Saturday, January 2, 2021

New Year, New Weekend

     I like when a holiday falls on a Friday as I then have a true weekend. We did much of nothing yesterday, though I got the decorations down inside the house. I used the  tree bag I bought last year in on-line clearance in March or maybe even April, and we can get rid of the busted box. the bag is massive. I thought our tree is pretty standard house size and I think a tree twice it's size could fit in this bag. It has pulls and wheels on one end and I think I paid under $6 for it. For now though, it still will be needed to be hoisted  back to a storage spot as remember THE GARAGE is in chaos. 

     The Christmas scented candles will stay out that have started but haven't been burned down. I didn't light the Yankee candle my sister gave me for my birthday, but the marshmallow one is completely done and I started the one my daughter gave me, so might as well finish that in January. What do you all do with class jar candles once they are done. Do you fish the remnant  of wax out and use it for something, throw it, and recycle the jar? I know there is someone who has clever ideas with wax remnants, and this is probably 1/3 f an inch thick, and three inch circumference. Is it worth the effort to melt  and stick a new wick? 

     Other than that, DD2 and I went to the town south of us to get a wander to their pretty downtown area, and up the street that is loaded with church after church. I'll explore on another day with my camera, but we mostly just walked. We grabbed a New Years Coffee, the first entertainment spending of the month, and popped into their Target, which was pretty empty at 5:00 on New Years Day. I bought a bunch of 70% of  candy-Hershey Santa's that I will freeze for  S'more making. While at 70% off they were still $1.49 for 6, they're still cheaper than the best price of  Hershey bars in 6 packs.. DD2 got a Ghirardelli Peppermint bar to take back to college, and I got a box of shortbreads, 2 plus a cup of tea will be a 56 calorie snack. I grabbed 5 Baseball ornaments filled wit bubble gum, dated February 22, so will throw in the small gift I give my niece and nephews. those were $ .44 each. My daughter needed a few H&B items. There were many really sweet gift bags, but I still have a hefty supply due to reusing those in good shape, and the stock-up I did several years ago when the Target closed in my town and I found bags 90% off. 

     After an easy dinner of  TJ's Mandarin Orange Chicken, rice, and steamed vegetables, Saturday night was relaxing watching movies, while  our daughter was on a zoom call with college friends. DH has to work today. My exciting plans are to look at foods to use up, ala pantry challenge, and create a Use It Up list. Today or tomorrow I need to tackle my closet and do some more purging. I'm waiting to hear back from friends as to whether today or tomorrow will work for a bundles walk-that will determine when I tackle the closet. . 

     Yesterday I had  my daughter take some 1/1/2021 full body and  with arms out pictures to show myself in all my flabby glory. I don't think I'll post them-I don't have self confidence like that, but will use for my own motivation with a monthly  photos on the first, in the same black tank and black yoga pants. As I'm only doing hopes for 21, I'm not giving myself a weight target or timeline, but rather using as motivation to make better choices wit food and exercise. One choice is to get rid of clothes that would require me to loose more than one size to wear again. They are cluttering my closet, and if I am fortunate to  get to a weight where two sizes smaller fit, I think I will treat myself to new, or at least new to me clothes. Plus, these would be quite old anyway. Even losing a size, and shifting weight back to  pleasing curves will be a major success, so I'm not going to push getting ahead of myself. So that's the plan-but I'm not sure where to donate but I've seen the Epilepsy Foundation  has ads that they are doing donation pick-up.. 

     That's my weekend sorted before the non-normalcy of a new  work from home week starts. My daughter starts on-line classes on Thursday and will be going back on Saturday and Sunday. I hope to get some good time with her before she does. For those that played the game, here's the answer. Don't look if you are still working it out. 









1. I


  1. We are in the midst of taking down decorations. There was not much, so mostly done with little effort. Happy New Year!

    1. Inside Christmas is all over, but I still have outside lights.

  2. YES!!! I got the puzzle. I LOVE word puzzles. I have a magazine of them by my bed, and will work on them until I fall asleep.
    In any case, regarding the candles--you can set your glass with wax remaining in a pan of water, melt the wax, and pour it into another wicked, glass container. The trick is getting the proper size wick. Also, sometimes the jars shatter while you are melting the remnants of wax. If you want to try this, for a votive, (in which case you would need several candle remnants)I would suggest you start with a wide mouth 4 oz. canning jar wicked with a pre-pinned votive wick, available in craft stores. (You stick the wick in the center of the jar with a bit of tacky wax residue.) For less wax, you can use tea light holders with pre-pinned tea light wicks. Really, all there is to candle making once you figure out the size wick you need, is melting and pouring. Frankly, back when I used scented candles, I didn't find it worth the time and effort.

    1. I'm doubtful I'll do anytbing with the candle remnant, but does seem wasteful. I'm glad you liked and solved the game. We had a time element which ig course was not part of post.

    2. Well, I worked backwards from "I," which some may consider cheating.

    3. Well, I worked backwards from "I," which some may consider cheating.

    4. My guess is most that figured it out did the same!

  3. Well done on taking the "full body" photo. I was down doing some sorting in my basement a couple of hours ago and found some dreadful photos of me with my ex dressed up for the Marine Corps Ball - must have been about 15 years ago - and I'm pretty sure I weighed less then than I do now. I ripped them up and threw them away. Probably should have kept them to motivate me. Still, I'm sure there are other horrors out there. Good luck!

    1. This is the very standard before type picture. Quite motivating to see how blah the added weight makes me feel.

  4. I have a to do list for this weekend but no motivation to get things done. LOL. I think I am going to make my kids take a walk here in a few minutes and maybe that will give me some energy. We took down all our inside Christmas decorations yesterday still need to do outside. Hope you have a good weekend!

    1. I'm meeting a friend maybe two depending om schedules later. I had less energy as day went on, but walk with the dog was good.

  5. Sounds like a good weekend so far Sam. Taking the photos is a fantastic idea. I've done that before in a two piece bathing suit of all things and it was the most motivational thing I've ever done, it was lifechanging for me. Best of luck with your goals. We can do it! :)

    1. My two pieces are shaped to cover, but same idea. Now to figure out what will work for me.

  6. I love your Christmas tree bag - what a good idea! I still put mine in its box, but I have very limited storage in our condo.

    Way to go on your weight/health goal, Sam! I strongly advise you go through your closet and sort your clothes like this:

    - Keep (it fits, I wear it, I love it)
    - Toss (anything that doesn't fit, either more than 2 sizes too big or two small; anything that's worn, pilled or damaged; anything you don't LOVE)
    - Archive (sentimental items that you want to keep, could be vintage or might have belonged to someone special)

    Give yourself a weekly check-in - you might find it useful along with taking a picture of yourself weekly, to measure your hips, waist and bust (this can be less traumatic than weighing yourself).

    Buy yourself some new clothes that fit the size you are NOW. Make sure they look amazing on you and that you LOVE what you buy! Life is too short to be wearing things that don't make you feel fabulous.

    Be kind to yourself. You're awesome exactly how you are. Consider how you talk to yourself - what would you say to a friend doing this? Use that kind of supportive, encouraging language when you talk to yourself.

    Hugs to you on the start of 2021!

    1. I'll take your suggestions. Yrs, I need to be kinder to myself, and losing weight and gaining energy are ways to do that. Not sure I even have a tape measure!

  7. after two in a row 3 day weekends it will be tough to return to a five day work week.

    1. True, but maybe by end of January we'll be closer to the light at the end of the tunnel.

  8. For several years I didn’t have a scale but now do :( I am again going to try to eat healthier and just walk more, hard to do in Minnesota weather! But jokingly I have a red coat that’s my go to ha! Fit amazingly a couple of years ago, last year I did keto a month and then kind of fit ha! But still hanging in my front closet.

    1. I after a way too long period of time invested in a super war coat mainly for riding on long bus rides in the cold when I was chaperoning! Now though, it sure has me be able to walk just that much longer outside. Now, I need to actually do that and with ore frequency.

  9. I have an electric wax melt decorative thing that I put chunks of leftover wax in.

    1. I do have a candle version of the wax melts-I suppose that would work too. Thanks for the idea.


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