Monday, December 28, 2020

Recapping Christmas Gifts-Blogmas Day 28


All doors are opened, and now
will be closed for another year.

     Our Christmas officially ended yesterday after spending some time with DH's mom. The four of us in my family wore masks except for eating, and spread out. I'm sure that was not how Christmas Day was with his brothers family, but I know his sister has similar habits to us. However, our niece and husband travelled to South Carolina for wedding in early December, which blew  my mind a bit as she had been so  cautious with a new baby born pre-term, wearing masks when she visited her own mom's house. Americans rationalize our behavior, and I know I would be a hypocrite to exclude myself, hosting MIL for Thanksgiving and going to her house yesterday as two examples. Now, I cross fingers and hope no one was an asymptomatic spreader to MIL, or her to us. 

     I do believe I hit a nice balance of gift giving this year. DD2 was thrilled with her new Tablet, and DH's suggestion of an air fryer for  our older daughter went well. They received t-shirts we ordered from our friends  Frozen Tundra company (yes another plug for their on-line shop!), and despite the sizes being much larger than I thought, they'll make nice sleep wear as they are super soft. We also gave DD1 some  candle lighters and candles, and a sewing kit. DD2 got a tablet case, and a couple pairs of the long Sherpa slippers. We rounded out both (and to our son who had his gifts shipped prior) with cold, hard, impersonal cash. Stockings had a healthyish treat and and orange, plus each of their favorite movie theater candy. They got eye masks, and a mini Jenga game, cozy socks, and some snow men string  lights. DD1 got some cloth napkins that I think will look good with her color scheme, and some underwear for DD2. 

     DH got some nuts and an orange as well, but also a new Cribbage board, Reese's candy, and a long sleeve Henley t-shirt from the brewery. He surprised us all by having prints made and poster framed for the girls from the Paris Chocolate museum, and for me, a large print of his best Eifel Tower shot. I was quite impressed-no last minute shopping and meaningful gifts. 

     DD2 had purchased  calendars made for a fundraiser for her college's Science Center animal care, both our gift and for DD1. DD1 is a great gift giver. She got her sister a super soft Sherpa like sweater/jacket that  just says "college kid in a freezing Minnesota town." She got her dad a set of Nerf guns and a funny "Jellly of the Month" club certificate. For me, I got a calendar  made with her photographs-stunning, and a large Coffee burlap sack, which I have wanted for my office-either home or work. I love it. And we can't leave out the plaque she picked up for the family from the three of them...

     I know Christmas is not about the gifts, and my family received generously. Thoughtful gifts are reminders of peoples love. Sometimes they miss the mark, but sometimes the gifts have extra importance because of the thought and idea behind them. From a broke college kid using her limited funds for gifts that also supported a cause she felt strongly about, the other sharing her talent and remembering something I've wanted and giving her dad some fun, to DH helping to relive our wonderful family trip. While different this year, we had the gift of time with our immediate family, including hours hanging out with our son, chatting about nothing and everything on Christmas Eve and Day.  We had quiet time yesterday with my MIL, separate from the loud chaos usually experienced all day on Christmas. If your family exchanged gifts, feel free to share any hits or special ones with all of us. 


  1. I sure hope nobody was exposed Sam. We have been so careful, haven't taken a single risk but have my son's wedding coming up in 6 weeks. I still don't know what to do about that. I'm so disappointed that they aren't postponing it.

    Sounds like you had a great Christmas! I got each of my kids a gift, and a food basket. They all really enjoyed everything. Beyond that we only did the white elephant which was fun, and everyone was very happy with the gift they got in the end from that. I got a nice wok which is perfect for me! I think we might make the white elephant a yearly tradition. It was so much better than having everyone spend a bunch of money on gifts for everyone. The gift should be spending time together!

    1. My biggest worry is my MIL and husband, though he goes to work everyday, and has to mask up whenever he is away from his desk, which is often, but fortunately, he can go outside for a breathing break frequently-even though it is cold he takes advantage of it. We had hand sanitizer for use between any potential shared touching. I don't know what the decision will be on your family wedding, but wish you all well. With 6 weeks, maybe the vaccine will be out to enough people in your area, and if people can spread out, wear masks? I fret about small events so can't imagine a large one or even medium size.

  2. Love the photo! What a great gift. My sister had an ornament made of a scenic ocean photo from our beach town, which we loved. M & I didn't really exchange gifts this year, but I made him a hat & a calendar with photos commemorating the wild year of 2020.

    1. Those are very lovely gifts. I would love to be able to knit and gift people a touch of love. I'm still working on my embroidered dis towels. Maybe next year!

  3. Didn't your husband do you all proud with those prints and posters? What a superb gift!
    Although we were allowed to mix with up to two other households inside on Xmas Day I must admit that although we only had Tony round, sat at a distance and keep all the doors open we were still a bit twitchy about everything.
    I'm an optimist though and I'm sure both your household and ours will be absolutely fine. xxx

    1. Twitchy is a good way to describe how we feel about the little mixing that we both choose, and must do for shopping and DH at work. He di really well. I should have taken a photo of the candy print, but my daughter had hers in her room, and that would be risking an accident to go in.

  4. I'm so happy that you had an amazing Christmas. Also, great to hear that you all have been keeping safe. I wish you all the best for the rest of the holiday season :)

    1. I hope we were safe enough. Christmas was good and I really hope the New Year, not just the holiday are good ones for all of us.

  5. It's striking that balance isn't it. I am cautious and as sensible as I can be without being absolutely paranoid. I know people who have already had the vaccination in the UK so I focus on every good bit of news I can find. Arilx

    1. We have two extended family members that are on the short list as one works directly with families and covid patients and the other works in neo natal in a large hospital that has Covid patients, but I do not know if they received yet. We are behind the UK by two weeks I think. A few other health care family are at lower priority because their work is separate and there's not enough dosage yet for all. I'll keep being cautious, but optimistic.

  6. Love the sign, happy you had a great Christmas, and how nice of your husband to get those pictures developed.

    1. Sometimes he can surprise me. He did well. I hope your time with family was equally lovely.

  7. I agree, that picture was a lovely, thoughtful gift from your husband. They do get it right sometimes don't they!

  8. I like that nut house sign. Cute! Great gifts & gave me some ideas for next year. Karen


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