Saturday, December 26, 2020

Post Christmas 2020-Blogmas Day 26


Moose from Rosedale last year-
one place I will not be going today.

     Should I change the title and the count down to  NYmas and prepare to kick 2020 to nothing more than history? Part of me, the superstitious on occasion part, thinks rejoicing too much that 2020 will be coming to an end feels like tempting fate. I don't plan to claim 2021 as "My Year". I guess I'll just go so far as saying I'm hopeful for what we may be able to recover in the new year, and grateful for what my family and I still have, and what we didn't lose. Now we are post Christmas. We will still see DH's mom tomorrow for a short meet-up, or short for her standards, but in reality, she probably is happy for that after back to back days with DH's siblings family. 

     I don't have any intention of heading out for after Christmas sales-I'll be one  less person breathing in Target or Walmart and waiting in line to get 50% off merchandise. Maybe by mid week there will still be a few things I can pick up and tuck away for next year. I'd love to find more of the disposable bread pans-those were really nice for gift giving. Otherwise, honestly, I think I could go yet one more year without buying wrapping paper.  One post Christmas purchase that has became tradition is buying  discounted candy cane Milano cookies from Pepperidge Farm and Ghirardelli peppermint candies. I've bought the and tucked them in my youngest's birthday gift. If DS was here, I would have looked for discount coffee, nuts, and sausage/cheese gift packs, which he takes home and enjoys on New Years Eve and Day with friends. He packed to accommodate this tradition, plus room for other gifts he receives since he pretty much shops once he is in Minnesota. 

     Thursdays Chinese food was a hit and pretty affordable with both DD2 and I having leftovers that we ate later last night. Our Christmas dinner turned out pretty good, though trout will not be on a future menu. I didn't care for it, DH and DD2 thought it was just OK. The steaks turned out well. I seared them on both sides, then slow cooked in the oven, but I think next time I would use a cooler oven and a bit longer to make them a bit more tender, though I could slice mine with a serrated butter knife. DD1's potatoes were flavorful and I made a mushroom gravy in the pan I seared the steaks with-DD2 really liked that and we all enjoyed the veggie skewers.

     On the schedule today is to clean out and sort the refrigerator-making sure we do not waste any leftovers or  ingredients purchased but not used in full. I know there is a broccoli crown in the crisper that needs something done and I'm thinking soup. I went over board on peppers and have more onions, plus a large cooked chicken breast in the freezer, so all the makings for fajitas, a DH favorite. I think I'll also slice the leftover steak and do Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches for him, another favorite. He'll be eating like a king for days! I'm bringing a vegetable dish over to my MIL's tomorrow and we need milk and more fruit, so need to get to the store. I also shamefully have a few more cards to pop in the mail. Doesn't Christmas officially last until January 6th? There's always laundry-pretty much since when we are at home, we each have a small rotation of clothes we want to wear. Pardon my TMI, but both DH and I are woefully in need of new underwear, so that accounts for the extra frequent loads as well. 

     Next Saturday I'll get back to my regular blogging rotation. I have not made goals for 2021, but am noodling some aspirations. One is to up the content quality -adding a bit more details or depth to posts, but not quite sure how I'll do that. I received a couple nice calendars (gift recap to come) and they can help me organize a bit. I did not splurge on a pretty planner this year. I have a basic one for work, and a $1.00 version for personal. Tell me how you are starting your post Christmas week. Are you braving stores or leaving the bargains to others? If you are in the UK or Canada or other countries that  have Boxing Day, tell me about your plans. 


  1. The steak meal looks and sounds wonderful. Mushroom gravy-yum! My son got a 16 lb whole smoked ham from work and it is outstanding. I’m going to freeze the bone for soup. I am so grateful to be off today and won’t be doing much shopping but I do need to get gas in the Jeep so I’ll pop in the Dollar Tree and see if they have holiday stuff half off. Otherwise, I will be cleaning house today, watching the World Juniors Ice Hockey tournament being played in Edmonton-gosh do I miss hockey, nibbling leftovers. Daughters bf will be over to check out her presents and play in the snow. They are the sweetest couple! I don’t have high hopes for 2021. I figure if I set my standards low then it will less likely I get disappointed. I have a sneaking suspicion that next Christmas will be a lot like this one but I would love to be proven wrong. JoAnn

    1. I was just suggesting my dsighter take sleds back with her. I think playong in the snow is a great way to spemd day after Christmas. Maybe with the vaccine the curve will flatten enough and enough of life can safely resume?

  2. Your meals sound very good. I made a quick trip to the grocery store this morning for fresh fruit and veggies. Butter was on sale for 1.99 with no limit so I have a good stock in the freezer. Luckily, the grocery store was pretty empty.

    1. That's a bargain on butte
      DH ended up going for me so other than walk the dog, I was home.

  3. I'm not a trout fan either, but you don't know until you try. We had a lovely holiday with family. Today I'll be getting all of the holiday stuff cleaned up, and also looking at all of the leftovers (we were sent to the beach with them) to determine how to use them & what to make when everyone joins us here.

    I'd also like to finish my 2020 goals roundup, financial review, set a budget for 2021, and pick up the house. Oh, and work out. Plenty to do!

    1. I need a good long think on goals for 21. Dealing with leftovers needs some thought. I'm trying to maximize ours as well.

  4. Your meal possibilities sound great!
    Today is the finding a home for Christmas gifts and doing the routine straightening, putting away the china and crystal, and vacuuming the teeny bits of wrapping paper that I find in spite of every effort to contain the mess.

    1. We just used everyday plates so no China this time to put away though I remember the chore. We still have chicken and steaks for today and torrow.

  5. Today, we had something to do so was out the door by 7 am and weather in 20s. Afterwards, I went to Publix, got goat cheese covered in blueberries and a discount Santa in his apron, making toys. Another big box is where I got two light fixtures. Then, another big box and got Christmas dishtowels for $0.47 each and potholders for same and candy. I resisted more paper because I have enough for the next ten years.

    I finally bought ten more pair of panties to solve the frequent use of washer.

    1. I have a specific style, blend etc. And with not being in stores, can't look for replacements. I won't always live in sweatpants and pj bottoms so need no line underwear. 1st world issue.

  6. Merry Christmas, Sam! Your food looks amazing! Here's to a better year next year! It's been awesome getting to know you this year. :)

    1. We ate well for sure. I look forward to putting some of your ideas into my 2021 wardrobe.

  7. How about an 'advent calendar" to Inauguration Day? This would be as good as counting the days to Christmas.

  8. Your meal looks amazing! Being just 2 of us we don’t doing anything special and just take advantage of the extra days off. But we ate well, rested a lot, got some more work done on our apt remodel, I read and walked the pups, found all my snowshoe equipment and the pants still fit ( it’s been 6 years since we lived in the mountains). 2021 brings me hoping to pay off more debt, reading more and snowshoeing a lot. I would also like to spend time being a tourist in the beautiful ski town.


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