  It's too early yet, but DD1 and I are planning an apple picking day one of these Saturdays. Last year we waited until October when my younger daughter was home, but fingers crossed, she will be on campus until Thanksgiving break.We'll watch for when our favorite variety, honey crisp, is ready, but will buy some  harder apples better for baking. Beside just apples for eating and baking, I'd like to try and make a spicy apple chutney to go with the curries and naan we enjoy. Recipe links please!

DH and I are taking a week off together, starting  on Sunday, October 4th. I'm taking the following Monday, October 12th off as well. It's almost weird to think about how to spend an entire week without  e-mails, and texts, and putting out fires-not to say we couldn't be pulled in. Now that it is just a month away, I'm starting to research what is open, what I feel is safe for us to visit, and ways we could spend the time off. We're pretty sure no one will be at the cabin, but DH put the message out that we plan to be there as vacation, so crossing fingers we might get some space. Our anniversary is Saturday of that week as well. Pup is coming to. If we go for a wander, he can stay in the porch of the cabin or even in the second cabin that is animal friendly. If we decide to go longer than just a morning or afternoon, we'd bring him back for our daughter to watch, but I doubt we will. I plan to bring a stack of DVD's, books, magazines. and  my Nook.

     I'm sure there are other "What's" in life I could add, so may expand over time. How would you respond to any of the categories? What's the this and that in your life?


  1. Love your anniversary plans. Our anniversary is also in October, and we had big plans (first Italy, then scaled down to Hawaii,the beach house, and now we don't want my parents to travel, so... we'll plan to take the day off together & maybe go somewhere for lunch while the kids are at home doing online schooling). My, how the world has changed!

    Top of mind for me is getting into a new routine, with the school year, physical activity for the kids, math tutoring, etc. I'm trying to make sure we're balancing safety precautions with keeping our kids healthy. It's a balance for sure.

    We are also trying to decide if we want to pause or keep going on house projects.

    1. I spent today doing all sorts of puttering on things that needed done, but feel like little was accomplished. I hope we just enjoy and anniversary week being unplugged from work and worry.

  2. Since my daughter always has a birthday week instead of one day, I am doing the same. My birthday is next Friday, so I am thinking of things to make me really happy every day. Yes, I announced it to Tommy and he is going to

    1. Another year is always reason to celebrate.

  3. We have an October anniversary as well. We have been toying with the idea of getting a small class c rv and decided the smartest thing we could do is rent one for a couple of trips and see if we really like it or not. I think I may not be looking at it realistically hence the rental trials. So we might be seeing a few things possibly in the mountains for our celebration.

    1. I think you'd be right to trial the rv first. We had a camper for about 15 years when the kids were little and we got a LOT of use out of it, not just for holidays but every second weekend we'd go to a local national park and fish. That being said, it's fine if the weather is ok - it's a bit different if the weather is bad. It makes everything hard work. Then there was the issue of transport. Once we got all set up we didn't want to put it all away again in order to move around. We solved that by having me follow behind with the car. You do get to see some lovely places though and it can be fun!

    2. If you do that, let us know what you think I got a quote for the smallish ones, with a kitchen and bathroom, but not a ton of moving around space when thought maybe we should try a drive to Yellowstone and then perhaps Zion. It was $5,000 before any food or gas for two weeks and those miles. Still less than bung and then regretting!

  4. Your holiday weekend sounds lined up and busy!

    I'm surprised you have to take a vacation day for Columbus Day. It was one of the few perks when better half moved to government.

    1. Columbus Day hasn't been a recognized day off holiday in our state for a really long time-except maybe bank or federal. It has been busy, but just me ding what needs to get done and not doing as much as I should.

  5. Enjoy the Farmers Market. It's one of my favorite places to go. :)

    1. Ours is very small, perhaps only about 14 stalls, and I was unsuccessful finding rhubarb though I know it is late. I am ready to make pepper jam-just need to find my jars but I have lids already.

  6. That was a lovely "this and that" post. And congratulations to your daughter for making the next choir up. That's quite an achievement. And wow, you're going to get a whole week off. That's gotta feel good!

    1. It would be more so if they could sing like normal. Part of her lessons will be Zoom, and even rehearsals will be part Zoom!


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