Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Positively Tuesday-Confused November

     Brrr, it got cold again but tomorrow we are back from winter to fall supposedly. November keeps us on our toes as we quite frankly aren't sure what state or part of the world we live in based on the weather. The ducks are confused as well. Some seem to be taking flight in their standard V ready to move south. Our pond ducks seem perfectly happy swimming in the open part of the pond, even though the edges have a visible skin of ice. I happened to have my phone in my pocket yesterday so snapped a few views from around the pond. It really was that gray outside-virtually no color to be found. I'm happy to be able to keep getting outside each day and will continue no matter what the weather. 



  1. Nice pics! Looks and sounds a lot like my corner of the world. Fierce winds over the weekend brought down the last of the leaves and even though the local news hyped up our chance of a rain-snow mix, I knew the second I stepped outside this morning that it was too warm for snow. Still cold, and misty but has given way to some sunshine. This weekend we will be back up into the mid 60’s. Other than dropping off my kiddo at school and getting a curbside ordered Christmas present I am in for the day. I tend to hibernate in the winter. I hate the cold but I recently heard the saying that there is no bad weather, just bad clothes and it dawned on me that if I actually wore the right stuff I might not mind it so much. I’m very much a flip flops and hoodie type of girl! JoAnn

    1. I like the flip flops as well, but m boots keep me pretty toasty so I can still get out. We have some lovely parks that are kept groomed even in the snow for walkers. I think they will be a life line this winter. It is supposed to be nice for us again starting today through the weekend. I am collecting sticks and strewn branches for fire pit kindling.

  2. I can tell it's cold just looking at your photos! I woke up to a nice 65 degree morning. It's about time we get a bit of cooler weather here. Hope it warms up a bit there tomorrow.

    1. We're getting another warm front, so my daughter and I are going to walk and get an outside coffee perhaps later this afternoon The photos probably make it look colder than it was.

  3. What a lovely view to have on your walking route! Gray days have a certain beauty to them also.

    1. I will miss the ducks when they really have to fly south. They add a lightness to the gray days.

  4. Ice on the water! Wow, even bits of snow! This would be my city...in January-February (typically the coldest months for us), maybe. It has its own beauty, though, doesn't it? I don't mind grey days if I can see nature.

    1. We've already had three little bouts of snow fall=each time followed by a warm front, then cold. A week ago there was a whole swath of snow in the park. I can't say I love snow, but I dress for it, and love being outside for at least a bit each day.

  5. We had a very gray couple of days, but not cold at all. You are braver than I am, braving the cold. Of course, I don't have clothing for warm weather. I am sure the dog loves it.

    1. It's all in how a person dresses. I have warm boots, hat, mittens, and a coat that keeps me warm to -20! *well for a few minutes anyway)

  6. I agree with Martha, I can feel the cold coming off your photos! x

    1. It probably looks colder than it was. When there is no wind, not so bad. On Sunday it was blowing so hard we had waves on the pond.


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